1. Berko

    Berko New Member

    Jul 26, 2010
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    I think in the USA...

    Screwy superhero story in need of plot help.

    Discussion in 'Plot Development' started by Berko, Jul 26, 2010.

    I have an idea for a story.
    A cross-dressing teen that lives in Idaho discovers he has the ability to become or take on attributes of the people/things he has intercourse with. * in-case your wondering, this isn't a joke*
    This brings me to my first problem, how would he find out?
    He's supposed to be a really meek guy and not have any friends, and I also didn't want him sleeping with any animals for no reason so I need some idea's on how that could come about.
    My overall goal is to have him become a superhero. Not like spider-man kinda hero but more like the toxic avenger, or something in that vain of cheesy insanity. However, coming up with my plot has been a real pain.
    I have about 3 main ideas that I had hoped I could merge in some way, but I haven't been able to think of any so I'll list them all briefly and let you guys give me opinions.
    The first idea I had involved him having a childhood friend that would be killed in a mob that wanted to kill him, which would led him to being a superhero.
    I liked this one, but it seemed hard when I thought of this next idea.
    After going to the city, our hero is mistaken for a pixie and pulled into a yearly mythical lesbian orgy held by Death who once a year takes the form of an attractive lady and has an orgy with all the other mythical creatures.
    It seemed to be a good way to give our hero a whole bunch of powers and powerful forms to take when in a pinch. But when I tried to flesh out how I'd go from our hero being attacked and his only friend dying, to him suddenly in the city winding up at an orgy of mythical lesbians.
    If any of you are still reading and have idea's please share them.
    Finally my last main idea revolves around the potato farm his family owns, getting contaminated when some of his brothers mix every chemical they can find, into the weed-killer that they spray on the potato's, which causes them to mutate into gigantic potato bearing trees. After the family eats them however they mutate into human-potato hybrids that goes on a rampage, causing our hero to be forced to use his powers to stop his family, becoming the hero he's meant to be in the process.
    Now I'm pretty sure I've lost all of you, but still if anyone as deprived as me is still reading, please give me some idea's cus I'm stuck.

    Since I got all my questions out of my system, I thought I'd give some more information to maybe help you help me write my story. :)
    At a young age our hero was a happy child, but one fateful day something happened that nobody has been able to get him to talk about since, but around the age of 5 he showed up at home covered head to toe in mushy rotten potato's. Ever since he's had an irrational fear of potatoes, and it later becomes his equivalent to kryptonite.
    His typical tranny get-up is a 40's style wedding dress.
    And if you are wondering, our hero's name is ... Landon Jorgensen. Epic isn't it. I think so. And as for his super alter-ego's alias, it's Sexy-Magic.
    Anyway, that's all I got folks, lemme know whatcha think, and please give me any idea's or possible solutions to solving my lack of a plot.
  2. BlueWolf

    BlueWolf Banned

    Jul 16, 2010
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    No offence, pal, but this is your story, your ideas, and one should come here for help in such things as grammar, punctuation, distribution, issues with publication, and such like.

    No one will write this for you - and you know why? Because if they do, it will then be their story and not yours any more.
  3. Berko

    Berko New Member

    Jul 26, 2010
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    I think in the USA...

    So does that mean you wont help me? :rolleyes:
  4. BlueWolf

    BlueWolf Banned

    Jul 16, 2010
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    You are asking for someone to help you write it - so, no, I won't, nor will you find anyone here to do it either.

    Now, if you were to ask for help in looking at your first chapter, with questions such as, "does it grip you?", "have I mentioned enough without explaining things, so that you want to read more?", "I am unsure on my grammar in this part: [...] - can you see if I have done something wrong?", and so on, then yeah, you will get offers of help.
  5. Elgaisma

    Elgaisma Contributor Contributor

    Jun 12, 2010
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    Right now what you have are ideas and concepts. You need a story to go with it. I personally find your descriptions a bit complicated and detailed if you don't know what story you want to tell.

    Look up how to write a synopsis. I find being able to write my story in one short page helps me see what is essential to the story, what is nice to have and what I can do away with. Once you have your story and you know your character better, you will have a better idea of his origins. My advice write the rest, then do his origin as a prologue if necessary. You could also do a spider diagram of your ideas and see where they are going.

