Recently I've been writing a book. It's a borderline science fiction thriller with the edge of things like The Manchurian Candidate and smatterings of teenage angst. I'd hope I hit the underground market. But that's just rambling and not the question here. I'm working again, full time, which is great. 7-6 is my time schedule. Before, I would enjoy a few beers then begin to write. Criticize my work when I was sober in the morning. Then smoked some pot and readdressed the same paper. My routine might sound strange to ya'll, but my routine was specific, and it got a lot of work done. Now I obviously have to develop a new one. Now the question: Does having a "routine" in writing help you? If so, how? What routine do you use? How has that worked for you?
I've never had or used a routine with writing, really. Maybe it would help me, but I find I get enough done writing when the urge takes me. I think it's really down to whether you the individual would benefit from the structure and discipline of a routine.
I can't really give you an opinion of my own. But this is a very interesting topic. One answer would be: whatever works for you. I have to say that all the writers I've seen in interviews keep on talking about long hours of solitude, and daily sessions of writing. Nobody tells about beer or other things, but I expect they wouldn't! A sense if individual discipline is what I got from listening to them.
I write however much I feel up to in a day. I have only one rule for myself - write at least one page per day. I figure, even if I have a hundred days where I can barely scrape up the motivation to write, if I write one page each of those days, I'll have a hundred pages by the end. This method will work in the long run.
Something that has become a habit for me, is waiting until my girlfriend goes to bed, having a reb bull, and then write untill I can bearly keep my eyes open. I've tried writing during the day, but it's just not the same. It's a lot quieter late at night I guess. The day is when I go back and look over what I did the previous night.
I need solitude to do first-draft writing - either the house empty or everyone else asleep. While I was working on the first draft, I just made sure I wrote SOMETHING every day, even a sentence. That kept it ongoing, and kept it in my mind, so I didn't stall. Longer periods of writing worked better though. It usually takes me an hour to build up a head of steam and keep charging through - the first hour can be quite painful. Working on the second draft and edits is much more like regular working - I can turn up, do the hours, plod through it. Distractions are not so much of a problem. Right now, I'm writing full time (as much as recent health problems will let me) ... trying to do 5 hours a morning, three or four mornings a week, sometimes an hour or two late at night.
I tend to write well into the night as well. Don't you just feel more creative? Maybe not, but I sure do! lol I second all of the 'write something everyday' posts. If I really cannot write for whatever reason I will at least go over outlines, flesh ideas out, etc. As far as a routine goes, my day is too sporadic. I write whenever I can. Best, Whiskey
i'm sure it helps many writers, but i've never needed one, since i'd always prefer to be writing, than doing anything else... and even in the busiest times of my writing life, i'd still always find, or make time to 'escape' real life and do some writing...
Wow, i do something similar, tho less regimentedly i guess im usually mulling stuff over thru the day, so i end up with some motivation to write by evening, or whenever.
I write when I feel like it. To do otherwise would be to force myself to hone my skills, which is scarce conducive to easy grace or inspiration.