...under that heading are included books by stephen king and dr. seuss, among other noted authors! ...while i haven't noticed king being a member, though he could be, under an alias, considering the fact that ted geisel has been dead and gone for years, is it possible that his spirit is haunting the site? ...i think it's clear that either the heading must be changed to reflect the books featured there, or books by non-members must be removed...
Agreed. I was under the impression the bookstore was intended to showcase published and self-published members of this site, while simulataneously prividing a little extra revenue for WF. While I understand that buying the books of well-established authors through the WF bookstore does net WF some extra $$$, do we really need Stephen King's On Writing on the front page? I mean, if somone wants to buy it, they can search for it; it's not as if it's an obscure text.
Setting up for the Bookstore required the creation of a full page (minimum) of items. Please note that as members come to us with their published works, they are being placed at the head of the list so as to push "other titles" down and off the list.
Oh ... fucksticks. If Stephen King is a member of this site, he's seen all my horrible comments about him. Even then literally 'horrible comments' being comments very poorly written. Bollocks!
It wasn't hard to figure out Glen Greenwald wasn't a forum member. The title of the page is a tad misleading. The explanation suffices. Perhaps the title of the list could be modified or a caveat written elsewhere. How hard is it to change the title? "Books by active WritingForums.org members" Can it be: "Featuring books by active WritingForums.org members and top sellers" Or: "Three books by active WritingForums.org members" (and you change the number as more are added? Or something like that until a few more books are on the list? If I had to boldly yell about something, it would be the problem one cannot search within the "books" category, one can only browse.
I'm guessing that has to do with cookies of forum members. Which makes me curious, did everyone see Greenwald's book or is it like a lot of ads that show on a screen, tailored to each viewers cookies?
Easy enough, but Daniel is the only one with access to changing that wording. And yeah, strangely "books" is missing as one of the search categories above the search box. I'll get that info to Daniel as well.
No, that's not a cookie thing. We have to plug the items in and Greenwald's title is one that Daniel chose. As I add new books, I remove the ones that aren't from our members, but it occasionally takes a bit to reflect the deletion, though (thankfully) additions display immediately. ETA: I've added three new titles from our own members just between last night and this morning, leaving only 4 slots to worry about. I don't foresee the wording issue being an issue for much longer.
Update: Voilà . Le "problème grave" n'est plus un problème. Enough listings from our own published members have come in to fill the front page with just their listings. If you're reading this thread, @Daniel, no action is needed, dear sir.
Wreybiesism #3 "Booby thread"- A thread with a double meaning because it promises boob-age, but is actually just a booby trap to draw someone's attention to a thread that is for announcing forum information.
In that case, he has seen my disparaging remarks as well. If he has, it certainly has not made much impression on him. So his possible presence has an equally insignificant impact on me.
Just visited the bookstore as I didn't even know there was one - a few things... Firstly, shouldn't you promote the bookstore a little more? I didn't even know it existed. A call for published members to post their books would also be beneficial. Secondly, check out the screenshot of the bookstore. @Wreybies @Daniel - not sure if it's only my laptop or if it's a more general problem? I'm using Firefox. Lastly, the "Upload a File" button never works. I always get an error message. However, drag and drop works just fine.
ginger... if you haven't noticed by now, i next to never yell... fyi, until i checked this thread for the first time just now, i had no clue my post had come out in bold, for some inexplicable reason... and i got rid of the bold on first sight, before i read any of the comments... including your little 'boldly' barb... i agree with your suggestions for changing the title of the bookstore page...