1. Raven

    Raven Banned

    Oct 14, 2006
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    The NetherWorld

    Star Wars: Episode I: The Anarchism of the Jedi (Discussion Thread)

    Discussion in 'Archive' started by Raven, May 5, 2008.

    This thread is for all discussion regarding the rpg game Star Wars: The Anarchism of the Jedi.

    Please leave all other topics for games in their allotted threads thank you.

    Senior Super Moderator.
    1 person likes this.
  2. Oasis Writer

    Oasis Writer Contributor Contributor

    Mar 31, 2008
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    Boise, Idaho
    Oasis Productions Presents

    Star Wars
    The Anarchism of the Jedi


    Sith | Jedi | Imperial | Republic | Bounty hunters | Mercenaries
    Non-Playable Characters

    Aaron Ray Leblanc; Jedi Knight (male human)
    Adam Morin; Jedi Initiate (male Anzat)
    Amaya Kento; Freelance Pilot (female Nagai)
    Anarbasti; Jedi Padawan (female human)
    Balnacro Frav; Jedi High Council (male human)
    Bar'juke; Sith Knight (male human)

    Borzkra Z’vra; Jedi High Council (male Bothan)
    C'Tzr; Sith Knight (male human)
    Falae; Bounty Hunter (male human)
    Frali’lyn G’ynn; Jedi High Council (female Twi’lek)
    Franklin Fravlous; General, Army Command (male human)
    Gealgna C’caclma; Jedi High Council (female Mon Calamari)
    Geovanna Galactica; Grand Master Jedi (female human)
    Haziwak; Mercenary (male Wookiee)
    Jonathan Meffari; Jedi High Council (male human)
    Thief (male Ewok)
    Krakqu Nedsflue; NOCIS Viceroy (male Neimoidian)
    Kratos Seraph Aurion; Jedi Padawan (male human)
    Mallendou B’rr; Jedi High Council (male Gungan)
    Meer Vao; Bounty Hunter (male Twi'lek)
    Momo Jeday Geso; Jedi Initiate (male human)
    Morchein; Bounty Hunter (male human)
    Mralabacca; Jedi High Council (female Wookiee)
    Nami Ichigo; Jedi Master (female human)
    Nana Day;
    Thief (female human)
    Naro Meta; Jedi High Council (male Barabel)
    Ozean Vao; Bounty Hunter (female Twi'lek)
    R-9-K1; astromech droid
    Salvatore Koon; Jedi High Council (male human)
    Schnell Taar Vao; Bounty Hunter (female Twi'lek)
    Sinex; Sith Lord (male Humanoid)
    Sucralux Zalra; Supreme Overlord (male Yuunhan Vong)
    Sylvana Valentine; Sith Lord (female human)
    TC-33; protocol droid
    Uta Von; Jedi High Council (male Bith)
    Veronica Dos; Chief of State (female human)
    Vincere; Dark Lord of the Sith (male Zabrak)
    V’vner Gleap; Jedi High Council (male Rodian)
    Xara Zur-Lin; Jedi Padawan (female Falleen)
    Yanvuska Xaazlre; Warmaster (male Yuunhan Vong)
    Zzyzx; Sith Lord Pet (male Ewok)
  3. Oasis Writer

    Oasis Writer Contributor Contributor

    Mar 31, 2008
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    Boise, Idaho
    Balnacro Frav

    Balnacro Frav

    Jedi Council Member
    Fifth in Command

    During the Valiant Era, Balnarco Frav spent several decades in the Outer Rim of the galaxy helping control the upraise in Yuuzhan Vong and revitalization of the Confereracy of Independent Systems, or CIS. He became a war hero for his accomplishments on Klatooine. Balnarco Frav is now in his late sixties, having white hair, a long beard, deep blue eyes, and a tall, thin figure. Balnarco wields a duel-edged green lightsaber. He is fifth in command.
  4. Oasis Writer

    Oasis Writer Contributor Contributor

    Mar 31, 2008
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    Boise, Idaho
    Borzkra Z'vra

    Borzkra Z'vra

    Jedi Council Member
    Eleventh in Command

    Borzkra Z’vra is a wise, old Bothan with light golden fur, a short frame, and golden eyes. His face has taken a very canine appeal over the years. During the Valinent Era, he became one of the best Jedi’s to harnous the ability of Jedi Stealth. He acquired datasheets from several Star Destroyers that were vital for the Republic. His ability to harness different types of Jedi Mind Tricks and Steath as made him a very well respected Jedi Master. Borzkra is always up for more missions. He wields a single green lightsaber. He is Eleventh in Command.
  5. Oasis Writer

