In a story I'm writing, Character A is in a scene where her romantic interests for Character B is brought up. Is it okay for the next scene to have a full on Romantic interaction between Character A and B or should I should I wait latter on in the story to 'poke' at it again. The romance isn't the main point the of story by the way, and the I'm still only 35% into the story.
I've read this sort of "Instant Love" in other stories and it's always irritating to me. Particularly if the people involved are supposed to be somewhat level-headed and/or semi-intelligent otherwise. JMO
The next scene isn't really a romantic climax, it's a bit of teasing between the two. It's meant to help develop the relationship, in an 'accidental' romantic way.
Well, is it "a full on Romantic interaction" or just some teasing? There's a bit of a difference there.
good point, I wasn't sure what to call it. It's like a scene where a character walks in on another character naked, and there's all the romance tease but there is a full romantic undertone.
Walking in on someone naked normally means embarrassment and awkwardness, especially if there's been no kind of foreshadowing of interest previously. It might get the wheels of interest turning, but full romantic undertone - sorry, but personally I'd be rolling my eyes if things moved that quickly.
Depends on your characters, both options are perfectly fine and plausible, so... what would they do? How would they behave?
I tend to romance a lot and the way I set it up is first by establishing some tension. There's always tension. Unless you want it to go completely smooth which is boring and unrealistic. Anyway, so first scene establishes tension/recognizes that there might be some romantic potential. Keep adding to this throughout chapters. Maybe have another character recognize the tension. Denial. Admission. and THEN you have you're full on romantic scene. I don't know. I like to tease the reader a little bit when it comes to two people, makes it more satisfying when it actually happens.