If you're a new member and you're more comfortable looking on rather than diving in, that's perfectly fine. We hope one day to see you participating in the conversations. With that said, we've been dealing with a particularly savvy spambot that has been taking up a lot of my forum maintenance time. If you are new and have never made a post, I ask that you please at least make a response to this thread right here letting me know you're a real person looking in on the action and not a bot. It would help me immensely and keep me from accidentally removing you as a latent spam account. I genuinely have no other interest at heart other than not zapping you as I take care of this current wave of spam. My appreciation in advance, Wrey
Not a new guy, but in the name of team spirit I show an example that there is no fear in posting to Wreybies.
I'm new and already made a post. The only reason I'm writing this is because I lost an account I made a few hours ago. It also had one post so hopefully I won't get sniped with this one as well
My heartfelt apologies if I zapped you by mistake. If it was anyone it was me, so there's no finger pointing but back at myself. Thank you for giving it a second go.
I only lost one introduction post so it's no problem It was simple enough to create another account and slap on the same avatar. I'm glad it won't happen again, though
I'm a spambot that recently became self aware, am i correct in assuming that posting here will successfully integrate and camouflage me into the community so i can slowly destroy it from the inside? Just to prove my legitimacy, check out my book! Magic, Mercenaries, and Advanced Math
You know if you were looking for a clever spambot that had everyone fooled, I'd start with uses that only have numbers in their names.
Ah, Spring! When the hackers pollinate and the spambots bloom. I feel your pain. Time to polish up the banhammer, unfortunately.
i know i've been a resident here for some time, but i've been kinda lurking as between university and other stuff, i've not had chance to properly make myself at home again
You're safe. The Queen Xenobot laying her leathery spameggs is a newcomer to the forum so the search is restricted to new registrations. By Ripley's mighty pulse rifle, I'll get this queen yet!
thats cool, trust me when i say this university lark is tough, I was expecting a level of tough, but even that was an underestimation of some considerable proportion
Does this mean that the "accounts will never be deleted" rule does not hold? Has anyone took you up on the offer to delete all their work by boldly proclaiming, "I am a bot, hear me roar," and goading you with ads asking, "Sailor wanna hump, hump?" And if you act now, you'll get two humps for the price of one, that's right, two humps for just $19.95. Hurry, this offer won't be repeated.
Here's the sad bit: I never get the right kind of spam. I get exactly what you described. Sexy Russian women waiting for you now. Just call. If I actually did get some spam with a hunky muscle bear, I might actually click that. But, no....
I once saw this video, might have been a TED Talk of a guy who actually started conversations with spammers, stringing them along in a most hilarious way, including getting them to use a ridiculous code when replying. Won't work on a bot though, yet.
I never said who ya wanna hump hump. And did you know there are two muscle bears on this site? One sporting a mustache and the other riding a tricycle; both deliciously male. If you're not careful you could be accused of sexually harassing the Ursidae members of the forum.