    Oasis Writer Contributor Contributor

    Mar 31, 2008
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    Boise, Idaho
    Frali'lyn G'ynn

    Frali'lyn G'ynn

    Jedi Council Member
    Third in Command

    When war was brought onto Ryloth, Frali’lyn was merely an apprentice. Her abilities were young at the time, but she became one with the force at the age of 14. She helped bring peace to Ryloth during the Valiant Era, a peace that was only sustained for one decade before the CIS revived themselves. She is in her late thirties, has blue skin, had has abnormally short head tails for a Twi’lek. She wields a blue curved lightsaber. She is third in command.
  6. Oasis Writer

    Oasis Writer Contributor Contributor

    Mar 31, 2008
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    Boise, Idaho
    Uta Von

    Uta Von

    Jedi Council Member
    Eighth in Command

    For a Bith to be a Jedi is very rare, but Uta Von proved that he was one with the force during the Battle of Arkania, where he used Force Protection on an inter city, a power that is only used by very high-ranked Jedi and is almost impossible to do on anything bigger than one’s self. He wields a green lightsaber. He is Eighth in Command.
  7. Oasis Writer

    Oasis Writer Contributor Contributor

    Mar 31, 2008
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    Boise, Idaho
    Gealgna C'caclma

    Gealgna C'caclma

    Jedi Council Member
    Twelfth in Command

    On Mon Calamari, also known as Doc in Basic, Gealgna completed the trials of a Jedi by facing two Sith knights who were after a gem that was sacred to the Royal family. She has been loyal as a Jedi Knight for several decades and finally gained the rank of Master and Jedi Council Member around the age of 40. She wields a blue Underwater Lightsaber. She is twelfth in Command.
  8. Oasis Writer

    Oasis Writer Contributor Contributor

    Mar 31, 2008
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    Boise, Idaho
    Jonathan Meffari

    Jonathan Meffari

    Jedi Council Member
    Ninth in Command

    During the invasion of the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin IV, (that was revived centuries ago on Yavin IV, Tares, and Coruscant), Jonathan protected several younglings from Sith Lords, slaying two of the most vicious Sith Lords of the Valiant Era. There after, he transported all the surviving younglings to Tares to complete their training. He continued the battle in many space dog fights and was awarded one of the best star pilot awards after taking down five Star Destroyers. He wields an orange lightsaber. He is Ninth in Command.
  9. Oasis Writer

    Oasis Writer Contributor Contributor

    Mar 31, 2008
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    Boise, Idaho
    Mallendou B'rr

    Mallendou B'rr

    Jedi Council Member
    Tenth in Command

    Mallendou started out as a senator for the Galactic Republic before realizing the force sensitivity that he had. Training was very late for him, but he was able to work up the ranks in the Jedi Order to Master and Council Member after sixty years. He doesn’t often go into battle, but is very insightful on his abilities to predict the future, where Sith are located, and other strong Force powers. He trains younglings in Force Sense. He wields a yellow lightsaber. He is Tenth in Command.
  10. Oasis Writer

    Oasis Writer Contributor Contributor

    Mar 31, 2008
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    Boise, Idaho


    Jedi Council Member
    Fourth in Command

    Mralabacca was being saught out from the Sith when she became acquainted with Balnarco Frav, a Jedi Knight at the time. He saved her, seeing something in her that she hadn’t realized before. A power that was very strong. She couldn’t control the force that well, but after several years of training, she grew stronger in the force and finally became one after 60 years of life. Her skills were proven on the battle field are unmatched by any of the Council before her own rank. She wields a purple lightsaber. She is forth in command.
  11. Oasis Writer

    Oasis Writer Contributor Contributor

    Mar 31, 2008
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    Boise, Idaho
    Naro Meta

    Naro Meta

    Jedi Council Member
    Seventh in Command

    This red skinned, reptilian Barabel became a strong warrior in the Battle of Corellia. He is very young for his species, but in human years, he's 70 years old. He's a strong offensive warrior and is avidly trying to better himself in the force. He often is found in battle than in the Council Hall. He wields a green lightclub. He's seventh in Command.
  12. Oasis Writer

    Oasis Writer Contributor Contributor

    Mar 31, 2008
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    Boise, Idaho
    Salvatore Koon

