1. Xeno

    Xeno Mad and Bitey Contributor

    Jun 28, 2008
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    Stratford-upon-Avon, England

    Screw The Rules, I Can Write!

    Discussion in 'Word games' started by Xeno, Mar 28, 2009.

    Otherwise known as the "Random Attack" game. Brought this over from another site.

    Basically, it's Golden Orb, without the orb.

    Just attack the person above you in a hilarious, graphic and DRAWN OUT way.

    That means no one-line replies. you've actually got to write your own little scene to describe your face-off with whoever's above you.

    This should actually read like a story, if you get my drift.

    I shall start:

    Xeno stood alone, tapping his foot. The street was completely silent. Not a single car or person had passed him in hours.
    Tugging on his waistcoat nervously, he glanced at his watch.
    11:59 PM.
    Come on, he thought, Someone bloody attack me already!
  2. sophie.

    sophie. New Member

    Jan 4, 2009
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    Sophie lurched around the corner holding a nasty-looking golf club. While shouting about superpowers she aimed at Xeno's head, just as he was glancing down at his watch for the second time.
  3. Xeno

    Xeno Mad and Bitey Contributor

    Jun 28, 2008
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    Stratford-upon-Avon, England
    Xeno whipped round, grabbing Sophie's golf club as it rushed towards his head.
    The golf club stopped, dead in the air.
    Sophie did not. Her momentum sent her right into a nearby lamppost.
    Xeno grinned and adjusted his waistcoat.
  4. sophie.

    sophie. New Member

    Jan 4, 2009
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    Sophie picked herself up, amazingly unhurt, and whistled loudly. For a moment afterwards there was silence, and Xeno began walking forwards, waving the golf club. Then, two enormous German Shephards charged round the corner, eyes manic, snarling viciously as they leapt at Xeno and knocked him clear into the road. :D
  5. Xeno

    Xeno Mad and Bitey Contributor

    Jun 28, 2008
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    Stratford-upon-Avon, England
    Xeno used the golf club to whack one of the attacking dogs halfway across town, before the other one grabbed his hand and tore the club free. Thinking quick, Xeno adopted an intimidating stance as the dog came for round two, clasping it around the neck and slamming it repeatedly into the ground.
    As the helpless dog lay on the floor, Xeno looked up at Sophie.
    The red mist descended.
    Suddenly, a random bystander got in the way of Xeno's charge, and was disintigrated.
    Picking himself up from the ground, Xeno looked around for Sophie, but she was gone.
    Xeno kneeled down in the road, raised his hands and screamed.
    *platoon pose*
  6. sophie.

    sophie. New Member

    Jan 4, 2009
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    Unbeknown to Xeno, Sophie had run into a flower shop...surely nothing harmful in that?...but this was no ordinary flower shop. It specialised in tropical plants. Such as venus flytraps and cacti. Hearing Xeno's frustrated scream, she grabbed something that looked like this http://farm1.static.flickr.com/34/96731510_f7c08e6676.jpg?v=0, filled a can of weedkiller and picked up a rake. Prepared, she ran out and triumphantly hurled her weapons at Xeno, still crouched helplessly in the road.
  7. Lyssa

    Lyssa New Member

    Dec 23, 2008
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    Lyssa jumped out and shoves Sophie out of way, grabbing her rake. She shoved her on the ground and stood over her, crying out like a warrior. She glanced over at Xeno and cried louder, threatening him too. Suddenly a dark car came racing around the corner.
  8. Xeno

    Xeno Mad and Bitey Contributor

    Jun 28, 2008
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    Stratford-upon-Avon, England
    Xeno backflipped over the car, landing in a crouch. He turned to look back, then noticed Lyssa coming at him. In one swift movement, he whipped round, grabbed the rake and b***slapped Lyssa with the other end.
    Finally, He thought, Someone else to play this bloody game with.
    Then, he saw Sophie getting up, and he defiantly left her alone, walking off into the darkness.
  9. Addicted2aa

    Addicted2aa New Member

    Mar 16, 2009
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    The Shire
    Where AA was waiting with a spoon. He grabbed Xeno by the head and drove the spoon deep into his right eye socket. Sadly Xeno's scream drowned out the disgusting sound of his eye being popped out. AA found himself holding a spoon with and eye on it in front of a man with an open mouth. A smile began to form on his face.
  10. A.J.Crowley