    I also personally find my ideas and descriptions are better if I collect images. I have scrapbooks and right now a desktop wallpaper from Digital Blasphemy to help me find inspiration.

    My story has gone from being an adult thriller to a junior/young adult fantasy because its a better vehicle to tell the story. Writing fantasy can be hard because you can give your imagination a huge amount of free reign. I found I ended up with a lot of clutter I needed to cut out.
  6. Berko

    Berko New Member

    Jul 26, 2010
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    I think in the USA...
    All good advice, however I'm not stuck writing out my synopsis seeing as how I don't actually have one. I'm looking for something more along the lines of creative input.
  7. Cogito

    Cogito Former Mod, Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 19, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    A story concept means nothing. I can tell you now, it has all been done before. What matters is how you write it, the characterization, the flow, the imagery, all of it.

    There's no benefit in asking what other people think of the concept! They'll either say,"Sounds great," or, "it sounds like a ripoff of..."

    If the idea stirs you, write it. Then ask people what they think of the final story. After they tell you what they don't like about it, revise it, usually several times, until you're happy with it or until you throw up your hands and say the hell with it.

    Please read this thread about What is Plot Creation and Development?

    Your creative input comes from observing the world around you, not from asking others to gather it and filter it for you.
  8. Berko

    Berko New Member

    Jul 26, 2010
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    I think in the USA...
    I'm all too aware that a concept is worthless without being put into action and getting written, which is why I'm asking for help fleshing my idea's out so I can do just that.

    And I did read the thread you mentioned, but it wasn't particularly helpful in the way of inspiration.

    I'm not asking anyone to gather or filter my idea's either, I was just hoping there'd be a few people willing to share some of their creative juice and help me think of some idea's. This is the plot creation section isnt it? Creation in this sense meaning the production of an original idea. I'm not asking anyone to write my whole story, but if someone happened to read this, and get an idea, I was hoping that they'd share it and I'd maybe find some inspiration in it to help me flesh out my idea.
    If theres nobody that will do that, fine, but why is it I get the feeling everyone replying has something against the notion of creative individuals getting input and sharing idea's with each-other.
  9. arron89

    arron89 Banned

    Oct 10, 2008
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    I would help you if I could...but there's a lot of information in there, and I'm not exactly sure what you're asking. But a couple of the concepts made me lol in a 'why do I find this funny?' kinda way, so if that was what you were going for, you might be onto something...

    But yeah, consider editing your original post into something more inviting and you might find more help.
  10. Cogito

    Cogito Former Mod, Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 19, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    No, you're asking people to filter their perceptions of the world and feed them to you.

    This section is about techniques to develop your own ideas into organized stories, not about how to leech ideas from others.

    If you have an idea, but it looks flat when you put it down on paper, an understanding of the mechanics of plot will help you strengthen the story and increase the tension.

    You want ideas? Read! Watch the news, listen to conversations, and daydream. Feed your own brain and put it to work.
  11. JTheGreat

    JTheGreat New Member

    Feb 7, 2010
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    Everywhere and Nowhere
    You tagged it "sexy-magic". Wooooow....

    I don't think I can help you with your concept, it's little bit too racy for me, but you can always help yourself.

    Gather ideas from the world around you. I get inspiration for my plots by perusing TvTropes (I've had extreme trouble with fabricating a Xanatos Gambit, but I get by). Others do it by people-watching, and we all do it by reading, like Cogito said.

    By the way, before you get on my case for the whole "misconceived definition of 'peruse'" thing, I use it in it's original and correct sense. I take my time on that site, gathering up the knowledge and ways to use it.
  12. Hypnos

    Hypnos New Member

    Jul 24, 2010
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    Well, I'd say if you're desperate for all the super powers and none of the logic you can manage, then go with the Death-orgy scenario and keep as far away from literary legitimacy as possible.

    Or, you could make it a tale of erotic personal discovery, have him discover his power when he loses his virginity to a perfectly normal man or woman, and explore the moral, emotional and immunological considerations that comes with stealing the faces and identities of his sexual partners.

    Or you could have a pointless, lesbian sex off, useful for masturbatory purposes and not much else.
  13. Islander

    Islander Contributor Contributor

    Jul 29, 2008
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    The only thing the OP is asking is, "If my main character is socially awkward and doesn't have any friends, how can he discover he has a superpower activated by intercourse?"

