I find this to be a useful tool to get started for the day, just to get writing. You start with a word, and then write continuously for five or ten or fifteen or however many minutes you choose, whatever comes into your head. If you run out of ideas, go back to the start word and go in another direction, or keep writing the same word over and over until it takes you somewhere else. That aim is to not stop writing at all for however long you set your timer. For example, start with the word spring. You could start writing about the season, the springs on your car, springing someone from jail, and see where your mind takes you. Going off topic and following unconnected trains of thought are absolutely encouraged! See where your mind takes you. Feel free to post a few lines from your stream of writing if you come up with something that you like (I played with someone who came up with the idea of a sweater being peelable skin), or post your ideas for good words to start with. Word Prompt Ideas: Ring Fall Inspired Combination Interior