Did anyone else realize how little people now-days read books? I myself devour books, reading 100 pages per day, but many people that I know have never read a book at all. This is definitely not good for writers such as me when my still in-progress novel will be released. Now I know why many people hate television. Sorry if I offend, but does anyone notice that the stories posted on this forum are usually boring? I mean no offence, but how many times did you think while reading posts "Oh not another vampire story" and "...I know that they will fall in love, have children and then sadly divorce at the end." sorry again if I offend, but are there so little good ideas out there? Here I only see "Bad" ideas and "Great" ideas on this forum. Most bad. One extremely great. I am not in the mood to go back over m post so possibly it does not have the appropriate tone. Anyway, anyone else agreeing/disagreeing with me? I am just interested if anyone else thinks like this.
It has always been like that though - I used to read a book a day, four or five a day in the school holidays. As an adult with three kiddies I read about two a month. (unless you include kids books). Not many of my friends read as much as I did. My brother I think has read two since he was twelve. And no i can tell you which authors on the board I love reading I get really excited when Tessie, Islander, Tom Gold, Manav, Bard of Wigan and others post work - it's great to read.
Woah, you must be an incredibly fast reader! I assume you don't mean that. I used to be a complete and utter bookworm, reading a book a day on holiday and so on, but sadly I've noticed that in the past couple of years I've not been reading as much which really depresses me. I put it down to a mix of university and the fact I'm addicted to the internet. Pretty sad. I still regularly read though, I absolutely adore reading and I can't understand how people can't enjoy it. I think all this technology makes reading less appealing and somehow some people think reading is boring and like school so dislike it. Some are just slow readers so it'll take them months to read a book and so perhaps choose not to bother.
I'm a geek, so I did some number crunching. If we assume that sereda008 is a really fast reader, reading double of the average adult speed (250-300 wpm), let say 600wpm and a book is ca:100 000 words long then Sereda008 reads 277 hours/day.
Maybe he means stories per day? Which leaves me wondering if it's even humanly possible to finish that many a day, considering all the distractions life chooses to give us on a daily basis... As for the subject the OP brought up, we just live in that sort of society. Everything moves too fast. I only know a handful of other people who like to take the time and do extensive reading, while I live with two who prefer that I read to myself and "get back to" them on what the story was about. But from what I've seen, the people on this board are just as/even more well-read than I am, and I surely don't agree that there is only "one" extremely great idea either. There are lots of great ideas, and a lot of people who have potential to be full-fledged writers.
Ideas are just ideas. Some more well used then others, but with no real value in it raw state. Like a clump of clay that might be turned into a statue, it the execution that matters.
Ah, sorry. I mean 100 pages per day. As I read your replies it does not sound like much, but I am still in school.
I would have to say that the reading has changed since I was in school. That is for sure. Schools are all about finding how they can use movies and tv to do projects and such. Not much into the books anymore...that is what I have noticed with 9 kiddos running around in this house (no they are not mine....they are my boyfriends sisters kids). But who knows.....things come and go, of course reading will always be there for me! I love to read, used to read a lot but not much anymore. Not since work and babysitting took over. Books will always be around for people to read!
Not all vampire stories are the same and end that way. Most people are just judging them because Twilight came out and renewed the vampire market. Though, I am getting kinda tired of them. They're all you see in my local library..
Haha, that is something just like what I might do. I used to read books all of the time, then I stopped when I began working. I am trying to get back into the mode of reading. I got a book last june (2010), and read about 2/3 of it, then just kinda stopped reading it (not that it was bad or boring)...I picked it back up and finished it a couple of months ago...I had stopped just before the best part of the book.
Reading and books seems to be being phased out, much like the radio - we know it's there and we use it on occasion when bored/have no other choice. I, on the other hand, love books and hope to see them for the rest of my life. Therefore I despair at the though of these Kindle/pad things that you can read stuff off. Yeah, they're handy, but can they really beat the feel of a book. And It'd be reckless to use one as a fan... I see what you mean about the whole vampire-revival. Most of them don't even link back to original folklore, and if they do it's usually the diluted Hollywood rules. I mean one of the covers for the Twilight saga is a rose! Vampires were buried surrounded by and covered in roses to prevent them rising again. I don't see how this works... And this whole 'Dark Fantasy' thing. Don't get me wrong, some of the authors are great, and yes I know there's a market for it, but I HATE it. Vampires want to suck your blood and kill you or turn you undead yourself, they do not want to go on a romantic picnic. NOR DO THEY SPARKLE! /cringe I hated Angel from Buffy. Yeah. And Spike got lame when he fell in love. Vampires don't fall in love, they have no concept of it (going from folklore here). Mini-rage over. Nepthys x P.s. Werewolves are totally cooler than vampires anyway.
Kindles and the like offend my sensibilities at first as well, but if you think about it, most books are stories, and stories have a history before being written. Audio and ebooks are like the transition from oral story telling to books. You lose some romanticism but in the end you are making the information easier to access and sometimes even more available. Still, I love a good book in my hand, and I have borrowed an iPad, so I know what books are up against. iPads are pretty amazing for reading while you do cardio at the gym. And you can look up new words in a book just by selecting them, which is handy. But it's all flat. There is no dimension, no change in font size as you curve the page to turn it, no feeling of smooth paper beneath your fingers, and no smell! I like book smell.