I came across this pic. Tor's Slush Pile Actually, having read slush, it's not quite as bad as I'd imagined. Terry
There's some rather biting comentary attatched to that pic. Miss Theresa Nielson Hayden doesn't hold back, now does she?
oh wow. I feel sorry (and yet envious) of those people. So much to read......yet how awesome would a job reading be?
Yeah, but I'm sure opening the manila envelope to find "Pwningest Vampire Novel Ever! Please Publish!" has to get old after the first hundred times.
True, there are probably the incredibly stupid ones, but can you imagine opening a nondescript envelope and finding the next Edgar Allan Poe?
Actually, I could envision the camera zooming back, showing a gargantuan warehouse of identical shelving units, similar to the last scene of Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark.
Here is the picture so that we don't all have to follow the link. Anyhoo, wow. That's big. And Cog, that comment was hilarious.
"We have top men working on it right now." Good lord. "Pwningest Vampire Novel Ever! Please Publish!" You know, the painful thing about that is... you're probably right. Like, I can truly and honestly see people thinking "No-one's ever though of THIS!" It kills me, really it does >=( I like how some envelopes are red - as if it makes a difference - "zomg it's a howler! Better open this one quick!" Does anyone else feel sorry for the people that have to go through pile after pile of what is probably mostly drivel? Or suddenly very daunted at the prospect of having your own hard work thrown into that pile?