I've checked a lot, every Friday at least, and the theme's been Highlander for a while.. Not so much "weekly." I realize the voting may take time, but if we're going for weekly we could shorten the deadlines... And I may just be over-reacting and not actually checking every week like I think I am. Also, while I'm at it, I want to suggest a "Unique" contest for most unique idea and such. Challenges people to come up with something nobody's ever seen before and then show them it. Yeah, this thread was kinda pointless now that I look back at it.
It can be tricky to keep up with short story contests in a weekly manner, more so than poetry as they can take a lot longer to write. They do their best and try to keep it to as close to a week as possible, but holidays (especially recently), school tests, and what have you always create unexpected circumstances.
Again apologies for the absence - perhaps we could get the name changed but indeed they are no longer weekly and are rather every two weeks, or bi-weekly. I'll see what Lp says. They are bi-weekly as you mention above, short stories or merit often take a while to write. On the rare occasion (like this time) that no entries are submitted in the timeframe an extension will be posted, thus delaying the next contest by a further week. I hope this helps and clarifies.
Why don't you attempt to re-vamp the system, Gannon? Make the contests more attractive. Do winners get special prizes? Badges or icons that could go with their usernames. People might want to enter to win a new a badge and add this to their collection. Members could then see who has the most wins. Of course, this isn't my area of the site and I haven't read any of the rules, etc. Feel free to enlighten me if I'm treading over covered ground.
Bi-weekly does sound nice, as does the badge idea. Maybe we could have a group of people creating the badges with special images? That'd be cool.
Perhaps something along the lines of the reputation symbols? And then I could hijack it for poetry And I hope you don't mind my stepping in, Gannon.
It was my idea to change them to a fortnightly contest. I based my decission on the fact that the contest were only recieving 4 entries and other members getting upset because they'd missed the deadline. Basically short stories are longer to write than a poem and I feel that a 2 week period is enough time to create a short story that qualifys with the rules of the contest.
I'd agree to be honest. The short story contests I entered (when they were weekly) I felt I had to rush to finish my entries for.
Just to toss another monkey wrench. While you're at it, we need to find a way to encourage more voting. I know trying to read 4-7 short stories, especially in an area I am not realyy interested in (Highlander), is difficult. Having the winner be the story that got 2 votes compared to the other 2 that got 1, and one the got none is as winning as my second place in a two stroy contest at the county fair.
Do you have any suggestions that may work. Sometimes the voting recieves a large number and then other times it doesn't. It would be good if all those who entered voted as well and not for their own. Though that choice is there.
It may be possible, at least for a short while, to limit submissions for the contest? I know this probably isn't nice to everyone, but if you had 4 submissions and people crying - isn't that their own fault in at least some part? And with 4 submissions, a lot more people would have voted as they wouldn't have had to read as much content.
I don't like that idea to be honest. I mean, some people could be in love with a topic but miss the deadline/entry limit by one day/entry and have to hope it comes around again. I'm waiting for a short story contest with another prize, I'm saving everything I write for another huge one. (We still will have those awesome big contests with $100 prizes, right?)
One idea that they use on another site is try to designate 4-6 volunteers to judge. The judges could rotate every contest.
The judges system could possibly be a good idea, but as stated once before by a few other members it wouldn't seem fair. Because the judges would have to be completely un bias and be capable of judging on the quality of the pieces and there were many other reasons. I can't think of it all right at this very minute sorry. All we can do is keep asking members to vote and if it comes down to it I will take time every time it comes around to voting to pm people and get voting to take place. Maybe Lp could mass pm people letting them know it is voting time. I know it would be annoying but it may very well work.
I know and I am good at trying to come up with a simple idea first then the more techinical ideas later on
Here's a really simple idea - When voting begins, put a "nudge" thread in the Lounge where everyone sees it, urging people to vote. Close the thread when voting is about to end, so it slips away and people don't become so accustomed to seeing it there that they ignore it. Don't nudge people for competition entries, because that too makes it likely people will not notice the voting nudge.. I'm sure none of the mods will mind being called upon to close the nudge thread at the end of the voting period.
I have to say I liked the idea of perhaps a badge/reputation bar for the contests... has anyone mentioned this to LP or anything?
I thought about it, but decided I'd wait until after the server move to bother him. Or perhaps one of you mods could do it, rather than a lowly prole like me