This got me thinking about how awesome I am. Probably not the normal reaction to such a diagnosis, but just reading about the symptoms (which I fit pretty well) just make me feel great about myself. It's weird, I really like myself no matter who I am. Being diagnosed with a personality disorder just makes me more proud to be me. At least I'm pretty unique! But it also got me pissed off. When I was diagnosed, the doctor told my mother how schizotypal people believe in things such as telekinesis (as it says in the wiki article). I honest to god can not remember exactly what he said, but the way he put it implied that such a thing can NOT exist. I believe wholeheartedly that you can contact people miles away mentally (although I also believe this is only achievable in advanced meditative and dream states). It just bothers me how certain things like this are thrown away by people as total insanity, as if there's not a chance that it can exist. To some of you this will sound insane, of course, but I view myself as a very intelligent individual. Insanity and stupidity don't go hand and hand in your mind, I hope!! That is all. Just some rad stuff I thought I'd share with you guys.
Ahaha. A few of those 'symptoms' sound like me, but milder. I believe that kind of stuff is possible. Hell I believe a lot of things are possible. I don't see why that is so insane. But when I was going through all the so-called signs it just sounded like 'paranoia' and 'superstition' to me. Yet there has to be a medical classification for every certifiably abnormal person. Just another reason to give people the meds!! -shifty eyes- x) lol. Awesome, now you can tell people you're a nutter.
On the telekinesis thing: Honestly, why do you believe this? I'm not trolling here - I want to understand why you think this is the case. Do you have personal experience of this, or is it something else? Any way, good luck with your schizophrenia. You seem to be pretty chipper about it, which is great - don't let the buggers get you down!
Oh lordy, fair enough question. I don't feel like going into a long explanation, but my basic belief about dreaming specifically is this: When you fall asleep, your mind is so separated from your body that it can create extremely realistic experiences, obviously. In such a state of mind being separated from body, our minds can all create a kind of collective consciousness. This makes it possible to reach others in the dream state. Please don't ask anything like "where do our minds go to lololol", because it's not physical. It's quite unfathomable when thinking about it in physical terms. Also, it must be noted that I have a rather interesting view related to this on the cause of schizophrenia and schizotypal disorders. The mind, when in dream state, completely recedes to its place of creativity. When in waking state we are aware of the "real" world around us, disregarding dream state as something that doesn't exist in the "real" world. Schizophrenia is caused by the mind not quite separating its place of creativity and the "real" world. LSD screws it up for everyone.
Haha. Not if I--GHOSTS! GHOOOSTS!! Don't let them read my mind. And Manic- I'm too lazy to copy and paste lol. How is believing something like that any less odd than believing anything else? Look at all the religions out there. They're every bit as 'ludicrous' to people who don't agree with them. Same with any superstition. I don't think believing in 'telekinesis' is all that crazy. I can't say I have disbelief in it so to speak, though I don't so much have /faith/ that it is possible either. Who is to say what people should believe in, really. I believe in aliens.
Now I'm going to post some of my ODD perceptions here. This image is possibly one of my favourite things of all time. The first time I saw it (my friend made it for this school project, long story) it seemed to be one of the funniest things of all time. Not just the completely ridiculous non-sequitur of the image, but the colour of the question mark. I've tested drawing question marks over this image with other colours, but that particular one gets the funniest results. I'm pretty sure that it's the colour of satan. Anyone feeling this?
I'd buy sunglasses lol. And we're so off topic right now. We'll probably end up getting stoned. xD Beaten with rocks that is.
Oh no getting off topic in conversation is one of the TELL TALE SIGNS of Schizotypal!!!! Grab the pillssssss
You really don't seem schizophrenic to me.... Maybe you're just more open-minded and different so it seems like you are.
I was diagnosed schizotypal a while ago. Don't really feel awesome or anything, just lonely (like always). I really can't talk to people about much of anything without boring them off or making them think I'm weird. I must admit I wish there was more information available on this disorder, like for example books. Even the info on websites is pretty sketchy. Kind of irritating. ETA: Schizophrenic/schizotypal: Two different things. Related, but distinct.
Sometimes it is a great relief to have a name for what it going on. It takes some of the mystery out of it. It shows that you aren't the only person with these symptoms. I was vert relieved when I was diagnosed with OCD and Panic Disorder. Once I knew what it was, I could take steps towards treating it. Knowing is half the battle. I have great meds. They are more expensive than gold, but they keep me from having another nervous breakdown.
The reason I posted the wiki article is so that people could read about it. Schizophrenia (depending on the type I believe) is a lot more hallucination heavy. I'm not under extreme delusions (unless you count believing in telepathy, but that's a matter of opinion, isn't it?!). Yeah, I've just given up talking to people about my beliefs. Most people my age (16) are pretty huge morons anyway and can't have a serious discussion unless it's about their BOYFRIEND or GIRLFRIEND. It's really tiring. The only person I can ever talk to about this stuff is my mom, who's the most open-minded person I know. You guys are all swell!