    Salvatore Koon

    Jedi Council Member

    Second in Command

    This Jedi has been on the council longer than any of the others. Salvatore helped being victory to the Republic in over two hundred missions and battles. He is in his early fifties and has immense abilities in battle, as well as in the force. He often assigns Jedi on missions and is the first to speak in most meetings. He is the representative on the Galactic Senate for the Jedi. Very well formed body, deep green eyes, and is slightly graying in his black hair that is spiked. He wields two lightsabers, one blue and one green. He is second in command.
  13. Oasis Writer

    Oasis Writer Contributor Contributor

    Mar 31, 2008
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    Boise, Idaho
    V’vner Gleap

    V'vner Gleap

    Jedi Council Member
    Sixth in Command

    This green-skinned humanoid from planet Rodia was saved from by an older Jedi Master. He was trained to use the force very carefully. On a mission to Antar, a Sith Lord took him captive and tortured him for answers. Out of his skills and patience, he finally was able to escape two years later, having kept all of the secrets he had, and had taken down the Sith Lord. He was commended for his actions and promoted to Jedi Master. He worked his way up the chain to be a Council member, and then to where he was in the Council. He wields an orange lightsaber. He is Sixth in Command.
  14. Oasis Writer

    Oasis Writer Contributor Contributor

    Mar 31, 2008
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    Boise, Idaho
    Geovanna Galactica

    Geovanna Galactica

    Jedi Council Member
    Grand Master

    Her age deceives all Jedi and Sith. She is an eleven year old with power so far beyond any of the other Jedi on the Council that she was appointed Grand Master. She does not enter combat unless called upon. She has a short-bladed cyan lightsaber. She was found on one of the moons of Yavin, conducting different types of force powers that were beyond the age of many Jedi, and well close to impossible in children. At the age of seven, she proved her ultimate wisdom of the universe to the council and was able to resolve countless debates in the Senate that were extremely hard to solve for hundreds of adults. She was given her name, for she hadn’t a name when she was found. She rarely leaves the Praxeum. She has light red hair that does down her back and bright green eyes.
  15. Oasis Writer

    Oasis Writer Contributor Contributor

    Mar 31, 2008
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    Boise, Idaho
    Emperor Vincere

    Emperor Vincere

    Dark Lord of the Sith

    Darth Vincere, a Zabrak from the planet Iridonia, grew up in a small village of peaceful Zabrak's. At an early age, he had learned how to do combat with friends of his. One afternoon when he was six, he heard of a warrior in the past that had been destroyed by the Jedi. The warrior was just like him, red and black, picked on as a child, and had the ability to control the Force. The warrior was named Darth Maul. After hearing the story, Vincere spent two years perfecting his ability to control the Force, not worrying about whether it was the light side or dark side. In an accident, he used a Force power called “Force Destruction,” which vaporized his younger brother. It was exhilarating. The thrill of the strength drove him to desire more. He vaporized everyone in his village and moved on into space at the age of ten. For ten years, he perfected his art to the extreme, destroying everyone that came his way. At the age of 20, the Emperor at the time took him as an apprentice, teaching him everything he knew. Once he had, Vincere challenged him for power. The Emperor had stricken down millions with his power, but he was no match for Vincere and his ruthlessness. He took the title of the Dark Lord of the Sith with his unbeatable power and oppression. He wields a duel curved lightsaber for his left hand and a double-bladed lightsaber in his right. He has trained himself to control all three at once and is undefeated in dueling. His has black, yellow, red eyes. Vincere is 26.
  16. Oasis Writer

    Oasis Writer Contributor Contributor

    Mar 31, 2008
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    Boise, Idaho
    Veronica Dos

    Veronica Dos

    Chief of State
    Galactic Republic

    Veronica grew up on the planet of Tatooine as a slave for the Hutts. After growing up in poverty and enslavement, she was given the opportunity to travel the galaxy. She took the opportunity. She began studying much a knowledge of law, the Order's, and how the Senate worked. After thirty years of her practice, she became a senator for Tatooine. Twenty years after, she had worked her way into being Chief of State. They used this title instead of Chancellor because of the atrocity that occurred with Emperor Palpatine. She is extremely loyal to the Republic and is extremely strict on the rules of the Republic. She's in her sixties.
  17. Oasis Writer

    Oasis Writer Contributor Contributor

    Mar 31, 2008
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    Boise, Idaho
    Franklin Fravlous

    Franklin Fravlous

    Imperial Army

    Franklin grew up in a military household, his father being the previous general of the Imperial Army under the previous Emperor. Before the fall of the Emperor, Franklin entered into the Imperial Officers, gaining ranks due to his father’s hook ups and cheating his way to the top. When Emperor Vincere took over, the majority of the staff started to rebel, saying they were not wanting a new leader. Vincere personally attended to each of their deaths, but left one officer alive. Franklin Fravlous, an Imperial Officer that merely clapped at the sight of his fellow officers being slaughtered. They grew close, and Franklin took over as the General of the Army. He is very close to the Emperor now, which makes him higher in ranks then most Sith Masters and Lords. He's in his forties.
  18. Oasis Writer

