I love this topic, i love the debate that follows. Its something people have been arguing over for centuries. I myself, have no problem whatsoever with gay/bi people, and have no problem with them wedding. If two people love each other, then whats the problem, we are all different. We will always have gay/bi people in our communities, they will not vanish, so why fight against it so strongly? they are human too, and should be treated no differently. Sure we all have different religions, ethnicities and beliefs, but we should not try and force them apon other people, how would you like it if they rammed their way of life down your neck...love is beautiful, and if it just so happens to be between two people of the same sex, then so be it. good for them. Dont try and make them feel ashamed of their feeling, just because you dont agree with it, it is someone elses life, concentrate on your own. for all of those gay/bi people out there, who have the guts to go public about you feeling and relationship.... i salute you!!! Nikki
What people do with their own lives is their decision and I feel it has nothing to do with me. At the end of the day the only thing that matters is that we are all happy.
I agree with u poetryliberates. And people cannot help who they love/like.If they happen to have the same gender then they have the same gender. I have no issue with it
Well I think the personality of a person is what counts not what they like. OK i like women but my friend likes likes women and she is a woman. She is a sound person to have fun with. And she has a great personality. And thats what counts. Besides it would be boring if we were all the same.
The only problem I have with same sex marriage, (and I know about 50 people will jump on me for saying this), is that marriage is a RELIGIOUS thing, and in most religions homo-sexuality is not accepted. So why get married under God, if you aren't living the standards that God has set? I'm not saying everyone who gets married is religious, but marriage in itself is a religious practice. The other issue I have, is why do people care so much about 'coming out', why don't they keep their personal lives to themselves? You don't see me running around saying "I LOVE HAVING SEX WITH MY HUSBAND!", and trying to make a big point about it. Sure, it's great that you're different, and maybe I'm just a prude, but nobody cares what your sexual preferences are. I just think it's a bit animalistic to focus on sex all the time.
I haven't been happy since the age of four. I'm always just content with life. And as far as Gay's go, women I can understand. They're just too damn...and HOT...really hot are some of them. Guys I don't get it. Don't want to get it. I mean putting weiners in each others butts... Not only is that sickening it's just wrong.
I cannot get into the whole gay debate. I'll tell you right now, I don't know if it's natural or an abomination. I DON'T CARE! If two people want to legally commit to each other, thereby suffering all penalties and accruing all benefits attached to it, what's the big deal? They let old spinsters leave their estates to their cats... is that unnatural? Hell yes, but they still let it happen.
I've always thought that the government shouldnt have a thing to do with marriage...and that we should settle our affairs by ourselves.... I'm catholic and as you would guess I dont favor the istitution being open to gays...but I have nothing against gays if they want to be married what reason do I have to say no....? If they arent religous...why should Impose the laws of God on them? On the flip side; if most americans beleive that homosexual marriage is wrong...than I Think the government should go with that and change the law accordigly....
Before I say anything, I would like to say that I find homosexuality between men to be revolting. Unfortunately, I am just hardwired that way; however, in our society people do things all the time that seem to us to be moraly obscene, yet if we are to persue these people then we must first justify our reasons for doing so--and no, "because it was morally wrong" will not hold up in a court of law--for good reason. One of the things that we should ask ourselves is: Will allowing these people the freedom to do a particular thing harm or otherwise infringe on the freedom of another person? In the case of homosexuality the answer is generaly no and I have argued this very point several times in the past; however, I find that most people reply as one devout christian mother did when she said to me "but, if we allow them to do that then what is to stop them from sleeping with our children or your children for that matter." So at that point I was compelled to say "Ah, but that falls into a entirely different category of behavior. People who are child molesters are people who we want to persue because they inflict serious emotional and mental damage on their victims--which I might note often late become homosexual; however, homosexuals on the other hand--assuming that they are consenting--do not harm others, or rather it does not require that they harm another person to exercise that particular freedom." And that my friends, is what I believe. Not that homosexuality is right or that it is wrong, but that I as a citizen of the United States who believes in the ideals upon which this country was founded do not have and can not have--in good faith--the right to impose my beliefs, what ever they may be, on any other citizen, because the fact of the matter is that while homosexuality in itself may be moraly wrong by my standards, imposing those standards on another person would be far more harmfull to them then homosexuality could ever be--by itself that is--to any other human being. Of course, while I have not actualy addressed the topic at hand, what I have done is shown you the tools which I use to decide for my self. So, take what I have just said and apply it to the topic of marrage. I trust you will find the answer to be the same. If you still feel the need to judge, then perhaps we should prevent aetheists from marrying? Or perhaps we should also prevent non-christians from praying? It is a christian pratice, is it not? Not to mention that the bible does say "Judge not, lest you be judged" but that aside if I am not beating up this topic too much I could also bring up the past classification of homosexuality as a mental disorder and as russian psychiatric hospitals proved, a status of mental incapasity was often a way to discriminate against certian groups. I appologise if I seem to be beating a dead horse, but morals aside, it is descrimination, no different than if the group in question was african american, jewish, muslim, elderly or a woman. It's almost funny. I have single handedly tired myself of this debate, so if you feel offended or anything of the like, I appologise. I am an idealist at heart and while it frustrates me that I can not alter the oppinions of the people who oppose my view, I can let others voice their oppinions, read them and come to a comprimise somewhere inbetween, because that is what we who believe in democracy do.
