Need some help from the syntax gurus out there. I'm basing a story in a near-future DC and the neighborhoods in which characters live are integral to the story. I want to ground the setting with real-world street names but I'm wondering the best way to write the street names. A lot of DC's streets are a letter, type of avenue, and direction. This confused me when I started typing it into the word processor. Any advice on how to write out street names? Example I'm wrestling with currently is N Street North West. In an address this would look like: 12345 N St NW Washington, DC 01234 Thanks for the help! depends in part on how you are using the addresses... give us a sample of a sentence/paragraph where you do so...
Here's the sentence in question. At first I thought it was a no-brainer, just write the words out and voila, but it looks a little weird to me still. Could be just because the name of the street is a letter or maybe I'm not sure what to capitalize and what not to. Either way I thought it was worth double-checking. "The town-homes of N Street Northwest were once symbols of having achieved success in the social and professional circles of the capital city." Thanks mammamaia!
it's ok as is, but town homes is not a hyphenate... the jury is still out on whether it should be a single word or two separate ones... for reassurance re street name spelling:,or.r_gc.r_pw.&bvm=bv.1355534169,d.cGE&fp=8e22984df9142133&bpcl=40096503&biw=688&bih=374
Wow, that's funny. I had it as a single word in my .doc and when I pasted it in the forum it gave me a spell check error. Guess I'll go with two words. Thanks again!
to do it that way, 'N' would not have a period after it, since it's not an abbreviation of anything, only a letter of the alphabet... and NW wouldn't have a period, either...