1. oxley123

    oxley123 Member

    Jan 8, 2007
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    Song Writing

    Discussion in 'Genre Discussions' started by oxley123, Mar 25, 2009.

    hi, i was just writing to see how and why people write lyrics, how do you go about it? what gives you inspiration? etc etc.

    i have written songs in the past but havent for a while and now i am finding it quiet difficult to get them down onto paper, although i no i have the songs there its just getting them down, just wondered what i could do to try and improve the flow

    many thanks
  2. Cogito

    Cogito Former Mod, Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 19, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    I moved this out of the Review Room. It is not a reviewable piece of writing.
  3. othman

    othman New Member

    Oct 28, 2008
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    Power Tab Editor is a tablature authoring tool for the Windows operating system. It is intended to be used to create guitar sheet music, more commonly known to musicians as guitar tablature and bass tablature. (aka guitar tab/bass tab). The program provides the most commonly used symbols in tablature, including chord names, chord diagrams, rhythm slashes, bends, slides, hammer-ons/pull-offs, harmonics and palm muting. A useful piece of software for people who want to learn how to play guitar, and for experienced guitarists who want to transcribe their own music and/or guitar lessons. The software can be used by both acoustic and electric guitar players alike.

    This may help you, as you do not need to be able to read or write music but you can still write and listen to what you have.

    For the writing, you just have to get it down if you already have it bouncing around in your head, and then just edit and edit it.
  4. xanadu

    xanadu Contributor Contributor

    Oct 21, 2008
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    Cave of Ice
    I mostly write proggy stuff, so usually there's an overall story for the album and I'll know beforehand what piece of the story the song will be about. As for coming up with the different pieces of the song, I always go with music first. I'll decide what time signature to use for that particular part (though I rarely do lyrics over odd rhythms), then the rhyming structure, and then the exact words. Since I know what is supposed to happen during that song's chapter of the story, the lyrics usually just come naturally. The only time I really struggle is if I need to find a rhyme that happens to elude me.

    For my non-prog stuff (which isn't very much, but still fairly viable) I usually come up with a title (or hear a title, or whatever makes a title pop into my head) and write a song based off of that. For instance, one night I was outside and saw the moon hanging really low, glowing orange. I thought of the title "Orange Moon," and proceeded to write a song about werewolves from it.

    As for writing down actual music, it's probably better to learn how to write sheet music in the long-run if you're serious about being a professional musician or songwriter, but otherwise tabs are much easier to write and much easier to read quickly, so that's what I use.
  5. Neha

    Neha Beyond Infinity. Contributor

    Dec 24, 2007
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    lyrics are just poems with a definative rythmn. The difference is, that it doesn't matter if a poem has flow or not, it can be awkward, even with rhyming, as long as it is not "cliche"..songs DO need to have flow. The reat is not that important...all you need is a theme that has the power to grab the readers attention and flow smoothly.
  6. oxley123

    oxley123 Member

    Jan 8, 2007
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    many thanks guys very helpful thanks for the tab editor programme reccomendation i will have a blast at that and thanks xanadu it was very helpful what you said has helped me alot! wouldnt mind hearing the song orange moon when it is complete sounds interesting

    again guys many thanks
  7. Lemex

    Lemex That's Lord Lemex to you. Contributor

    Oct 2, 2007
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    Northeast England
    I can vouch for Power Tab . I used it when I was in a band for planning out lead parts, and that software was invaluable for timing.
  8. mammamaia

    mammamaia nit-picker-in-chief Contributor

    Nov 21, 2006
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    Coquille, Oregon
    i've been a lyricist since the 80s and never have a problem with finding inspiration or relevant material... but i always have a specific reason, a purpose to be writing a song lyric and you seem to want to do it just for no particular purpose, which may be at the root of your problem...

    why do you want to write lyrics?... is it for a band you're a part of?... hoping to sell them?... or what?... start with finding that out and then maybe i can come up with some tips for you...
  9. oxley123

    oxley123 Member

    Jan 8, 2007
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    me and a few friends and i are starting a band and weve all decided to write sum songs and c what we can come up with. but what i was saying is i dont seem to have an inspiration sum lines just seem to pop into my head and maybe ill end up with a really good verse but then i just cant get anything else down and dont no why!

    any tips?
  10. mammamaia

    mammamaia nit-picker-in-chief Contributor

    Nov 21, 2006
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    Coquille, Oregon
    writing song lyrics is a highly specialized craft, one aspect of the writer's art... so, if you're having trouble getting from an idea to a full lyric, it may be due to not having learned the basics of the craft/art... so, for starters, i'd suggest you get the industry-respected how-to's on the subject, written by a master of the art, who was my own teacher... see below...

  11. oxley123

    oxley123 Member

    Jan 8, 2007
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    thanks ill give them a try

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