    A.J.Crowley New Member

    Mar 17, 2009
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    The man with the open mouth is A.J.Crowley. His is somewhat shocked by recent events but reacts quickly a AA tries to force feed him Zeno's eyeball. A.J makes a grab for the spoon but misses, instead slamming into AA's chest sending them both cannoning through a nearby wall and into a office building.
    100's of bored employees look up over the top of their small idenitical cubicals to see what all the fuss is about. One of them throws A.J a staple gun. The others begin to cheer him on. A.J aims the gun at AA's head. He is going to enjoy this. He pulls down on the trigger....
  11. lilix morgan

    lilix morgan Member

    Mar 15, 2009
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    Lilix never liked her job. Typing, printing, typing, printing, meeting; it all was the same, boring routine. During her days when she wasn't hunting down the Golden Orb, she had a 9 to 5 job that drained her of thought.
    A couple yards ahead of her, she caught sight of the wall caving in. Looking left and right, she figured there wasn't an earthquake; no one was running around like a chicken with their head cut off. Lilix stood up, trying to catch a better view of what caused the commotion. It was to her surprise that Jerry, her cubby buddy, chucked a staple gun into the mess, where two men struggled, one with an spoon and rolling eyeball. Ew.
    Whoever the guy was on the ground, he was going to be mince meat unless someone acted. Lilix leaped over her cubicle, kicking the staple gun out of A.J.'s hand. Landing a blow to his chest, Lilix grabbed a fistful of his clothing, picked him up, and sent him hurling over the cubicles to her right. She never liked those guys anyway.
  12. Silver_Mystic_Breeze

    Silver_Mystic_Breeze New Member

    Mar 24, 2009
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    Silver_Mystic_Breeze full of rage from just being fired from the office, moved from the managers cubicle to the front office. Seeing the chaos ensuing, she saw a chance to vent her frustration. Spotting Lilix contributing to the ruckus, she grabbed a chair from an empty cubicle. Silver_Mystic_Breeze crept slowly and silently towards Lilix's turned back and swung the chair into her overly large head. Screaming in pain, Lilix grasped at her ear which had been cleanly sliced off by a sharp edge on the chair. Silver_Mystic_Breeze felt no remorse for her plight and started to laugh insanely...
  13. star_fire

    star_fire New Member

    Sep 23, 2008
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    ohio, usa
    her laugh was immediately cut short by a spine tingeling smash.
    star starred at her #1 COWORKER mug she had received for her birthday. it was now badly cracked along its side, and the white clay was stained by a splotch of blood. oh well, she had never liked the ugly thing anyways.
    tossing the mug aside, star heads back to her cubicle whistling. nothing like a good attack to cheer up a dull day...
  14. becca

    becca Contributor Contributor

    Feb 26, 2009
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    Becca watched and waited as star moved smuggly back to her cubicle.
    'She is so full of herself,' Becca thought. '#1 COWORKER my a**! Should be #1 A**Kisser. Now is my chance to show her who is boss.'
    Becca jumped up from her chair and grabbed star by the hair, slamming her face off of the nearest desk. Then proceeded to kick her in the stomach with a mantic gleam in her eyes.
  15. lilix morgan

    lilix morgan Member

    Mar 15, 2009
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    Pain seared through Lilix's head, threatening to cause her to pass out. No migraine could ever compare to the pain she felt as her ear fell pitifully to the floor.
    In the words of the movie 300, 'God saw it fit to grace you with a spare.' Lilix agreed, especially when she added her own ending. God also gave me two arms to bitchslap that brat into next Tuesday's meeting.
    Her eyes hardly lasted on Star Fire for a second, a temporary mutual standing recognized between them. Lilix yanked the desk off the ground, pounding it on Silver Mystic Breeze's body repeatedly. Ah, revenge is oh so sweet.
  16. becca

    becca Contributor Contributor

    Feb 26, 2009
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    Tiring of the incesant kicking. Becca bends down and picks up star's, now limp, body. Throwing it into the general direction of the frey. Giggling merrily as star's unconscious body slams into lilix, knocking her off her feet and causing her to loose her other ear as her head slams into the corner of a cubicle.
  17. Addicted2aa

    Addicted2aa New Member

    Mar 16, 2009
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    The Shire
    Noticing his savior had lost both her ears AA felt righteous rage boil up within in. He launched himself into the air with the fury of a programmer whose code refuses to compile, EVEN THOUGH THERE AREN'T ANY BLASTEDE SYNTAX AREAS YOU OUTDATED USELESS STRING OF NUMBERS. He use one hand to cushion his landing with Becca's face whilst the grabs a letter opener. He brings the sharpened instrument of seal destruction down towards Becca's face.
  18. lilix morgan

    lilix morgan Member

    Mar 15, 2009
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    Lilix had been beating Mystic's body into a pile of potential deli mince meat, savoring the expressions Mystic gave off each time she was hit with the desk. Bored, Lilix threw the desk aside, turning and planting her hands on her hips. It wasn't easy hearing through one ear, and it certainly wasn't going to be easy getting the blood out of her hair later.
    She'd barely turned when the body of Star Fire was hurled at Lilix, sending them both into a row of cubicles. The sudden, abrupt pain errupting from Lilix's head, where she felt the flesh tear from her face, her ear flopping uselessly onto the floor, just like the former.
    Lilix screamed as loud as she figured loud would be, grabbing ahold of the stapler she'd previously seen on her cubby buddy's desk. Leaping over Star's incapacitated body, Lilix slapped the stapler onto becca's head, whacking the end into her head as much as she could, grinning evily at the sight of a dozen staples wedged into becca's scalp.
  19. Xeno

