In Waukesha, Wisconsin two 12 year old girls had planned to stab their friend so they could become best buds with the internet's favorite supernatural pedophile Slenderman. The plot had been thought over for multiple months and once the two girls preformed the act of stabbing their friend multiple times, the victim crawled away and somehow lived through the incident. The 12 year old victim is now in the hospital as the two criminal girls are under arrest and I believe are being given charges as if they were adults. How do you feel about them being treated as adults in court of law? And do you believe that the news and parents should continue to be pissy at the Internet and media for all the world's problems? Article Link:
Slenderman isn't a pedophile.. And the girl's got the myth wrong. Somehow. Slenderman haunts people who saw him. Not murderers or anything of the sort. Once you see him, he will stalk you until he can get close to snatch them away.
But that's not the point of charging children as adults. If a six year old planned to kill a peer or sibling and carried the plan out, should they be charged as an adult? If no, then at what age does this change?
Well you see, I don't think that people can't change. And they shouldn't have to be locked up until their 65, yes. But they deserve something close. I mean, come on! Attempting to murder someone is attempting to murder someone. Kids aren't as stupid as some people believe, those kids knew what they were doing and what it meant. And they were fucking fine with it!
I believe I heard they were trying to become his proxies. Certainly shouldn't change at 12. Despite how brutal the crime was they shouldn't be tried as adults .....but something does need to be done, I'm leaning towards some sort of mental health place.
(Forgive me God for making this joke) But the Messiah's second coming is here. Someone who agrees with me!
Stuff like that, especially when not obvious, just confuses people who don't know what the subject is about. The last thing we need is an epidemic of parents wanting the internet banned because creepy basement dwellers are creating pedophilic monsters to scare their children... A side note, I don't care how they're tried. They need to be given the help they need to understand that what they did is wrong so they can grow up into non crazy members of society. If they get jail time or something retarded I'd freak out about that as that'd be a fruitless and stupid sentence for a twelve year old.
I agree they shouldn't be there their entire lives. But what I am saying is that crazy is crazy. And just like all other crazies they need to be dealt with as so. A certain way. I don't like having pity on evil acts no matter what the age. I am not saying we have to kill them or lock them up until they are 80 but they shouldn't be treated as two little kids who made an itsy bitsy mistake. Because they knew what they were doing.
You are correct they obviously shouldn't left off easy but they shouldn't be tried as adults. They need to be tested and interviewed and kept somewhere (some sort of mental health place) while their mental illnesses are identified and treated with medication and therapy by professionals. And then it should be up to whatever facility is holding them to see if they are still harmful to others in the future.
They didn't know what they were doing. That's why children are tried as children and we call them ignorant of sin (In the general, non-religious sense). They understood they were killing someone but they didn't understand what that death means. They only understand they are killing as far as the word kill means, not all that it implies personally or for others or how it affects their morals or anything. Children are like badly trained house pets; you can call their names a half dozen times, tell them not to touch the hot stove, or to not lick candy off the floor but guess what? They might as well be mentally retarded for how much brainpower they currently own and use. They don't think, they're impulsive little creatures that have yet created an identity of self. Only in the early teens does that sort of growth occur.
They are in early teens, they're twelve. They're not five. A five year old can nod of their dog dying but a twelve year old bawls their eyes out. Kids aren't retarded, and for some reasons many adults think they are.
I deal with children daily of all ages... trust me, there's something majorly wrong with a lot of them and i have seen many parents who are to blame for it as well. Yes, lots of kids are fine but at least a fourth if not third of them are just plain stupid beyond logical belief. I wouldn't trust half of them with a pot of boiling water because they'd drown themselves in it while trying to use the hot metal as a hair straightner. All I'm saying is they need to not be jailed as that will solve buckets, Just lock them up in a mental facility where they can be examined, treated if necessary, and released once belived to be no danger to anyone else.
I understand and I agree with that. But I am just trying to explain that I don't think they were completely clueless.
What pre-teens (10-12) do you know have a great understanding of life and death, morals, ethics, and their impact on society? They only understood they killed someone, nothing else.
Me...years ago. I don't know many little kids. But I bet if they got Bruce Wayned they wouldn't need to worry about understanding life or death. With the addition of every orphan ever...
Orphan's don't know the meaning of life any better except if they were old enough to understand the mom and popop died whichis probably age 3+ marker. And that example makes it seem that only kids who lost their parents to death understand killing meaning no other child understands it. Few kids are smart and think outside of themselves at such a young age. Good for those who do, but young children are sadly nothing like the kids who understake amazing adventure in fiction books.
Twelve year olds, regardless of how evil they appear or even are, don't have the maturity to be tried as adults. @TheLeonard112, you didn't answer my question. Should a 6 yr old be tried as an adult if they committed the same crime? An eight yr old?, Ten? What's your cutoff? And if twelve yr olds are tried as adults, should the death penalty be on the table?
See I guess this is where we'll just disagree. But I agree on your verdict for the original debate (sorta). Anyway, sleep is a thing. I thing I need, like now. It was good conversating. Mr. A.MP.
I don't know what the cut off is on an act like this. And I believe I said death shouldn't be an option neither should being locked up forever, My point is there is a line between being a stupid kid and being insane. And the line here seems to be pretty blurred. So blurred that some people interpret it as one thing and other people interpret it as another.
If you don't know the cutoff, then how can you say 12 is on one side of that cut or the other? Feel free to answer tomorrow.
At twelve, people absolutely know what death means. Additionally, no healthy mind at any age would be able to stab someone repeatedly and not feel awful about it. The children must be disturbed.