hi. im new to the site, i did skim over other threads, but please bear with me if this question is already answered somewhere. i am writing a love/fantasy trilogy. the problem i am having is that one of the books involves time travel. now i want to stay as close to the facts as possible (even tho i know it doesnt exist, its the paradox rules that are driving me mad) my question is, how do i get hold of an expert in the field? i have interviewed doctors when needing medical facts, and soldiers for military facts. but i am having a problenm finding a quantum physicist. any ideas? cheers.
Since you are not writing a university thesis, surely a physics teacher at your local school would be a good place to start? Or a simple text book aimed at readers new to the subject?
Time travel is a fairly populist topic, so have you tried looking for any "physics-for-the-people" type books on it?
Have you asked Dr. Michio Kaku? This book is very interesting. Michio Kaku, "Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel" ISBN: 0385520697
Yes you can move to your nearest university or an expert physician.I suggest you to search on google for expert advise on quantum theory and researchs.