    Have you thought about prostitution? Peer pressure? Not wanting to waste time already paid for?
  14. Cogito

    Cogito Former Mod, Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 19, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    "Your honor, we are asking he be designated a Class 2 sex offender. He was witnessed waving his magic wand witnin five hundred yards of a public school."
  15. Langadune

    Langadune Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    I'm from the part of Kansas that doesn't look like
    Brainstorming is a great way to develop ideas. I've come up with many great ideas by sitting with my brother and throwing ideas at each other, so don't think that your brain is the only place you'll develop your ideas. Even if there isn't someone present with whom to brainstorm, go ahead and brainstorm. Some people here will help with that, some won't. For me, I feel a better connection to my work when I work out the problems on my own.

    Here's what I sometimes do to get the story to come out: Get a piece of paper and draw out your ideas. I mean write down a concept or person then jot down details, plot elements, story lines, etc. Connect them with lines or arrows or brief verbage. Ignore the ideas that don't work. Circle the ones that do. Keep spitballing, something will work itself out eventually.
  16. Berko

    Berko New Member

    Jul 26, 2010
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    I think in the USA...
    I had an idea last night that'd he'd end up homeless and eventually resort to prostitution, only to be picked up by an even more socially awkward geek then him. After they have some awkward sex, as the hero is trying to hide the fact that he has a penis, he eventually transforms into the geek who helps the hero discover his powers. The geek would then persuade him to become a superhero and use his powers for good.
    ;) Great minds think alike.
  17. untalented311

    untalented311 New Member

    Jul 18, 2010
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    This sounds silly. Definitely something I might read.
  18. Islander

    Islander Contributor Contributor

    Jul 29, 2008
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    I sincerely hope this is a comedy :)
  19. Berko

    Berko New Member

    Jul 26, 2010
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    I think in the USA...
    I thought it was obvious. :rolleyes:
  20. Berko

    Berko New Member

    Jul 26, 2010
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    I think in the USA...
    I didn't want to make a whole new thread because this is still connected, but I've worked out the majority of my story now and I wanted the final showdown to have a ton of completely ridiculous twists suddenly be relieved at once, though I'm afraid I may have made it too complicated.

    Our hero is face to face with the man behind the whole big predicament of the story, only to find its the childhood friend/crush he had thought he had accidentally gotten killed by an angry mob crushing her as they chased after him, but as it turned out she lived and swore vengeance on him. However she had most of her body rendered useless because of her accident, so her father took her to their barn and used parts of tractors and other farm things to turn her into a cyborg. After years of planning, she makes some kinda potion thing and uses it to poison the hero's families potato crops, which causes the family to turn into mutant potato monsters that cause the mentioned predicament.

    But that's not really important now. The hero faces her and she tells him this.

    In the old timey day's of castles, magic, and war, there was a soldier who loved to fight so much that when he was old and unable to partake in wars, he began to fight inside his mind with his good side against his evil. However the fighting never stopped and he died before a side could be chosen. So a few thousand years later and the different sides of himself take separate human form.

    She and him are these forms, and they are destined to fight forever. However she then explains that they are twins separated at birth. The hero to be raised by humans, and her to be raised by The Monkey King. An immortal trickster who caused the whole mess.
    But then it's relieved that she isn't even a girl, but a boy. Not only that but the cross-dressing hero turns out to be a girl, and he had been curse with a penis over his vagina by The Monkey-King. However once the hero is told this the illusion is dropped and his penis and testicles fall off relieving a vagina. Things become even more confusing when after an epic battle between the two, the hero kills the former friend/twin now enemy, ending the battle destined to go on forever, but The Monkey King tells the hero that this wasn't the evil side of the warrior, but an undecided part that he had corrupted to make things harder for our hero, who must now find her evil triplet.
    At which point the story ends.

    So my question is, did anyone follow that? If not is it a matter of being too ridiculous or my poor writing skills?
    Keep in mind this is a comedy not to be taken seriously.:p
  21. untalented311

    untalented311 New Member

    Jul 18, 2010
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    ...I laughed. Yes I was severely confused, but this was utter silliness and I sincerely laughed aloud. I think this is something that all my friends would read, and then dress up as the characters on halloween (we're all perverts so don't take my statement too highly
  22. Berko

    Berko New Member

    Jul 26, 2010
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    I think in the USA...
    Too late. You've made my day.

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