Hello there! Call me Giselle, or Kitsie, I'll answer to either! I've been writing for years, by that I mean teenage and school years though. It was just a hobby, but a little interaction with an author who had come to our school changed that dramatically. Now I'm working on becoming a real writer, if only for scripts for graphic novels but of course I'd love to be a novelist or something like that! I write fiction, usually something sci-fi or a little fantasy, and usually horror and of course, some trashy romance when it suits me. I'm not much one for "slice of life" things unless they have some supernatural bent to them. I like old words, and big words, and despite my age, I'm rather interested in older novels. Not so much in a hipster type of way or anything, but I just like the way words were woven by Poe or those in The Man in the Iron Mask, if only because they're different from what's used today. I've finally decided to join some manner of forum because I need help and the teachers who I was relying on are all caught up in their own lives and classes and my personal friends aren't exactly the best for honest critiques or advice. I think my greatest strength is my vocabulary (at least most of the time!) and I feel my greatest weakness is...when I proofread things...I get impatient, or sort of hallucinate a word that's not there on the page but it's in my head...or more often than not, I don't proof read at all... I'm looking for someone to help me edit a particular thing, as well just learn more. Hopefully, I'll find something good here! I look forward to being a part of this community! :3