How do we know that someone won't copy our story, change it around and eventually publish it for real, making money? aka publishing the story for themselves.
I have no idea how to answer that, ask LP? -shakes your hand- Glad see you joined, hope we run into eachother and get to chat a bit.
it just seems a little sketchy to me. since i'm hoping to publish my story some day. i do know that on some sites you can make it impossible to copy and paste things. thats an option. who's LP? p.s. go read it if you want it's called Ring Around the Rosy
Lpspider I think is his user, he is the owner of the site. Nice guy, and he can answer any questions. I will read it in just a bit. This is a place to help you further your writing, so it should help instead of it's opposite.
Firstly, welcome to the site. To answer your question, I have to be completely honest. You don't know someone won't copy your story. The fact is, this goes for anything, if it's on the internet, it's accessible. Posting stuff on the internet, there'll always be the chance that someone might try to steal your work. I don't think it's really a huge issue, but it is possible.
You also will want to be careful about publishing all or part of something here you intend for submission to a publisher, because of First Publication Rights. If it's posted here, it may be considered already published, so you lose part of your potential publishing market.
I suggest when it comes to short stories of a Fan Fiction nature you can bet it won't be stolen (no profit in fan fiction) As for your own work short story wise thats your own discretion some post up whole short stories for feedback and help with grammar issues or other kinds of critique and feedback. Now novel wise. I suggest strongly you only post excerpts from your novel/novels a chapter or two three tops. Poetry and lyrics again there is that risk. But then Mopst people Here don't appear to be that way inclined. But then don't quote me. But the members here are pretty much honest especially with crit. ~Raven.
To be honest, and in the nicest way possible I promise it's unlikely we will produce anything of any monetary worth anyway - if you truly believe you have something great and wish to try and approach a publisher with it, don't post it I'm afraid (at least not in its entirety) otherwise the publishers won't touch you. Anyway welcome to the site, and I hope that hasn't put you off!
Thanks guys! You've all given great help. I guess I was looking for a way to get feedback from people who didnt know me and would be honest with me. You've helped me realize that if i plan to publish it then it should be a surprise not something people might have allready read. I guess i'll post when i need help. Anybody read my first chapter?
Well aside from all those formalities, welcome to the site and I look forward to seeing you around the board. There are some very useful threads in some of the writing issues categories that you may find very helpful to you by the way. Have fun ~Torana