1. WriterDude

    WriterDude Contributor Contributor

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Icy cold wastes of Hell. Aka Norway.

    So I read my first e-book this Christmas... on my phone, of all things

    Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by WriterDude, Dec 30, 2011.

    Yep, that's right. I've tried reading e-books on the computer from time to time, but it never really works. Watching movies, playing games, working etc is fine, but reading static text on the computer screen is tiresome after a few minutes. Naturally, I've never really given e-books much thought. I know people like it, but can it compete with paper books? Nope. Not a chance. Or can it?

    The thing is, I downloaded an e-book (Temple of the gods, by Andy McDermott, Kindle edition) on my Android phone and read the whole thing in two days. The main reason I did this was because it's the eight book in the series, and I loved all the others. Plus, the paper version isn't out here in Norway yet. And even if it was, I couldn't get it during Christmas, stores being closed and all. So anyway, I downloaded it and read it. And know what? It worked great. :) I didn't have any problems reading it on the phone, despite how small the screen is, and that the screen isn't all that different from a computer screen (at least if you ignore all the technical stuff I don't care much about anyway). It worked much better than I expected, and I have already added, uh, 23 books more the last few days. 22 of them are free classics, though. (Dracula, Frankenstein etc, all released for free.) But I did buy another one (Hunger, by Michael Grant), and it too works great. So to be short, I'm converted. I still love my paper books, and I don't think e-books will ever be a worthy competitor to them. Paper books are here to stay. But then so are e-books. Like it or not, they are here to stay. And as for me, I love them. Right now I have 24 books in my pocket. Paper or electronic books? Both have their pro's and con's.

    Guess the point in all this is that if you like reading, why not give e-books a chance? You just might enjoy it. ;)
  2. Jhunter

    Jhunter Mmm, bacon. Contributor

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Southern California
    I buy/read everything that I can on my Kindle. The eInk display is just like reading a paper back and is just as easy on the eyes.

    There is something awesome about having most of my books in the palm of my hand. :D
  3. WriterDude

    WriterDude Contributor Contributor

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Icy cold wastes of Hell. Aka Norway.
    Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm a big fan of paper books, but I'm really starting to like e-books too. And if they can convert even me, they can convert pretty much anyone. :)
  4. BFGuru

    BFGuru Active Member

    Aug 14, 2011
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    Somewhere in insomiaville
    I will still own a library with floor to ceiling books but there is something to be said for digital. If it is my wallet that is speaking it probably sounds like this "nooooo, step away from the Nook! It burnnnnnns!" As I am quite certain I am burning a hole in my wallet with all the books I have purchased lately.

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