I'm just thinking that a lot of us here have material that is workable with, but maybe we aren't always the best ones to proofread it. I don't know how many times I've seen people that are acting as editors more than critics. It's just a thought, though I do think it's a good idea. We could limit the editing section to excerpts if people think that posting entire entries would be too much. What does everyone think?
are you looking for a section where writers could get free editing services?... and how would getting a small excerpt of a piece of work be any help?
To Banzai: The workshop can be used for form and matters of stylization while the editing sectiion can be used like an advanced proofreading and copyediting part. Maybe it could be a sub-forum of the workshop itself. To Mammamania: Tl a certain degree, I'm not suggesting we edit an entire manuscript at all-- thqt is a full-blown editor's job. But, if people are having a particular problem with a certain passage instead of posting it in the more technical "Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation" they could post an exercpt and revise as necessary. This would make the worshop section more user-friendly when the final draft comesw through and would make more people willing to read their works and comment upon them.
seems to me all of that is being done in the workshop section already... and the line between 'critique' and 'editing' is too fine a one to justify a separate section...