Aami my main Character. She is my daughter, Created by me, and never based upon a person. So I am in the supermarket one evening, I am in line and not paying attention (I am a line magazine reader), Unload the cart, fumble with my credit card, look to see if I have enough cash for the order and Look up at the cashier. I am Staring directly into the eyes of Aami. Right down to the hair root color, eyes, height, weight (guesstamet), her hands everything. I pictured this girl in the clothes Aami wears with a bow draped across her back with the sword at her side! Aami seriously leapt from the pages of my book and got a job as a cashier! Anyone else ever create a character and then saw there creation face to face?
You didn't tell us if you were able to talk to your MC and if she is good with bow & sword in real life...
Absolutely! I met one of my characters while in "The London Bridge Experience and London Tombs" last June. He seemed a little annoyed that I was more interested in analysing him than listening to his monologue.
I've read that when Neil Gaiman meet the singer Tori Amos, he thought she was very simlar to his character Death.