Share your fantasy races/monsters

Discussion in 'Fantasy' started by Safety Turtle, May 28, 2017.

  1. DK3654

    DK3654 Almost a Productive Member of Society Contributor

    Apr 11, 2018
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    In the vibe zone
    I have three main categories of fantasy groups/races/people in my WIP: 'darkbreed', sorcerers and faeries.

    'Darkbreed' (I might change the name FYI) is the general term for those races of with some sort of demonic affiliation, including halfblood demons, vampires and werewolves. Unsurprisingly, many in the community distrust and/or dislike darkbreed, and in turn many darkbreed ally closely with each other, but overall they are still thoroughly integrated into society and have learned to make a civilised living. All of the darkbreed races have potent natural powers, but have various difficulties with control and stability because of their powers or simply their divided nature.

    Sorcerers are humans who are born from a sorcerer lineage inheriting their power from birth- 'natural born' or 'naturals', and those who acquire power through ritual and study- 'seekers'. Sorcerers are classed based on the source of their power, as either witches- who draw from the demonic abyssal plane, druids- who draw from the elemental elysian plane, and oracles- who draw from the raw aether that binds reality together. Sorcerers are the most common group of occult people, and tend to be well organised, making them influential in the occult political sphere.

    Faeries are a collection of different related races connected to the elysian plane. They live very long lives but also mature slowly, and most live outside of normal human society (though not disconnected from the larger occult society) in their own fae domain, suspended between the earthly and elysian planes. As elysian creatures, the faeries are naturally positioned against the demons and darkbreed races, such that most faeries are quite distrusting of darkbreed, but they have long since agreed to peaceful coexistence. The faerie races include sprites, nymphs, goblins, trolls and satyrs.
  2. DarkPen14

    DarkPen14 Florida Man in Training Contributor

    Feb 4, 2019
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    Florida, United States
    I have two races that go hand in hand; Incarnators, and Misincarnations.

    An Incarnator (Inn-car-nuh-torr/Inn-car-NAY-torr) is a kind of god/divinity which distributes souls to bodies. When the child is conceived, an Incarnator will select a soul of that fetus's species, if possible, and implant it within the fetus, which allows the fetus to develop into an infant and grow up and NOT become a miscarriage. Occasionally, there will be a higher demand for souls of a certain species than there is a supply, and the Incarnator in question will do one of two things; A, not apply a soul, resulting in a miscarriage and loss of the baby, or B, take a soul from a different species and implant that soul, which results in a Misincarnation when this happens to humans. There are hundreds of Incarnators for each plane of existence, and they rarely communicate with each other except to notify the other Incarnator that they will be taking X amount of souls from the other's selection to keep up with the demand. The Incarnators' methods of soul distribution are what is responsible for things like gender-misidentification or the belief of being the wrong gender, when they place a male soul into a female body or vice versa.

    A Misincarnation (Miss-inn-car-NAY-shun) is what happens when an Incarnator can't keep up with the demand for human souls and chooses to place a non-human soul into the human fetus. Often this is never realized by the humans in question, as it is usually some animal or another primate. In the rare instances that it is NOT a normal animal soul but is in fact the soul of a supernatural being, such as the salamander in the story where this occurs, then the Misincarnation displays the abilities and behaviors of the soul's true form. The Misincarnated Salamander in question displays power over fire, and eats charcoal like a cookie, for example. On rare occasions, when the soul is a reincarnation of something else, the mind of the previous life may be intact, such as an ancient powerful dragon, then the mind of the previous life can speak to the current owner of the soul.
    In the rare instances where a Misincarnation is a human with a supernatural soul, they run the risk of the Soul Manifestation when they overuse their soul's abilities. The human body is uniquely suited to harnessing power, however it can only handle a certain amount before it begins to warp. When this happens, their body will start to change to suit the form of their soul. THe salamander's eyes will change color and shape, a tail may form, their body temperature will skyrocket, and a tail will grow from their spine. These changes are often extremely painful but rarely permanent, although this is often discouragement enough for a Misincarnation to use their powers.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2019
  3. Blood Rust

