I just got through reading 18 pages of the worst books I ever read unquote. these are the writters that are supose to have their s__t together, have a profound grasp on the language, think deep thoughts and have the best Grammar (my joke for the day) And yet you still hate their work,,,sooo the cartoons in my head have just as good a chance to be loved and hated by the best in the business. Long live the man with a dream.
hahaha. I've thought that many a time. Truth of the matter is, if you're going to write a book, some people will like it and others won't. So ultimately don't write with the goal in mind to please others. Write because you want to tell that story. That said, it doesn't mean don't improve on your writing. But the only way to truly improve is to write something and put it out there for others to read and review constructively. It's hard to see what you need to improve on yourself. But there is always hope.
I write for myself or for a small group of people. This way, there's no pressure to please the masses. Besides, I find that the goal of writing is to get something out of it for yourself and not worry about what others get out of it.
Amen to that! That is exactly like me. Since I started writing I've been writing mostly for the harddrive, just showing some stuff to family and close friends.