References needed for plot EDIT: Alright, since I've confused the masses. I am looking for references that relate to the following subjects: Venice, Italy; Masquerades; Fairy tales, etc... While I had posted my characters for people to recognized, I shouldn't have posted them in the first place. I have the story down, I just can't think of what to do with specifics and I would like to have some references or suggestions about what to do next. Topics I would love references to: Psychology of Criminals (such as a book about what makes good people turn bad or even what is the definition of evil in a sense). Anything about Medieval-Rennisance Italy. Specifically Venice. I have most of the Fairy tales read. Maybe a reference about the different archetypes of stories and how society has changed. Fighting styles of Italy Past Italian Crimes Legends of Italy Masquerade documentaries. I don't know what really happens except how hollywood portrays them. Anything else would be good! Thank you and I hope you will all help me, -Jane Beryl E.G. Nostalgia Chick's Review on Princesses: Disney Princess Franchise: An Enchanted Cinder(n)ella Ever After video:
Opps! Shoot, okay. Let me get this straight, I've read that thread before, I am not asking anyone to write my plot. I'm going through a bit of a rough patch with my characters and I want references other than disney and italian fairy tales. I'll change that up right now, my goodness. This is why I should not be ranting so much, sorry about that bad post.
I am asking because I need more references, I'm at a writer's block and my character is still captured and I don't know what to do next. So until I can get my "Eureka" moment I am trying to keep myself busy on my story so I don't get too distracted away from it. Also, the more research I get, the better story I can develop.
Thats a world of difference from the original question. Shakespeare would be a good place to start. He has written well over a dozen plays in Italy. For example Romeo & Juliet was set in Verona, Othello and also the Merchant of Venice both take place in Venice.
I introduced my daughter to She-Ra to get rid of the Disney Princess influences in my house lol wonder if it would work on your thread. I get ya I think your looking for historical references and stories relating to the time period your book is set in? The Prince by Machivelli comes to mind Anything about Lucretia Borgia - the stories of the Borgia family will give you political intrigue and crime Nuns' Chronicles and Convent Culture in Renaissance and Counter-Reformation Italy by KJP Lowe is good but too expensive to buy might be worth ordering through the library. Also Italy wasn't Italy until late 1800s Nancy Drew Phantom of Venice set in modern times but it has some interesting thoughts There are masquerade balls in Jane Austen and don't shoot me but the fairy tale the Twelve Princesses is a pretty good description of one, especially if you get one with good illustrations. Aphra Behn might be worth a look she is a bit later and British but one of the few women writing and published even close to the time. Also I am sure the Scarlet Pimpernel (I know its France and later lol) but the Richard E Grant had some good masquerade balls in it, and the Carry On Henry (was that what it was called) isn't too bad
I was having a hard time figuring out what you wanted, too, Jane. It turns out that you were using the word "references" differently from the way I do. I grew up in Canada; that may have something to do with it. When you say you want a "reference to Italy" you mean you want a book or article about Italy. I thought you wanted an example of a quote in which somebody mentions Italy. Not the same thing.
@minster Lol, actually we use that use for essays as well. I am talking about a bibliography of sorts. @Eligasma Thank you so much, that helped a lot because I didn't know what I was going to do with my story if I didn't feel semi-accruate.