It always makes me laugh seeing people trying in vain to understand homosexuality as a logical thought process to be defined through heterosexuality. D'oh!
Now before I start "stiring the pot" as one person might say. Let me smooth things over a bit by saying I have come to the same decision on this matter as you have. With that said, short and simple, your going about it all wrong and your not helping to persuade anyone. First, consider your topic. You have a hostile audience. There are no if's and's or but's about it. It is a controversial issue and that is fact. So when you approach these topics pretend that your some one like Al Pachino or some other actor. Male or Female, whatever just so long as they have charisma. Next, you start off your arguement by saying there is no god. I don't even know why you did that nor do I want to know. You might as well have just walked up to them, spit in their faces and told them you had an affair with their mother. I doubt many people even took half of what you said to be serious after that, because that is what happens when you offend a hostile audience. I apologise if I sound rash or anything of the sort; however, you would do well to find a common ground with most people and use it to get them to listen to you. Perhaps, your all human or you believe in freedom or any one of a number of things. So, if you want to debate then find a common ground and debate, but if you want to fight start by telling people that they are wrong. Keep in mind that people are not persuaded over night, but by degrees. So, in closing I would like to say that I agree with you Katherine; however, you are not helping my arguement, nor your own for that matter and while I see that you have strong beliefs and will defend them agressively, keep in mind that agressive is only effective against people who already hold the same oppinion as you do. --------------------------------------------------- Edit: Also Lily, upon later review I would like to point out that a "Marriage" is not a religous "thing" as you so eloquently defined it. Marriage is a state of union between two people that is recognized by the state. By religion I assume that you are talking about christianity. I may assume wrong; however, by point remains the same either way, because there are christians, muslims, buddists and aethists that all marry and not one of them is required to marry in a church nor are they required to be married by a priest or any religious figure for that matter. If marriage were defined as a religious "thing" then there would be no cause for worry for these people as their constitutional rights would allow them the freedom to decide. In addition may I remind you that Polygamy was a "religious thing" to some people. At one point in time, people who commited fornication were abducted and thrown into insane assylums against their will. Religon is not the be all end all of debate. More often then not it is the gateway to a larger and more heated one.
Somehow I managed to stumble across this topic...it caughtmy particular interest. Not to bash anybody, but according to the laws of nature and God, homosexuality is a sin and abomination against Him. He strictly says in the Bible (Sodom and Gomorrah) that it is a sin. He destroyed the whole city because of it. It has nothing to do with "if they love eachother, so what?" of course we all sin...its nothing new. But all it is is a possesion. When God created earth he made man and woman. He said "be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth" he never made man and man, or woman and woman. He made both of the opposite sex and it was good and clean and pure. The world has hit a brick wall these days and its clear that communities are getting f**ked up. If a man has an attraction to another man, doesn't that seem a little wrong? If God had created it that way, he would have made it possible for them to reproduce... If it was right in the beginning and Adam and Eve's sons/daughters were only attracted to eachother,(woman to woman, man to man) we wouldn't be here, would we? According to laws of nature, (and I really hope there are people that can back me up on this...) a man needs a woman to reproduce, (biology classes guys!!) and the same thing with woman and woman. Now there is a difference between bisexual, and just strictly gay. I don't see anything wrong with bisexuality between women...it never said anything against it in the Bible. But it clearly reads that male homosexuality is strictly forbidden. Then again, I do not stand for lesbianism either seeing as if a woman is only attracted to a woman, (which is completely un-natural) I consider it wrong also. Also, if there is a man who is attrated just to a man, doesn't something seem wrong also? Marriage is a religious thing where two people in love are united by the hand of God. Why would God be pleased with two people getting married that are disobeying the laws of nature/life in general? IMO, its un-natural and sick. If anyone here believes in the Bible but still agrees with same-sex marriages, theres something seriously wrong.
That is if you believe that the current interpretation of the bible is not skewered. I believe in christ and i am with another woman and have been for the last three years. God is my judge, not you. If you were to literally believe everything the bible supposedly teaches and follow it, then christmas trees would be banned, tattoos would be forbidden, there are a million other examples i could reference to you about old testament principles versus where we are today as a society. One thing that passes right over the heads of people who believe like you do is the fact that GOD HIMSELF stated there is no sin greater than any other. Should you choose to believe that me being with someone I love is a sin (because u label it homosexuality) and that I will be condemned to hell for it, then I suggest you hang on for the ride, because you will be in the car right behind me. The nature of christ was to love..LOVE. He spent time with prostitutes, spent time with criminals, ate with them drank with them. The modern day christian movement is absolutely so far from this that its disgusting. Im going to go home tonite and find a list of every single thing the bible throughout the old and new testament commands us not to do or partake in and list them all here for you so you can see just how absurd this really is. As for your poor example of Sodom and Gomorrah, it was NOT homosexuality that drove him to destroy it, it was self indulgent wickedness, prostitution, a lack of anything other than the means to please oneself. Dont be ignorant by making statements that the destruction of this biblical city was about homosexuality. I suggest you read more about it. The problem with the city is that there was no love, it was the city of sin and pleasure devoid of good hearts. I also would like to suggest that you NOT suggest there is something WRONG with me because i call myself gay and believe in christ...since when was there some special rule about who could believe?
The things like wearing not more than one kind of fabric at once is mentioned ONCE in Levitiucs..... Homsexuality is brought up several times.....