I really enjoy using this site, so I figure this time it's better to ask permission than forgiveness. I found a blog post (not mine) that is full of advice for people aiming to write a series of books. The blog is written by a publisher and I found it informative. Is this something I'm allowed to post a link to in order to share with others? My other question, I found a piece of software that is great for character creation and outline notes. Its a legit free ware that my employer has us use on a daily basis. Can I share this information with others through a post? I know we can't advertise on the site and that's not my intention, I have no ties to the software. Im just looking to share some useful information. Thanks in advance for your guidance!
For your first question: Attention, please, regarding offsite links. Basically, you can post your take on it and provide the link as a reference. Or you can quote a very short passage, and use the link to attribute the source. But jjust a link and a few words? No. As to your second question, ABSOLUJELY NOT. No advertisements or endorsements are permitted.