    Xeno Mad and Bitey Contributor

    Jun 28, 2008
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    Stratford-upon-Avon, England
    Xeno walked out of the pub, glass of ckoe in hand. He patted his eye to make sure it was in place, then started back down the street.
    Immediately, he stopped in his tracks, to allow Star Fire's limp body sail through a nearby window.
    Slowly, he turned his head to watch the brawl taking place.
    "This is more hilarious than a Germaphobic in a Pogo-Stick!" He exclaimed, "I'm joining in here!"
    And with that, Xeno threw his glass right into the middle of the brawl and leapt in after it.
  20. A.J.Crowley

    A.J.Crowley New Member

    Mar 17, 2009
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    A.J regains consciousness dazed and confused. He remembers some b!tch throwing him though half a dozen cubicles, then nothing else.

    Around him a brawl rages. He sees Zeno walking calmly amongst the tangle of struggling bodies. Ignoring his protesting from his battered and bruised body, AJ leaps up and dives into the scum.

    He emerges seconds later, Zeno held firmly in his grasp. There is a sickening crunch as he slams his opponent down on a miraculously intact photocopier followed by a series of electronic beeps as he punches several buttons at random. The machine whirrs to life and makes a photocopy of Zeno’s agonized expression. Hey, thinks A.J as he presses more buttons, this is fun!
  21. Xeno

    Xeno Mad and Bitey Contributor

    Jun 28, 2008
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    Stratford-upon-Avon, England
    Xeno walked into the copying room, to find Mr. Crowley forcing Zeno into a photocopier.
    Striding up to Crowley's shoulder, Xeno tapped him lightly and whispered:
    "That's not how cloning works."
    Then, he punched Crowley in the small of his back, then raised him above his head and threw Crowley through a wall.
    He looked down at Zeno for a moment, before kicking him in the face.

    [size=+2]Xeno! With an X![/size]
  22. Addicted2aa

    Addicted2aa New Member

    Mar 16, 2009
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    The Shire
    AA looked up into the copy room in time to see Xeno attack his clone and cry out his disapproval for people misspelling his name. AA thought he could help with the confusion. Leaving Becca to Lilix's stapling craze he took his letter opener into the copy room. AA kicked Xeno in the back driving him forward and knocking his head into the wall. Xeno was stuck as AA carved a giant X onto his back. For good measure he buried the letter opener in Xeno's right cheek and nodded at a job well done.
  23. Neha

    Neha Beyond Infinity. Contributor

    Dec 24, 2007
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    Neha slipped inside the copy room just in time to see AA bury the letter opener in Xeno's right cheek, she tried slinking quietly to the corner but ended up slipping on a pile of blank paper and went flying into AA knocking him into the wall so hard that his forehead started bleeding.
  24. apathykills

    apathykills New Member

    Oct 4, 2008
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    "excuse me, 'cuse me, need to get through, be a good sport will you?"

    God what is it with these people; you'd think they forgot we have jobs.

    "hey lilix you may not want to staple your project leader, she's the one with the notes you know."

    I role my eyes and walk into the copy room.

    "o hi xeno what's up?"

    "i'm not xeno, that's xeno." He says pointing at the man with a latter opener up his pop hole. "I'm zeno, i'm a clone."

    "really? That's interesting. How is that working out for you?"

    "not so good, not so good. Got my head slammed into the copier."

    "could be worse, you could be the original." I say as i point to the large scared posterior.

    "ye not kidding. He lost an eye to you know."

    "really? That's nice. Ah well that's my copying all done. So now what zeno? What are you gonna do with your life?"

    "i was thinking of being a porn star."

    "that's nice, well i better get going, have fun."

    I light up a smoke as i leave the copy room.

    "o wait, i don't smoke!"

    I threw it behind me just as xeno frees himself from the wall, only for the lit cigarette to land in his eye.

    "silly silly me."
  25. star_fire

    star_fire New Member

    Sep 23, 2008
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    ohio, usa
    star grabbed the building ledge as her ravaged body was thrown out the window.
    pulling herself up, she wearily climbed through the open window and staggered onto the tan carpet. the copy room door was open, apathykills standing in the doorway. behind him, xeno (or perhaps zeno) was withering in pain, clutching his eye. instinctively star's hand flew to her head, to where her left ear had been.

    enraged that her ear had been lost (and it hurt!), star sprinted towards apathykills. swiping a pencil from a nearby desk, she hurled it at him. for one beautiful moment it sailed through the air, and then plunged into apathykills' forehead. screaming in fury, star plowed into apathykills, yanking the pencil from his forehead and plunging it into his right arm.

    god, she hated mondays.

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