If anyone wish's too submit an RPG game PM either myself or LPSpider So we can look through it first before posting the game up. Also feel free to use this thread for general chat regarding RPG the current games your playing or any ideas you have for new games. I will also use this thread to announce a new game when one arises. If you wish to submit your ideas for a game or rules for a new game post them in here. If you have any questions again pm myself. Thanks ~Raven.
AD&D 2nd Edition What's up, peeps? May come across as odd seeing this is only my second post on this site but I would definitly be interested in running an AD&D 2nd edition game on your site. If there are 3-5 people interested let me know. I can email my ideas to HullsRaven if there is enough interest. All I ask is that you be familiar with the rules and are a good, creative, visual poster.
Yeah no worries about that. If its after the 30th until my return can you all send your ideas to whispwillow. I've asked him to take over RPG in my abscence.
Although I know HR is gone, I'll put this up: I, too, have had an idea for an RPG. Here's a basic summary: Year 2090. While a secret war between the Infernal Army (The demons on Hell's side) and the Celestial Army (The angels on Heaven's side) has been fought in the shadows for decades on Earth, most mortals are totally unaware. Meanwhile, Earth is essentially dominated by the monopoly company HIVER (the Hegemony's International Virtual Emulating Reality system) that uses virtual reality and other advanced computer tactics to dominate markets of merchandise, transportation, entertainment, business, etc. Governments have essentially just become mock-ups for companies that work under HIVER. However, when the unthinkable happens and the three computers that control HIVER break down (Due to something that has to do with the infernal war going on), mankind throws itself into a nigh-apocalyptic chaos. When the virtual reality systems of the HIVER computers start to warp reality itself, things get worse in more ways than one: Not only do you get the expected catastrophes from the breaking down of the universe, but both the demons and the angels, recognizing the power they could have if they could control this reality-warping force, decide to bring their war out into the open on Earth in a desperate attempt to beat back the enemy once and for all and gain ultimate power. This adds a magical apocalypse on top of the dystopian one, and puts Earth in a Transformers/AvP situation (No matter who wins, we lose.) You could play as a mortal, angel, demon, etc. I realize that was extremely long for a "basic summary", but it got the essentials across, so there we go. If proper interest is expressed, I'll send the full package off to WhispWillow to be posted.
Hey. I'll examine this when I get a chance and we can get something going on it, it looks good and the section has been quiet lately so new roleplay's won't do bad Also: Another Roleplay that may start up is a HP one or Narnian soon.
Ivan draft up what you've done then pm a mod and we will take it from there. Trouble is rpg has been quiet for some time now so we need fresh games to keep it active. I also have an idea for a wing commander style game i will draft something out at the weekend. And maybe aa new D&D style game.
Y'know, I have a question: Why is it, exactly, that we have to send our RPGs through mods before they're approved? He never actually explained that. I understand that you might only want a few RPGs at a time...but in that case, why not just tell us not to put up more than a few RPGs at a time? (And besides...it's not like we have a heaping helping of them that are active.) Since a real, good, actual reason was never given...does anyone know how to explain this?
it will have to do for now. We have to respect his way at least in his abscence. He can only defend himself if he's here.
Am I to assume you mean Harry Potter (best to sound like an idiot and ask, I mean, I'm pretty sure, but there could be some other HP)? Would that be us RPing as Hogwarts students or something? And would it be before or after the books (I mean, a group of non-Potters fighting Voldemort is just riddikulus (it's a pun, see?), but a group of ignorant little twits (as students usually are) finding yet another passage into a deep dark hidden part of the School, well, that's about as likely as someone spilling salt.) I have to say, I for one would be willing to play that one, we could all have are own patronuses and what a boggart would show us, and we could choose our own houses (or there could be a personality test, I don't know). Man, I'm geekin' out just thinking about it... Also, I too have perhaps a little idea for an RPG, but until I am more adept at them (as in, I've never actually done a forum RPG) I think I'll hold off. Especially since I've got some trimming down of the complicated things in my fictional world as it is. EDIT: Spoiler this was my 69th post, harhar!
Ye it wouldn't be storyline. But it would be during Harry Potter period, e.g not Maurader times So Dumbledore is Headmaster and all or something I may start it up soon, where you are all students, so we will start off at Platform 9 and 3/4 and go from there! I reckon if it was succesful it would be rather great!
Ok well this is going to sound a little silly really but how about having a nice simple one for those of us who are beginners at RPG on here. So those who have not done it before can learn how it is done and get use to it then join in on with the others. Just an idea so it can be less daunting for those who have never done it before and that way they don't annoy anyone for doing it wrong at all.
Agreed. I read all of these threads coz i'm interested, but never take part simply because it is so daunting and if there was something simpler i'd probably take part too.
Well then hopefully we can get that sorted out with Raven to have it set up. Spoiler I have never RPG'd either shhhhh well not in a long time and can't do it too well anymore
i rpg on my site, u know the vampire game here? i kinda borrowed it and it is doing great on my site, though we have absolutely no plot at all on ours, its like a sims game, literally a second life