    Oasis Writer Contributor Contributor

    Mar 31, 2008
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    Boise, Idaho


    Aaron's Protocol Droid

    TC had been with Aaron's family for three generations, helping serve them through many types of situations that would have been difficult without a translator, calculator, or any other type of computer-knowledgeable friend. When Aaron left Naboo, TC went with him. They have always been close, TC knowing almost everything about Aaron and his rough past. TC is fluent in over six million forms of communication and is equipped with over thirty secondary functions.
  19. Oasis Writer

    Oasis Writer Contributor Contributor

    Mar 31, 2008
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    Boise, Idaho


    Aaron's Astromech Droid

    R-9 was bought off a Jawa Swap Meet when visiting Tatooine briefly. His functions have been modified to that of an R-2, R-4, and R-7 astromech droids. He is very friendly and is often follows closely to TC and Aaron. The love for his new master is immense because of previous owners that had mistreated it. R-9 can do all the necessary functions of an R-2, R-4, and R-7 astromech droid.
  20. Oasis Writer

    Oasis Writer Contributor Contributor

    Mar 31, 2008
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    Boise, Idaho
    Krakqu Nedsflue

    Krakqu Nedsflue

    Trade Federation Viceroy

    Founder of the NOCIS, New Order of the Confederation of Independent Systems. He is a strong Neimodian and is one of the more courageous of them as well. He rules with an iron fist and has been trained to use a lightsaber. He has helped control several hundred star systems in the past decade.
  21. Oasis Writer

    Oasis Writer Contributor Contributor

    Mar 31, 2008
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    Boise, Idaho
    Sucralux Zalra

    Sucralux Zalra

    Supreme Overlord

    It was a long and painful road for Sucralux to get to this point in his life, killing Jedi after Jedi until finally he met the Overlord himself. After a long battle, he destroyed the him, taking over the position. He killed the Warmaster at the time and replaced him with a trusted ally. He wields a blue lightsaber he had gotten from destroying a Jedi Master.
  22. Oasis Writer

    Oasis Writer Contributor Contributor

    Mar 31, 2008
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    Boise, Idaho
    Yanvuska Xaazlre

    Yanvuska Xaazlre


    Genius when it comes to strategy and other forms of warfare. He helped with the fall of the Overlord, and gained his position as Warmaster from his trusted ally. He coordinates all attacks.
  23. Oasis Writer

    Oasis Writer Contributor Contributor

    Mar 31, 2008
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    Boise, Idaho
    Setting: 467 ABY (467 Years after The New Hope)
    The Last Era: The Valiant Era: 271 ABY to 443 ABY
    The New Era: The Feral Era: 443 ABY to Present
    Specs and Rules:

    • Star Wars RPG
    • Notable Reference towards type of Role-play: Star Wars
    • Technology References: Movies, Books, Games
    • Write the next part (abiding by the Forum rules)
    • No controlling other characters without permission
    • First post, make and introduce your character
    • Stay close to Star Wars races and creatures, though I don’t care if you make them up
    • Powers and weapons: Refer to the Datasheet below. No going over
    • Continue off however you want from the last post. You may go off any post you see fit to, as long as it continues to progress the story.
    • Communicate!
    • Length is no problem, short reply or long hand is fine.
    • Any questions should be sent to me through PM, or in a discussion thread.
    • All continuations must progress the story. No exceptions
    • READ ALL POSTS (or the last post well enough to keep the story flowing without having major holes in the plot)
    • No killing off any character.
    • Those that leave are welcome to come back.
    • Enjoy. This is for fun, so take it serious but enjoy doing so.
    • Flaming, insults, or any other types of harshness that is deliberately trying to hurt someone else’s feelings will not be tolerated at all, nor anywhere on the Forums.
    • I am aware that you repeat some of the datasheet twice. It’s for reference. Just do it! :D
    • PM me if you would like to be higher than a Padawan in the beginning. I can make it happen. No seriously, I'm the Game Master.
    • There are six different jobs - Mercenary, Bounty Hunter, Sith, Jedi, Republic Soldier, or Imperial Soldier

    Planet References

    Planet Reference

    Common Planets: Bespin, Bakura, Bogden, Cato Neimoidia, Corellia, Coruscant, Dagobah, Dantoonine, Endor, Felucia, Geonosis, Hoth, Kamino, Kashyyk, Korriban, Mon Calamari, Mustafar, Mygeeto, Naboo, Polis Massa, Ryloth, Saleucami, Sedri, Taris, Tatooine, Utapau, Xagobah, Yavin, Yavin 4

    Map: Common Planets
    Common Languages Reference:
    Common Languages Reference

    Galactic Basic: Also known as Galactic Standard was a constructed language, inspired largely by the languages of the various founding species Galactic Republic: the Humans, the Duros, and the Bothans.