    Blood Rust New Member

    Apr 7, 2020
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    -Name of Race: Argenthem(Silverblood)
    -Appearance: Can be any shape or size, but always has a sort of mask over face, red eyes, and silver blood
    -Lifespan: Immortal, but are killable
    -Power: Extremely powerful with dark magic and physical strength
    -Reproductive Capabilities: Sterile
    -How They are Created: Argenthem are created when someone with dark magic is put to the lowest depths of despair. At that moment, their consciousness temporarily shuts down while their subconsciousness and instincts take over. They've become a Fledgling Argenthem. Fledglings are much like their full counter-parts, but are less powerful, are constantly cloaked in dark magic, and lack a mask. Once a Fledgling takes a life, they become a full Argenthem, and the aura of dark magic that once surrounded them forms a mask on their face.
    -Diet: Don't need to eat, but are able to
    -Other Facts:
    <Argenthem(Full and Fledgling) have two forms; bound and released. When in bound, most of the Argenthem's power is sealed deep inside, causing them to appear as they did pre-transformation. However, even in bound form, their eyes are red and their blood is silver.
  4. Blood Rust

    Blood Rust New Member

    Apr 7, 2020
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    -Name of Race: Chrysens(Gold Sword)
    -Appearance: Can be any shape or size, but eyes are always gold, and blood is always blue
    -Lifespan: Immortal, but are killable
    -Power: Extremely strong magic and physical strength
    -Reproductive Capabilities: Sterile
    -How They are Created: Chrysens are created when someone does a deed and is recognized by a god for it. The god them inlays their soul with power that turns them into Chrysens. They have three forms; bound, weapon, and released. In bound form, they appear as they did pre-transformation, but with gold eyes, blue blood, and reduced power. In weapon form, they become a Celestial Weapon. Celestial Weapons are armaments of the gods, but can be wielded by anyone the Chrysens trusts. In released form, the Chrysens appears as it's true self, with all it's power displayed.
    -Diet: Don't need to eat, but are able to
    -Other Facts:
    <Their transformations are reversible if the god who originally made them a Chrysens decides so
  5. Accelerator231

    Accelerator231 Contributor Contributor

    Feb 6, 2019
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    Name: Twi'kili
    Race: Elf-like
    Appearance: Beautiful humans. Alwasy beautiful
    Reproductive: Low, requires artificial intervention
    Power: Extreme talent and longevity. High constitution.

    The Twi'kili are based on a world where there are numerous ancient ruins of past more advanced civilizations. Wars were fought over the ruins and the artifacts within. Some are normal, the equivalent of an iphone or radio. Others are absurdly valuable, like a canteen with infinite water and a grindstone that can turn light into grain and flour. One such enterprising sorcerer and archaeologist found the equivalent of a cloning factory, and used it to form a great army, waging war on the world.

    He was defeated, and as a consequence, the Twi'killi were left without a leader. Without purpose. Without protection. As the losers of this war many were taken prisoner and put to work, their beauty leading them to fates best unsaid. Others escaped, with enough knowledge and equipment to make more of themselves. The war had wide-spread consequences, and the Twi'kili found themselves outcasts, spat on by society. Left to do the most degrading and worst work, with minimal pay. They were driven out and treated unjustly. The Twi'kili were left with nothing. They were born to be slaves, and when their chains were broken, they were driven out into the wilderness to die.

    The Twi'kili bands wandered into a great wasteland, where desert storms and deadly winds slew any who entered. They walked for weeks, before bumping into a fortress protected by ancient magic and illusionary spells. Artifact weapons were worth a fortune in that world. The Twi'kili found the equivalent of an entire military base, with WMDs still primed to fire.

    That was when the Twi'kili turned from poverty-stricken wanderers into murderous monsters.

    Common behaviour:
    The story of their birth and their subsequent treatment has left them rather embittered and xenophobic. Blessed with long lives and even longer memories, the Twi'kili turned spiteful and wrathful against the people they viewed as having persecuted them. The ill-treatment they received caused them to say: "We deserve better." Then they went one step too far. "We deserve better... and we will take what we deserve, even if we tear it from the cold dead hands of others." Twi'kili when viewed from outside are seen as arrogant, entitled, and selfish, gladly burning down entire villages and razing fields as a price of defiance and resistance. From the inside, they view themselves as noble warriors fighting against a world that had persecuted them unfairly, and even now seeks to destroy them out of jealousy for their talents.

    The Twi'kili now march on the rest of the world, intent on pacifying and ruling over what they view as theirs. Let the multiverse beware.

