Nope, no cracks. About how long would you give them if the area that wasn't filled with water was 3 feet in hieght, 5 feet in length, and 10 feet in width. |=hieght _= width you can't see the length in the picture as it is a 2d picture.
Depends on the size of the fire. A regular sized fire would consume quite a bit of the oxygen and flood it with carbon dioxide fairly quickly. It could actually be used to monitor the remaining oxygen (though they would have to be dumb to not extinguish the fire if they knew what was happening). I'd say 5-6 minutes with the fire going, but I really don't have anything to base this on. My question would be how did 5 people and a wolf get into a 3 foot high room with a fire?
Well...It happens to be a cave, which they went to for shelter from the hurricane. Unfortunately for them they are now trapped. And they do extinguish the fire when the cavern is completely full with water (except for the area which they are residing). How long would it be without the fire?
I'm going to say they have an entire hour then. One more question: You mentioned that they would still be able to breath if there were cracks which transfered fresh air into the cave. What if the cave happens to go all the way to the other side of a mountain...however, the elevated area they are in happens to be a cave-in and there are boulders and rocks of random sizes...would air be able to find it's way into that little bubble if that entire area was a cavein?
It's feasible; have them note that they could feel a draft from the pile of rubble, at the very least.
Hmmm...but I don't want them to be able to breath...I want them to run out of air eventually. Perhaps I will keep the fire going. What I'm trying to do is make them have to swim back to the entrance and have to wait out the storm outisde.
That's what I was going to do, I was just wondering...would it be possible that air can't get through?
Alrighty then, now I've got all the info I need in order to start writing again. Thank you very much for all of your help
Post a new thread. Don't change the first question; now it's impossible for this thread to make any sense at all.
Does it have to make sense? I don't see a point. My questions have been answered and everything. I don't see a point in making a new topic and crowding up the forums when the questions are pretty similar and there's no point in keeping this one open without making a new question.
re growth of organs, two that never stop [till death, of course!], are the nose and ears... the others probably stop around the same time the skeleton does, or somewhere around 18... age likely varies between male and female...