Someone showed me this piece a month or so ago, and I found it absolutely inspiring, and I still rely on it to get me through something particularly trying. It also really helped me pick up the pen again. I couldnt resist sharing it with people who would sincerely appreciate the piece not only for its message, but its beautiful composition as well. I love everything about it. Click on it. Anis Mojgani - Shake the Dust Below is also the text. My favourite parts are in bold. Spoiler <entire work posted - copyright violation> I'd love to hear what you guys thought of the piece; I absolutely adored it. And also, questions! Have you ever attended (or been a speaker at) a slam poetry session? After seeing Anis, I'm really thinking about writing something for such a purpose.
At the end of it, it just seems to be as if to say "That's it. Shows over. Pick up your jaws on the way out; they're on the floor."