Ok, I had a pretty odd dream last night and I had to share. It was one of those dreams that had a start, had a middle and had an ending, which doesn’t usually happen to me often (they usually morph into something beyond it’s original meaning where it doesn’t make any sense). (Short cut down memory of dream) It started with me, my brother in law ad a few of our mates going to a concert together (we were walking). We were walking over the Sydney Harbour Bridge (which isn’t far where we go for concerts). We buy some drinks, get some food sit down and talk. I remember sitting down and I had a can of beer in my hand and I say something like “Oh crap beer in a can” toss it in the water and go grab a nice cold beer in a glass. Anyway, suddenly where inside and the concerts starting (it’s a band Called Opeth). The concert goes for a few tracks and suddenly someone comes over near me and my mates and his got like a bath or some stone coffin with items in it. I thought it was ice first then I realised there was stone bones in the coffin; I pick up a skull (not human, somewhat mutated) and with my mates raise it to the air, over and over and over. Then I place it back into the coffin and pull it back out with blood, We continue to raise the item in the air like you do it a heavy metal concert (but not with stone bones) and suddenly the atmosphere changes, there’s a huge roar and the crowd gets nervous. Then the crowd splits in two and in front of me, there’s a gap growing of about ten feet to the crowd in front (so theirs like a path down the middle of the audience.). Then the roar gets louder and the earth in the path starts splitting open, blood, rubble and smoke starts raising out of the cracks and people throughout the crowd are freaking out, people screaming and realising there in the wrong place at the wrong time. People are trying to run but its pretty tight, no luck. Suddenly my friends and I place our stone (and bloodied) bones in front of us and stand and watch as this man like creature (I was disappointed in my dream) came out. A man of black and red with bright eyes (like a flashlight) comes out of the ground in front of me. I remember being pretty darn scared as he walks behind me and grabs someone and proceeds to throw them into the hole in the ground. After a few minutes and a few dozen people later (being thrown into the ground) the ground seals back up and I’m suddenly walking down the street talking to a few British fellows who say, “Cool concerts, but not their bests” I wake up. Then today I get into my car to grab a coke and some smokes and Tool is playing (CD), and im like, wait I did NOT put this in here….then I realised my brother0in0law used the car last night and all was good. Anyone else remember some cool dreams they want to share?
All of my dreams are fantasy+action/adventure+romance+thriller/horror. Do you really want me to share? Well, last night, I dreamt i was shot twice, one near the kidney and one slightly above it. So then I wandered to my backyard, which looked very different, somewhat like a botanical garden. The suddenly, a large group of Nazis ran out and got into a gun fight with another group already in the yard. The strange thing was I didnt't get hit even though there were stray bullets everywhere. Then i collapsed, but one of the medics from the group already in the garden, and a cute looking guy at that, treated my wound. The strange thing was that the wound above was more like a huge and deep scratch. Anyway, the medic realized that the lower shot actually didn't leave a wound, it was perfectly fine! Then the medic guy got up and left and so did I. I wandered back to the front yard, holding the upper wound, which felt real;ly real and hurts alot!! But that's when I woke up.... Yeah, that's all I could remember. I usually have much more "magical" dreams than that.
I had a weird dream once where I was infiltrating a zombie village (they talked and acted like normal people, except they ate others and were dead) and me and my friend were killing them with my father's guns. Then it shifts to day and an adult I know well comes up and bites my friends neck. I'm in a corner shooting at zombies and I yell at this adult, "Hey! That's not fair!" He says, "Oh sorry Doug," and lets my friend go. I drag my friend in to a barn and have to shoot him. Then a bunch of child zombies come in and I start picking them off. One of them falls onto a giant piece of spinning paper and explodes into blood spin art. I woke up sometime after that. I just thought, "Woah, awesome."
I dreamt yesterday that Iroquois Indians were planning to attack us ("us" being a group of modern-day people in a big house...I guess there were early contact era-Iroquois running around as a matter of course) and I uncovered a spy plot but didn't know who I could trust. I've typed the longwinded thing up but have to proof it before posting it in my dream journal. My dreams are way too long to post on forums.
Only thing i can remember from last night was dreaming i was doing a law degree with my girlfriend and she recived her results in class (1st, 1st, 1st, 1st , 84th , 137th, 8th etc in class) and she was like "Im a failure, i have do do all this again next year" I was so glad to wake up, studying law in my dreams isnt what i want!
My dreams? Well, obviously marrying a good woman and having lots of happy and healthy children. Beyond that, I'd love to have a story idea of mine take off, into possibly a hit television series or a hit novel and movie. Unlikely yes, but this is about our dreams. Got many dreams but some are controversal and thus I will refrain from sharing them in the interest of keeping the peace.
Oh, hmmmm, soirry, misunderstood. Ok, awkward moment. This would make a good scene in a comedy. :redface: Let's see, no dreams come to mind that are coherent.
I hitherto have dreams pertaining to horror and gore,and is not that I watch horror movies superfluously as I do not have sufficient time to watch anything. This dream is about grief,and transpired precisely the vicinity outside my house.A man points his gun at me and shot,those bullets let out a luminosity and I was gone.Subsequently,my family likewise were dead. Then,this malignant man went down to the next level and shot my neighbours,and ultimately set a fire.It was harrowing. I don't want this deja vu henceforth.No wisecrack,it's genuine,explicit,my assertion.But I am not acquainted with the reason I am dreaming those.
I always have awesome dreams. I had this one the other night. I was in a rocking recliner in the middle of the street I grew up on. I had a kid tucked under my left arm (by kid I mean a baby goat). It was a funny looking goat with a really high forhead and pointy horns. I was holding it like I would have a small child. Anyway, down the street, I saw a dog. I call it over. Turns out, it isn't a dog. It is a mountain lion. I am left with the dilemna. Do I save myself and sacrifice the goat, or do I try to protect the goat and posibly get eaten myself. Luckily, the mountain lion turned out to be friendly and came up for pets and went away.
I had a dream when I was little that I was in the kitchen with my mum whilst she was washing up, and I looked out of the window into the night sky to find that there were 3 moons! Not only that, but these little silver electric aliens were leaping from moon to moon. Quite sweet really Ive had some freaky dreams though, like the time I dreamt i was outside the doctors watching fireworks and then a giant cartoon mosquito chased me, and there was randomly this little boy with white-blonde hair sitting on the wall watching. Another dream I can remember, is when I dreamt that i worked at a funfair, and there was a resident evil ride, and I could clearly see the big resident evil logo above the door with a gun-woman next to it. Basically, I was an actress dressed up with a gun taking kids through a tour of this resident evil thingy, and part of the act I suppose was that the lights go out and everyone gets on the floor. Well suddenly all these zombies came out and my heart leapt thinking they were real, so I ran through a door with all these zombies reaching behind me, and I tried to run up these stairs but all of a sudden my body went into slow motion and I just couldnt get up the stairs because it felt so heavy. I also remember it being like a theme park cos a kid was being taken out the secret exit door Very very weird dream! I'm also ALWAYS dreaming that my teeth are falling out. eugh, i hate those. Looks like my dream catchers arent working.