It's Rob's birthday!!! Lydia is in Spain, but she wanted me to throw you a little WF birthday party while she was gone. I hope your day is everything you want it to be, someone as cool as you deserves nothing less. Happy birthday, Rob! *Also, Joel wanted me to let you know that 1. you're almost a quarter of a century old, and 2. your life is a third of the way over.
Aww...the long, loving arm of Lydia. Thanks, guys! I wish I could have a piece of that guitar cake, it looks delicious! Edit: Heather, tell Joel that I've already thought about that. And that I just hope he'll still think I'm sexy in a thong no matter how old I get.
Happy birthday Rob. Know that you're one of my (top) three favourite people on this forum. Yes, that's right, you're on an exclusive VIP list. Lol..
Happy Birthday! Here's your cake; sorry, but I slipped when writing out the message. You're now two 21 year old people called Tom and Guy.
I THOUGHT I MODDED YOU OUT!!! *Screams and slaps at screen in terrified vain* lol, that picture's hilarious, jack! Awesome Zeppelin cake, Ash! I always wanted to be two 21 year old men named Tom and Guy! Thanks to everyone else as well!
Thanks again guys! I spent last night on the front porch with some brews, cigars, and my guitar. It was a nice, relaxing evening.
That's the most relaxing thing in the entire universe. That's what me and Ray do every Friday night. Imported Hefeweizen and seven-dollar cigars.
Ok, I know I'm late, but I wanted to let you know that I laughed and laughed when I read this. And don't worry-Joel will always think you're sexy in a thong. Somehow, that doesn't surprise me. I'm glad you had a nice day, Rob.