The new fantastic four movie ... Sue Storm - white, her brother, Johnny Storm - black. How the hell are they going to explain that one? And why? I think this may be one movie dooooooomed from the start! (pardon the pun - it was fully intended)
“It was a one-time deal, I swear! I was just...delivering the mail and this cute woman, I know her from our youth and...IT WAS A ONE-TIME DEAL!!”
Who said I thought the mailman was a man? My image was of a bi-sexual woman who used to date her high school crush before she met her future husband. Um, sorry if I offended anyone. Not my intent...
Perhaps if they'd made Jon Snow black, Catelyn Stark would have had reason to it is, he looks hairily (or did I mean eerily?) similar to his half-brothers.
It's probably rare, but I've seen mixed race siblings, one of them looking markedly white, the other markedly black. And adoption, like you said. Also, a new fantastic four movie? Whyyy...?
They had to make a darker version. In the trailer Dr. Storm is black... so that should solve a few issues.
A child who is different from his/her "siblings". It's always been a mystery how Janet and John were identical twins...
I'm just getting sick of bad remakes and the whole comic book superhero thing. Only two films I'm looking forward to lately are The Martian and Bridge of Spies.
Barney's brother in How I Met Your Mother is black. I'm not sure how they explain it because I haven't watched the series in order yet (E4 mixes them up and I end up watching the same ones). Maybe they just found the actors and didn't worry about their skin colour! Which they shouldn't really. That's a bit of a dilema, two great actors but they're meant to be related and they're off different races, oh dear.
From an employment point of view, I agree. Skin colour, race, creed, religion, sex should not make a difference but sometimes, it does. There will always be exceptions. Unless they come up with a plausible explanation, it will just leave viewers scratching their heads. It could be a way to gt people to go see the movie. They've seen the pics, they know Sue and Johnny are supposed to be siblings but they are not that bothered about the film ... but curiosity gets the better of them and they go watch it for answers. Either way, the studio wins. Could it be nothing more than an advertising stunt? While we are on the subject, are there any more re-hashes which should never have been done? Hulk, Spiderman, Fantastic 4, ..... (and, the kids have persuaded me to take them to the Cinema next week to see Ant-Man. Think I could get away with taking the lappy and sitting on the back row, writing??)
That's going to look a bit like these people who go to a concert and end up not watching it because they're too busy filming it on their mobiles.
LOL So I have to suffer the movie then? I doubt they would let me sit and type in there anyway. Will report back on how good/bad it is.
It's fully possible for two siblings to have different skin colour. It can actually happen even if the parents have the same skin colour.
I know - you hear about it in the press. But, Sue and Johnny Storm are not new characters. They are well established characters with complete histories. Why the sudden change now? What purpose does it serve? If you want to re-hash something to that extent, then you need to have new characters from the beginning. Or, in the case of the new Star Treks (which I love) you have to go back in time and change events which then lead back to an alternative future. (Or maybe I just like staring at Chris Pine ...)
Funny enough. I thought the same thing when I saw the poster. Though I actually think this is factor that gives me more hope for the movie. Because them being adopted I heard was the explanation would have no reason to be in the original script. If both actors were the same color that means there would have been no reason to add that explanation. So then they did it post hiring actors I think. Which says two things to me. 1. They actively changed the script when they needed too. Which in general shows more work. 2. They picked who they believed were the best actors regaurdless of factors like family members being the same race. Though to anwser the concept of explanation again. I think an adaptation is allowed to change as much as they want including not making them family if they desired. Sorry my two cents. lol. Not sure if anyone else already said all of that.