    Binary: Also known as Droidspeak, was a language of beeps, trills, and whistles spoken primarily by astromech droids such as R2-D2.

    Bocce: An artificial language used by spacers. It was composed of elements from several languages.

    Cheunh: Language of the Chiss species, a dominant force in the Unknown Regions.

    Dosh: Language of the Trandoshan species, natives of the planet Trandosha.

    Durese: Popular language among space travelers due to the abundance of Duro spacefarers, despite the predominance of Basic.

    Hapan: Spoken by residents of the Hapes Cluster.

    High Galactic: Prestige language, most commonly used among Imperial

    Huttese: The language of the Hutts, was popular among criminals, especially in the sections of the galaxy where the Hutt criminal network was powerful.

    Mando'a: Traditional language spoken by Mandalorians.

    Olys Corellisi: ('Old Corellian') was the language spoken by the original settlers of Corellia, becoming extinct around 4,000 BBY.

    Shyriiwook: Main language of the Wookiees.

    Rodese: The native tongue of the Rodians.

    Yuuzhan Vong: The language of the extragalactic Yuuzhan Vong invaders was guttural and grammatically different from Basic, but otherwise straightforward
    (You will all start out as Padawans, Initiates, or Apprentices if you are a Jedi or Sith. If you are anything other than a Jedi or Sith, this does NOT apply to you)

    The Ranking Reference
    Jedi Governing Positions

    • Jedi Initiate: (Youngling not yet accepted by a Knight or Master to be trained as a Padawan)
    • Padawan: (Often teenager, accepted by a Knight or Master to be trained. Has to pass the trials before being promoted to a Jedi Knight)
    • Jedi Knight: (A Padawan that has completed the trials. May train one Padawan. Often takes a decade to become a Knight)
    • Jedi Master: (Often earns the rank of Master when one has trained a Padawan into Knighthood. Must be approved by the Council)
    • Jedi Councilor: (The Grand Master and Council at the time must promote a Master into the Council)
    • Grand Master: (The leader of the Jedi)
    Sith Governing Positions

    • Sith Apprentice: (Any apprentice that has not reached Knighthood. Generic rank given to all Sith that have a master. Becomes a Knight after training is complete)
    • Sith Knight: (Has completed one’s training. No longer requires master, though most often does have one, due to the Rule of Two.)
    • Sith Master: (One who has had an Apprentice that has completed one’s training. The Dark Lord promotes these titles)
    • Sith Lord: (Powerful master of the Force. Often very close to the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord promotes these titles)
    • Dark Lord of the Sith: (Emperor of the Sith)
  24. Oasis Writer

    Oasis Writer Contributor Contributor

    Mar 31, 2008
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    Boise, Idaho
    A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....


    Roleplay I:
    The Anarchism of the Jedi

    Wars are spreading across the galaxy like plagues. Under the power of Emperor Vincere, the Imperial armada have been scattering across the stars in search for any Jedi or loyalist to the Republic in desperate attempts to eliminate them. The Yuuzhan Vong invaders from the Outer Rims of the galaxy have doubled in numbers every decade for the past three centuries and have destroyed planet after planet. After finding an ancient archive of the Old Confederacy of Independent Systems, a Neimoidian named Krakqu reformed the CIS, calling it the New Order of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Over the past decade, NOCIS has been crossing the galaxy, controlling star system after star system, destroying homes and lives. The Galactic Republic is suffering from what is known as the “Trinity of Tyranny.”

    The Senate has been actively trying to stop the fighting with diplomacy, but all attempts have failed. War was the only alternative. With the Republic and Rebellion joining up against common foes, they were still no match for the Tyranny that Emperor Vincere upheld throughout the galaxy. Desperate measures called for desperate pleading. The Jedi High Council, along with Jedi around the galaxy all joined together with the Republic and Rebellion to take down the Sith, Yuuzhan Vong, and NOCIS once and for all, and hopefully, bring peace back to the galaxy.

