Hey everyone. Well, school's almost here, and this will be my second year of high school. I considered myself freshman year to be doing well: clubs, a team, fellowship, ok grades, but we were talking about what makes a college application "grab someone's attention." I wanted to know what everyone's opinion was, especially from the WF members who are applying to, going to, or went to (or have just plan thought about), college. Any and all thoughts welcome!
When we were applying for uni, we were told that you need to put things on that makes you stand out. So for example, when I applied for geography I mentioned that I had done an extended project (which not many other people had done), was a member of the debate team which would help me argue about aspects of geography, and that I often followed development issues in the news, showing that I had an interest in my subject that went outside of my lessons. So yea, highlight anything you do which not everyone else does, and why it is useful for the course you want to do. Also, demonstrate that you have a passion for your chosen subject - ie. if you are applying for a creative writing course, mention that you are a member of a creative writing site. It shows that you not only enjoy your lessons, but are actively pursuing it in your spare time. Hope this helps
^ Thank you Heather. I'm not sure what I'll major in; I've always like everything, from math to science to history and English. :/ I wish I knew!
It's ok. And good luck choosing your subject. When I applied for uni, I inittialy applied for English, but then after four months I completely changed my mind and went through a bit of hassle to change to geography. I'm really glad I did now though