I think the training and development of ones' various talents and abilities is important in life. So I was curious, in addition to writing, what other skills are you practicing? Have you guys made a list or anything? What skills would you like to learn/develop? It could be from the athletic side, or the intellectual side.
I play roller derby and knit...I feel like I should be able to come up with other cool things I do, but I think those two and writing are pretty much it.
I love to cook, especially artisan breads and spicy main dishes with multinational influences. Photography is one of my hobbies, particularly nature photography. I love the seashore, and I love climbing steep rocky trails. Acadia National Park in Maine is one of my favorite places, because I can combine both of those acticities with my photography. Plus I've been snorkelling since I was seven or eight years old. I am out of practice in the martial arts, but I have always enjoyed them as a way to unwind and get centered. Occasionally, I paint. I'm not very good though, and I don't have the patience for all the set up and cleanup. This just touches on a few of my interests.
Other than writing, I am trying to develope my fine art skills, such as drawing, painting, photography, and would eventually like to learn some sculpting. I am also learning the guitar and possibly wanting to throw some carpentry in there as well.
If im not writing, i usually play video games, draw, listen to music, read, watch baseball (Yeah, that's about 95% of whole TV time) and occasionally i will play my clarinet. I think i need more hobbies to be honest, but my city has like nothing out here that im interested in. I would love to play baseball but has been 7 years since the last time i stepped on the plate. I would still be in baseball but it's so much money my parents couldn't afford it. Im kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place so it's kinda hard to find any new hobbies around here.
I sing and play guitar (for the past 38 years - rock, folk, folk-rock, sometimes jazz, and very occasionally, classical), and write songs. Also occasional keyboards and woodwinds. I love learning. I buy courses from The Teaching Company and watch the lectures - anything from mathematics to ancient history to geology to literature. Tons of good stuff there. And I like to keep up with the world by reading fairly smart magazines, like Scientific American, the Atlantic, and others. I used to be into bodybuilding, but I had to get rid of my home gym in 2003 and now I'm way out of shape. I kind of refuse to join a gym, because they're expensive and, here in LA County, they're all far away, so it takes a major commitment to go regularly. I decided that writing time was more important that driving and workout time, so I gave that up.
I knit too. It's just a hobby I've slowly worked on through the years and now I'm at a place where I can knit socks and hats. Next up to tackle: sweaters... In my free time I also like to listen to music, write of course, and fool around on here
Uhm, I can survive. That's skillz. I can write, I am bilingual, I know enough to work in any kind of biochemical laboratory, I can horseback ride, I can figure skate, I am really good with interior design, I can sew and make my own clothing, and I can make a damn good bowl of cereal. I am also the After-School-Daycare Connect Four Champion of 1997. Boo. Yah.
I like to sing and am learning to play guitar, and I'd love to play the piano one day. I can converse in French and Spanish (still learning, though!) and when I've got some more time I'll probably start with Italian as well. I like to bake, cook, make jewelry with beads, cross-stitch p), and hopefully I'll learn how to sew/knit/crochet soon- I've got all the material at hands, but there's so much to do - and I'm a part time detective and archeologist. Okay, those two last things aren't true. But I wish they were!
When not writing I enjoy playing guitar, surfing, playing pool, travelling and drinking myself into an early grave. I sometimes cook for myself too.
Other than the obvious writing and reading, I don't really do a lot. I draw and I'm into photography but I don't practice enough. Uhh, what else? I like tennis and football but since I've got no one to play with I don't play anymore. I bake occasionally, and cook while I'm away at university. I've been meaning to teach myself more languages, and refresh my French and Spanish. I want to learn to knit. And one day I will learn the harp.
I garden... make things, play music instrument, brew beer, manage a website, paint, read a lot, exercise. Walk my dog. That's pretty much my whole life. So interesting...
Skills... hmmm, well I played clarinet for 8 years - I haven't picked up the instrument much since I graduated high school, though. I used to be pretty good at it. Also, I do sketch. I'm alright at it, I've never taken lessons or anything. I haven't sketched anything in a few years though, makes me kind of want to pick up a pencil again.... Here's a sample of a drawing I did maybe 6 or 7 years ago. I've always wanted to be able to sing/play guitar. I tried guitar and piano lessons once, back in the day, and I was TERRIBLE at both. I also can't carry a tune in a bucket :redface:
Lemex we would've been best friends in highschool. My skills, whether I enjoy them or not: -Long distance running (running 32km once a week among other training) -Making cereal with perfect cereal to milk ratio. A highly envied skill by many people. -Driving, which most of my employers have depended on, from delivering pizzas to driving 20 ton armoured vehicles. -Yo-yoing. When I was 12 I could blow your friggen mind with a yo-yo. Atom smasher, cat in the craddle, the zipper, I could do it all. I`ve been meaning to get a new one.
Hey, thatguy! I was a yoyo master when I was 12/13 as well! All the tricks. But I haven't had a yoyo in my hands in about 35 years. Argh. I was a pretty good sailor when I was a teenager, as well, but I haven't sailed a boat in 30 years. I was also a certified scuba diver with a specialty in salvage, but I haven't done any diving since 1985. Argh, again. I look back at my life and wonder how I shrunk so much.
Haha, no way! That`s hillarious! I used to put hours and hours into that yo-yo, I`d practice untill my finger started to bleed from the string. If I ever put that ammount of dedication into my writing, I`ll make more money than Stephen King. Sometimes I really miss being a kid.
I love to shoot guns and archery. (My number one passion in fact. ) I also love to play music-various instruments/ singing (Although I suppose it isn't very pleasant-the singing that is. ) and still learning I also like to draw(Also play video games, preferably xbox live). Haha I could keep going on forever and ever but I guess those are my top fave.
I have come up with a new concept which I call "unicen" skills, and I define this as: skills which are applicable across a wide range of areas, based on possession of a central, fundamental skill base. "Unicen" is a portmanteau of the words universal and central. I came up with this concept and term because I believe that there may be some particular abilities or skills which you can pick up that is more widely applicable than some others. Some skills just seem like they are much more universally applicable. For example, in the case of yo-yo skills, it is a very particular skill set, which can be employed in one activity, which is yo-yo-ing (is that a word?). It does not really transfer itself across a range of capabilities. In contrast, let's take a look at sprinting as a skill example. As an ability in itself, the capacity to run fast transfers across a wide range of sports and potential physical activities. In football, baseball, track & field, and soccer, sprinting is a vital component to all of these sports. The yo-yo ability is good for only one activity: yo-yo-ing. So therefore, in my conception, sprinting is a unicen skill. Yo-yo may be classified as a specialty skill, or "non-unicen". What do you guys think? Is this a valid idea or no, the idea of "unicen" skills?