    Twi'kili are created to be supersoldiers. Strong, smart, intelligent, and more skilled with magic. The destruction of their clone factory and their subsequent flight has meant that only the main Twi'kili sects are capable of creating new Twi'kili to offset their low reproduction rate. Their high intelligence and access to the old fortress has meant that they have better infrastructure for production than most, letting them produce higher grade weapons and equipment than most others. However, their numbers are still extremely low, and despite their immense talents and native abilities, they prefer to let auxilaries do the main fighting, and then attack in a deadly pin point strike.
  6. J.T. Woody

    J.T. Woody Book Witch Contributor

    Feb 5, 2018
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    Race: Diadasi
    Description: humanoid, dark hair, purple skin (pigment matches the sand in their desert), slightly larger eyes than humans (like desert creatures typically have), that have an extra layer to protect against the wind blown sand.
    Planet: Diadasos; a purple, desert planet where resources are scarce. The planet used to be fertile, and the 1 remaining Diadasan city i based on ancient civilizations in the Fertile Crescent.

    When humans came to Diadasos, the military classified the Diadasi as "04's" which basically means that they are sentient beings with no documented cases of hostility toward humans. Essentially, leave them alone and they leave you alone.

    They are deeply spiritual.
    While 90% od the population lives in the city, the rest are desert nomads (the population of nomads having dwindled over the years as some died to drought and starvation, and others having settled in or around the city).

    They are basically human in every other way and are the most human alien race that humans have found thus far. This is something that humans do not quite like (which comes up in a later WIP).
    My current WIP takes place before humans arrived, so in it, the Diadasi and the various nomadic clans are the only races in it. In the second instalment, humans and other alien races are introduced but do not play a huge role other than to illustrate how the military classifies aliens, as well as the humans aversion to aliens in human cities.
    My human MC has travelled the galaxy and likes to talk about his adventures.
  7. Efim Ryabushev

    Efim Ryabushev New Member

    Jun 29, 2020
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    My world has only one race of "living" creatures: Einelia. They leave in the undeveloped world, that has stacked on the first step of the creation. So there is nothing but vast amounts of shapeless matter, that fills the endless primordial ocean, that is also known as the Abyss. Einelias live in the Lonely Tower that stands high above the Abyss. By definition, einelia is an immortal and immaterial spirit trapped in the soul gem, that allows her to have a physical body. A long time ago, at the beginning of the material universe einelias used soul gems to descend from heaven to earth. And because there was nobody on the Earth - they took absolute power over the young universe. But there are much more to say about einelias, rather than general concept. But it can be told and understood only in the context of their history.

    The history of the origin and the creation sequence

    The Song, who was the God, created einelias as the spirits before the creation of time and space of the material universe. The first memory of every single einelia is the eternal light and Song of the existence. The Song wanted for einelias to become guardians of the material universe and watchers for every other sapient life, that had to come after. The einelias were created in vast numbers with different amounts of glory for every single einelia.

    Ain was the senior einelia: the most powerful and intelligent among all of them. She was created to chant the abyss of the wisdom of the Song. But her second sister was way very anxious about that because she wanted to be the highest among them.

    When the material universe at its start. The Song told einelias to watch from a distance, how She will set up the entire World out of nothing. And in the first act Song created time, space and shapeless matter, that was formless and empty.

    The second sister, who was jealous of Ain, invented a trick to achieve her goal of becoming number one. At the ending of the first act, she talked to Ain trying to convince her to come down to earth because it was "empty and worthless". She told Ain that the Song was not so great being only capable of creating an empty world, without anything significant in it. The second sister persuaded Ain to go to the material world and to craft their something for herself all alone. Although Ain was brilliant, she was also very naive and listed to blasphemous speech.

    Ain descendent in the material universe and 756 einelias followed her. The Song was very disappointed with them, so She banished them into the material universe, that was "empty and worthless" as a punishment. And the second sister was cast out in the eternal darkness forever for what she has done. This is the story of how einelias came to be trapped in the material universe, where they had to fight with crude and brutal unkempt pristine nature.

    About soul gems, artificial bodies and the Lonely Tower.

    After the exile, Ain has crafted an essence out of crude matter. After that, she used essence to create the soul gems, that could contain immortal spirits of her sisters inside it and so allow them to have a physical body. And also Ain was one who has created the artificial bodies out of formless matter. The bodies were very durable and powerful, capable of sustain nature's primordial wrath.

    Ain with sisters has crafted home for themselves - the Lonely Tower that stands high above the Abyss. This Tower is the heart of their civilisation, the pillar of order in the world of chaos. For thousands of years, it stands under permanent pressure from the Abyss, that always try to consume it.

