My character was day dreaming and it took him a couple of seconds to register a loud crash behind him. Would this make sense...? 'Snapping him back into sentience...' If not, can anybody suggest a more suitable alternative? Thanks in advance!
Personally, I feel it reads a little strangely. Instead I would put 'consciousness' or 'reality.' Maybe use 'attentiveness'? Hope this is what you need.
I don't think 'sentience' fits this situation. It's more of a term you use when referring to the cognitive abilities of different species of animals rather than whether or not they are paying attention. 'Reality' or 'attention' are your best choices, although 'attention' might work better if your character were a soldier or in a situation where they weren't meant to be day dreaming.
I could see saying this to be funny, as a joking exaggeration of how thoroughly the character's thoughts had stopped. Otherwise, no.
"snapping him back into sentient thought"; "into a sentient state" I think those work and maintain the originality of the word choice.