    Twenty-four years of hostilities and battles were faught and survivors were always minimal. The Republic began to worry about the great amount of Jedi and Senators that had defected to the Sith and Empire. The Jedi High Council was troubled as well. They were going to need every willing soul they could to save the galaxy. The Grand Master sent out a distress beacon to any Jedi that would take it. Unfortunately, it was intercepted by the Sith and never responded to. The Council than relied on the Force, hoping that the disturbance would send forth heroes, whom would forever be known as, “The Heroes of the Force.”
  25. Oasis Writer

    Oasis Writer Contributor Contributor

    Mar 31, 2008
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    Boise, Idaho
    All references to building your character are here:

    Specs and Rules:

    • Star Wars RPG
    • Notable Reference towards type of Role-play: Star Wars
    • Technology References: Movies, Books, Games
    • Write the next part (abiding by the Forum rules)
    • No controlling other characters without permission
    • Stay close to Star Wars races and creatures, though I don’t care if you make them up
    • Powers and weapons: Refer to the Datasheet below. No going over
    • Continue off however you want from the last post. You may go off any post you see fit to, as long as it continues to progress the story.
    • Any questions should be sent to me through PM, or in a discussion thread.
    • All continuations must progress the story. No exceptions
    • READ ALL POSTS (or the last post well enough to keep the story flowing without having major holes in the plot)
    • No killing off any character.
    • Those that leave are welcome to come back.
    • Enjoy. This is for fun, so take it serious but enjoy doing so.
    • Flaming, insults, or any other types of harshness that is deliberately trying to hurt someone else’s feelings will not be tolerated at all, nor anywhere on the Forums.
    • I am aware that you repeat some of the datasheet twice. It’s for reference. Just do it!
    • PM me if you would like to be higher than a Padawan in the beginning. I can make it happen. No seriously, I'm the Game Master.
    • There are six different jobs - Mercenary, Bounty Hunter, Sith, Jedi, Republic Soldier, or Imperial Soldier
    The Order Reference:
    The Jedi Order Reference

    Jedi Order Classes

    • Jedi Consular: (Strong in the Force but not as strong in battle. Often diplomats and scholars. Does go into battle when called. They can advance faster in the Force)
      • Force Powers
        • Fastest Growth
      • Strength Powers
        • Slowest Growth

    • Jedi Sentinel: (Average in both the Force and in Battle. Well rounded. Average advancement in the Force)
      • Force Powers
        • Average
      • Strength Powers
        • Average

    • Jedi Guardian: (The strength of the Jedi. Not as strong in the Force, but excels in battle. Slow advancement in the Force)
      • Force Powers
        • Slowest Growth
      • Strength Powers
        • Fastest Growth
    Sith Order Classes

    • Sith Acolyte: (Strong in the Force but not as strong in battle. Often Masters. Does go into battle when called. They can advance faster in the Force)
      • Force Powers
        • Fastest Growth
      • Strength Powers
        • Slowest Growth

    • Sith Assassin: (Average in both the Force and in Battle. Well rounded. Average advancement in the force)
      • Force Powers
        • Average
      • Strength Powers
        • Average

    • Sith Marauder: (The strength of the Jedi. Not as strong in the force, but excels in battle. Slow advancement in the Force)
      • Force Powers
        • Slowest Growth
      • Strength Powers
        • Fastest Growth

    Common Languages Reference:
    Common Languages Reference

    Galactic Basic: Also known as Galactic Standard was a constructed language, inspired largely by the languages of the various founding species Galactic Republic: the Humans, the Duros, and the Bothans.

    Binary: Also known as Droidspeak, was a language of beeps, trills, and whistles spoken primarily by astromech droids such as R2-D2.

    Bocce: An artificial language used by spacers. It was composed of elements from several languages.

    Cheunh: Language of the Chiss species, a dominant force in the Unknown Regions.

    Dosh: Language of the Trandoshan species, natives of the planet Trandosha.

    Durese: Popular language among space travelers due to the abundance of Duro spacefarers, despite the predominance of Basic.

    Hapan: Spoken by residents of the Hapes Cluster.

    High Galactic: Prestige language, most commonly used among Imperial

    Huttese: The language of the Hutts, was popular among criminals, especially in the sections of the galaxy where the Hutt criminal network was powerful.

    Mando'a: Traditional language spoken by Mandalorians.

    Olys Corellisi: ('Old Corellian') was the language spoken by the original settlers of Corellia, becoming extinct around 4,000 BBY.

    Shyriiwook: Main language of the Wookiees.

    Rodese: The native tongue of the Rodians.