    About the damnation and cycle of life

    Einelias live forever because they are immortal spirits. In the worst scenario, einelia can lose her soul gem. If soul gem turns to dust, its owner will be trapped in this dust without the ability to feel or sense anything — eternal loneliness.

    Einelia does not reproduce: there are always 756 einelia in the Universe. But they do have a shift of the generations in some specific sense. Every single einelia is cursed as a result of their old riot. This curse affects them by delivering sadness and suffering over time. The seed of damnation lies deep inside their immortal souls. After thousands of years of life, this seed grow into a huge tree of despair, that consumes entire einelia.

    They have only one way to solve this problem - oblivion. With the help of the essence, they can wash suffering from their soul gems. But this has its own price: the essence washes away not only suffering and misery but also entire memory. All feelings, thoughts, inspirations - everything is consumed by the oblivion. The oblivion is the death of personality. So every single einelia live inside an endless loop: she borns from the oblivion to go to the oblivion once again at the end of the life cycle. So they change identities over time, and there is a shift of personalities among their society.

    About culture and language

    Einelias are obsessed with the idea of periodic cycles because it is their way of life. The key element to their culture is preserving the memory of past personalities of every single einelia in the Tower. They have a great Library full of necrologies that stores every single action of every single einelia. They also do have a massive Central Core, where old identities live as a dead voice chanting in a Never-ending Choir. They chant about feelings and thoughts that had been consumed by the oblivion. All these thoughts and experiences are delivered to the Central Core (which is a huge empty soul gem) via the essence flow in the moment of the oblivion ceremony.

    Einelias language uses hieroglyphical circular notation. Sentences are written at the circumference, and a text is shaped like a circle. The ending of every single story of thought should always be linked to the beginning to form a harmony.

    In mathematics, they use harmonic. Their number system uses a periodic representation of numbers rather than the power-based decimal system. Instead of power decomposition (decomposition of number in the power series as we do: 321 = 3 * 10^2 + 2*10 + 1) they use decomposition in the series of periodic fractions: a = 0,11111... + 0,010101... and so on. It is like use Fourier series instead of power series to define functions.

    About the machines

    World of einelias is the world of complex magical machines. Their machinery uses a combination of advanced computing technology (like inside the cyberpunk universe in our words) with the usage of the essence, that is able to conduct feelings and emotions. Einelias are able to merge with their machines to guide and control them. They live in a world of magical cyberpunk inside a huge Tower, full of gothic machines and empty corridors with vast amounts of cables, cybernetical fibre and stuff like this. All these machines help them to perform oblivion rituals and to sustain Lonely Tower from nature wrath.

    P.S. I am not a native English speaker. So my writing may contain huge amounts of strange grammatical choices. Because it is hard to translate your ideas in the foreign language.

  8. Jan Karlsson

    Jan Karlsson Member

    Jun 30, 2020
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    I guess I’m rather boring on this scale.

    In my “Patrons’ World” stories, there are a few humanoid races, other than humans:

    Kannai - A species that look remarkably similar to dogs, but have no relation to them. They once had an island nation that became swallowed by a maelstrom, forcing many Kannai into refugees. From there, they became slaves and only, relatively, recently have Kannai started being accepted by some societies.

    Fae - A forest dwelling humanoid that appears to be made from the woods themselves, but they aren’t. They are flesh and blood (of a kind), but their skin resembles bark. Fae tend to be shorter than humans.

    Driadin - Similar to Fae, but instead of skin that looks like bark, Driadin skin looks like stone. They tend to live on, or very near mountains and are around the same height as humans(ish), only stockier.

    Dragon-Kin - Reptilian humanoids with vestigial wings. There home is the desert region called Black Sands. They have no relation to dragons because there are no dragons on Patrons’ World. Only the Great Dragon that was destroyed by the One-That-Was-Many, Vaiah. A god made from all the other gods combining to fight the Great Dragon. Vaiah died in victory.

    Shree T’i’i - Humanoids that resemble rats that are, again, no relation to rats. They have a single, hidden city and are the cleanest, most friendly of all the races.

    There may be other humanoid races as yet undiscovered (ie. I haven’t thought of them yet).

    There are no mixed races on Patrons’ World. None of the races can breed with each other ... but they sure can have sex with each other. And do.

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