hahahahaha I so would admit to it actually. Though my other personality might not admit it...I'd have to ask lol ok that was a bad joke really. But I would admit to it. No point lieing, but I don't have one.
I do. I have several voices fighting in my head all the time. And Yeah, I go from happy hyper chick to grumpy hell fury chick.
No I wouldn't. It would make the situation much funnier or scarier when the other personality shows up and freaks out the person I'm talking to. Surprise has its advantages.
OOH another tactic for threatening students: "Do your homework of Mr Fluffy is gonna get mad!" or some such funny thing. I couldn't make it work!
I think we all have multiple personalities. Not all are in the clinical category. I have a personality around my family and it is nothing like the real me. Around my immediate family I can admit to hurting, and being sad but let them know how much I love and appreciate them. Around my extended family I clam up and never do much more than smile or laugh at jokes. I don't volunteer any info. I have a got to go shopping personality. I am friendly and say hello but I am not stopping to chat because I am busy. I have another around children. I am the funny lady who laughs a lot. At conventions I am at ease in any situation and I add my thoughts to discussions. Very few people see the side of me that is insecure and scared most of the time. Or the lonely me who has not friends to speak of or to. so yes I admit it and acknowledge it just wish I didn't have to put up so many and could be myself more often.
This has given me a great idea for a short story i'm rewriting. I needed a new idea for it. Thank you so much Torana!
I was wondering: if someone took a thread from here any one of the many and tried to make a story of it, would it be a huge success or not. It would certainly be interesting I think. Just looking at some of the titles of threads. Ok will let this get back on subject.
lol it owuld be for sure lessa and I have a friend with split personality actually. He is a great guy too. Both personalities are really nice though. He is an angel I sweaar he muct be!
Everyone dissociates to a degree, and everyone has different persona for different situations. The father who becomes the storyteller for the kids at bedtime is noticeably differnt than the efficient middle manager at work, and they are both distinct from the weekend football fan. In clinical Dissociative Identity Disorder, the personality divisions are sharper, and the dissociation occurs to a degree that some of the personality states blank out all awareness of some of the other personality states, and therefore "lose time". DID is associated primarily with intolerable levels of childhood abuse, and various persona arise to deal with traumatic situations. But it is also pretty abnormal for people not to adapt different personality traits in different types of situations. People who don't adapt at all may seem cold, or flat.
Childhood has a lot to do with my reactions to situations. Verbal and mental abuse so I learned to escape. I also had an imaginary friend. He was a dragon who didn't help me except to take me to different places when things got out of control for my child age mind.
I never had a imaginary friend. I just sat quietly in my room and stared at the wall and kind of zoned out. Nothing would snap me out of it either. Even now I do the same thing.....
Yeah, well I've haddock with puns, you sea... The anti-punning side of me just slapped the punning side for that. (barely felt it)