    Yuuzhan Vong: The language of the extragalactic Yuuzhan Vong invaders was guttural and grammatically different from Basic, but otherwise straightforward

    The Ranking Reference
    Jedi Governing Positions

    • Jedi Initiate: (Youngling not yet accepted by a Knight or Master to be trained as a Padawan)
    • Padawan: (Often teenager, accepted by a Knight or Master to be trained. Has to pass the trials before being promoted to a Jedi Knight)
    • Jedi Knight: (A Padawan that has completed the trials. May train one Padawan. Often takes a decade to become a Knight)
    • Jedi Master: (Often earns the rank of Master when one has trained a Padawan into Knighthood. Must be approved by the Council)
    • Jedi Councilor: (The Grand Master and Council at the time must promote a Master into the Council)
    • Grand Master: (The leader of the Jedi)
    Sith Governing Positions

    • Sith Apprentice: (Any apprentice that has not reached Knighthood. Generic rank given to all Sith that have a master. Becomes a Knight after training is complete)
    • Sith Knight: (Has completed one’s training. No longer requires master, though most often does have one, due to the Rule of Two.)
    • Sith Master: (One who has had an Apprentice that has completed one’s training. The Dark Lord promotes these titles)
    • Sith Lord: (Powerful master of the Force. Often very close to the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord promotes these titles)
    • Dark Lord of the Sith: (Emperor of the Sith)

    Introductions for Datasheet. Reference to them
    Lightsaber Introduction

    • *Jedi Consolers and Sith Acolytes can only wield one lightsaber*
    • *Jedi Sentinels and Sith Assassins can duel-wield or posses double-bladed lightsaber though they must posses the Duel-Wielding Fighting Skill as one of their Strength Power*
    • *Jedi Guardians and Sith Marauders can duel-wield or posses double-bladed lightsaber without the Duel-Wielding Fighting Skill as one of their Strength Powers
    Weapon Introduction

    • *Jedi and Sith may not have other weapons*
    • *Other jobs may have a maximum of three weapons*
    The Force Introduction

    • *Jedi Consolers and Sith Acolytes – Strong in the Force*
    • *Jedi Sentinels and Sith Assassins – Average in the Force *
    • *Jedi Guardians and Sith Marauders – Weak in the Force*
    • *Every Jedi and Sith can reach Force Level Five Powers after time*
    • *The Game Master will level the player up accordingly*
    • *Everyone that is a Jedi or Sith starts at Force Level One Powers*
    • Members that are not Jedi or Sith do not have the Force
    Strength Introduction

    • *Jedi Consolers and Sith Acolytes – Not good fighters*
    • *Jedi Sentinels and Sith Assassins – Average fighters *
    • *Jedi Guardians and Sith Marauders – Strong fighters*
    • *Every Jedi and Sith can learn these powers after time*
    • *The Game Master will level the player up accordingly*
    • Every player that is not a Sith or Jedi has mastered all skills.

    Force Power and Strength Power References
    Force Powers Reference

    *The Force is one, the light and dark powers did not actually describe the Force, but rather, defined how an individual used it; whether to directly harm his enemies, or help himself overcome situations. Therefore, a Sith may use Light Side Powers and a Jedi may use Dark Side Powers. How they use them defines them.*

    *Everyone starts out at level one powers* *No exceptions*

    References: Force powers

    Core Powers:

    • Force Speed *Level One*
    • Force Cloak *Level One*
    • Force Concealment (Force Stealth) *Level Three*
    • Force Sense *Level One*
      • Farseeing *Level Two*
      • Force Empathy *Level Three*
      • Force Seeing *Level Five*
    • Telekinesis *Level One*
      • Force Jump/Leap *Level One*
      • Force Pull/Push *Level One*
    • Telepathy *Level Two*
    Universal Powers:

    • Art of the Small *Level Two*
    • Battle Meditation *Level One*
    • Breath Control *Level Two*
    • Comprehend Speech *Level One*
    • Doppelganger *Level Five*
    • Force Bellow *Level Three*
    • Force Body *Level Three*
    • Force Comprehension *Level Four*
    • Force Confusion *Level Two*
    • Force Deflection (without a lightsaber) *Level Four*
    • Force Listening *Level Three*
    • Force Flash *Level Two*
    • Force Illusion *Level Three*
    • Force Meld *Level Two*
    • Revitalize *Level Two*
    • Force Suppression *Level Three*
      • Force Breach *Level Five*
    • Force Throw *Level Two*
    • Force Vision *Level Five*
    • Force Whirlwind *Level Four*
    • Force Wave *Level Four*
      • Force Repulse *Level Five*
    • Force Weapon *Level Two*
    • Force Whisper *Level Three*
    • Precognition *Level Five*
    • Psychometry *Level Five*
    • Sever Force *Level Five*
    • Spirit Transference *Level One*
    • Tapas *Level Five*
    Light Side of the Force Powers:

    • Alter Environment *Level Three*
    • Animal Friendship *Level One*
    • Battlemind *Level Two*
    • Battle Precognition *Level Two*
    • Combustion *Level Five*
    • Crucitorn *Level Five*
    • Droid Disable *Level Three*
    • Electric Judgment *Level Five*
    • Force Blinding *Level Three*
    • Force Enlightenment *Level Five*
    • Force Healing *Level Three*
    • Force Light *Level Three*
      • Wall of Light (Can be used by the combined might of many Jedi, though the results may be catastrophic) *Level Five*
    • Force Orb *Level Three*
    • Force Projection (A power only achieved by high-rank Jedi Masters, Force protection made the bearer invulnerable to a wide range of attacks; the ultimate power in terms of defense) *Level Four*
      • Force Defend (Reduced damages taken by Force powers) *Level Three*
        • Force Absorb (A trained Jedi may have converted all kinds of Force attacks used against them to additional Force charge. As the energy used to perform Force-related powers was limited, a Jedi could use the enemy's attacks to their own benefit, instead of receiving damage from them.) *Level Five*
      • Protection Bubble (With this Force power, the user could create a defensive sphere around the body, which would protect him from a wide range of attacks, deflect laser blasts, and inflict a certain amount of damage upon contact with the enemy.) *Level Four*
    • Force Stun *Level One*
      • Force Stasis *Level Three*
        • Force Stasis Field *Level Four*
    • Force Valor *Level Two*
    • Hibernation Trance *Level Two*
    • Levitation *Level Three*
    • Mind Trick *Level One*
      • Force Persuasion *Level Five*
    • Malacia *Level Five*
    • Morichro *Level Five*
    • Plant Surge *Level Five*
    • Ray *Level Five*
    Dark Side of the Force Powers:

    • Deadly Sight *Level Five*
    • Drain Knowledge *Level Four*
    • Force Destruction *Level Four*
    • Force Drain *Level Three*
    • Force Fear *Level One*
      • Force Horror *Level Three*
      • Force Insanity *Level Five*
    • Force Flight *Level Three*
    • Force Lightning *Level One*
      • Chain Lighting *Level Two*
      • Force Shock *Level Three*
      • Force Storm *Level Four*
    • Force Resuscitation *Level Five*
    • Force Scream *Level One*
    • Force Slow *Level One*
      • Force Affliction *Level Two*
      • Force Plague *Level Three*
    • Force Storm (Wormhole) *Level Two*
    • Force Would *Level One*
      • Force Choke *Level One*
      • Force Grip *Level One*
      • Force Crush *Level Three*
    • Kinetite *Level Five*
    • Mechu-deru *Level Five*
    • Midichlorian Manipulation *Level Five*
    • Mind Control *Level One*
    • Sith Alchemy *Level Four*
    • Spear of Midnight Black *Level Five*
    • Thought Bomb *Level Five*
    • Torture by Chagrin *Level Five*
    Lightsaber Force Powers

    • Alter Damage *Level One*
    • Dun Möch *Level Five*
    • Saber Barrier *Level One*
    • Saber Throw *Level One*
    • Telekinetic Lightsaber Combat *Level Three*
    Strength Powers Reference

    Awareness - Spot objects, mines, or enemies hidden by stealth.

    Computer Use - Slice computers with computer spikes to disable turrets, disable shields, or flood rooms with gas.

    Demolitions - Set, recover, or disarm mines.

    Persuade – Ability to speak very well.

    Repair - Repair and reprogram droids by using repair parts. Droids need this for self repair.

    Security - Open locks and security doors. You can bash open most locks (at risk of breaking found).

    Stealth - Use stealth type devices (belts). Can do most tasks while in stealth mode. Often detectable if not careful. Fails often

    Treat Injury – Effective medic.

    Dueling – Single weapon, one-handed weapon users. Does not apply for any dual handed or double-sided weapons. More effective in battle.

    Duel-Wielding Fighting – Skilled with using dual handed weapons or double-sided weapons. Weak hand is slightly weaker.

    Here are some pictures of some species that are referred to in the Character Listings, as well as some other pics that might help you understand who is what:




    Mon Calamari



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