Where are some good places to send flash fiction which aren't the top tier of online publishers, but which are still decent places to publish? There are plenty of lists of the best places to send flash fiction, but the acceptance rates are very low (e.g. 3% of stories published). I'd assume that these are tier 1 publishers. Which publishers might fall into tiers 2 or maybe 3? Places where it is still an achievement to publish, but not as difficult as those publishers/websites in the top 10 lists? Any recommendations would be appreciated.
I don't know what you consider 'top-tier', but dailysciencefiction.com publishes a lot of stories and seems to prefer flash fiction.
Thanks. That looks to be a very interesting place to submit to. In fact I now wish I hadn't submitted one story somewhere else, as DailyScienceFiction looks a much better fit. I did some research on DSF, and it does look to be tier 1. With all the prize winners and notable authors who have published there. But, it's a definite add to my tier 1 list. If anyone thinks my understanding of tiers is off, please school me. EDIT: Their acceptance rate is 10% Not as low an acceptance rate as the places I've been submitting to, but still quite choosy. Are there any non-paying sites who still receive enough submissions to do decent quality control? Where a publication there would mean something? EDIT: According to The Grinder, Perihelion Science Fiction (which accepts flash and quite short stories) has an acceptance rate of 32%. It looks a decent market to aim at, and the next step would of course for me to read multiple issues of theirs, which will tell me what they're looking for and also let me see the quality of what they publish.
I know there's a few different magazines that look for well-written flash fictions. I can't think of any at the moment, but I'm sure if you googled it some results would come up.
There are a lot pages recommending places to submit to. But, they typically list the very top websites and journals. I can get some idea of how selective websites are from The (Submission) Grinder. What I was hoping was that someone could recommend some websites that aren't the top places to submit that turn up in the articles, but still have a good reputation. EDIT: Nature publishes fiction? Wow, what a place to publish. 17% acceptance rate too, which isn't either too high or vanishingly low. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v517/n7533/full/517236a.html