Hi all, I am new to this site and I was wondering if anyone might happen to have some suggestions on books about how to tell stories both orally and in writing as I am very interested in improving my skills in that department and I am hoping that maybe someone might have some good suggestions as to which books they think are the best for developing those skills.
Well, I'll be about as specific as I can; Read. A lot. If you think you read every book there is to read, reread them, then read some you haven't read before. If you want answers that are actualy useful, you'll need to tell us a little bit more about yourself; What do you write? Poems, Fantasy, SF, none-fiction, etc? What perspective? First person, all knowing, etc? Tell us somewthing about what you write, what you would like to write and how you would like to write it, and we'll take t from there.
In terms of oral storytelling, check out the Toastmasters organization. They have a Storytelling module you can work on after your initial ten speeches. The best way to learn tow write stories is, as CoomonGoods said, to read and read and read. Forget about popular How to Write a Novel books; they are best used to kindle a nice warm fire in your hearth. Of course, there are style references that are worthwhile for brushing up on grammar, punctuation, word usage, abd general style basics. Strunk and White The Rlements of Style is compact, and worth having.
I'm kind of thinking about writing about romance, sex, gender differences, and I am very interested in things like business. I have looked around at some of the books relating to writing and stoytelling and at the moment I only have one book on storytelling, but that book just does not cut it as I feel that it is not enough and that there is more for me to learn. Pinning down one specific interest with me is a difficult task as I am pretty much interested in everything and due to the fact that I am interested in things like psychology, human behavior, gender differences and other related things my sister has suggested that I just might be a good writer as I have always been better at things like what I have mentioned than math and algebra. Maybe some people might be good at stuff like algebra, but I personally suck at it and I don't know about you, but I am often confused when they sit there and give you problems like A + B = C and Z and then they expect you to figure out what the numbers are that replace the letters. Who knows maybe I am just brain dead when it comes to things like algebra because that is probably is and always will be one of the worst subjects for me and it is why I tend to rely on computers and calculators to figure out stuff like that and without them I would be completely lost.
I checked out the website that you mentioned and it does sound interesting. Just to let you know though that the link you provided has a spelling error in it that you may wish to address.