1. Ashleigh

    Ashleigh Contributor Contributor

    Oct 16, 2008
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    In the comfort of my stubborn little mind.

    Student Project: Call For Submissions

    Discussion in 'Collaboration' started by Ashleigh, Jan 17, 2012.

    Hi guys!

    I thought I'd post about a project I'm working on to see if you guys might be interested in making some submissions. I've decided to embark on a project which displays my abilities as an editor of a literary magazine. I can include one of my own stories, but the rest of the content - like most magazines - is down to its contributors.

    I'd love to use your work in my final project for my degree. I haven't made any plans yet, but your work could be part of something more official in the future; we'll see how it all goes. I'm mega excited about doing this.


    Urban Limbo (Horror fiction magazine)
    Editor: Ashleigh Condon
    Deadline: February 20th 2012

    Urban Limbo is open to all authors and accepts reprints.

    Payment is exposure only. This is a for-the-love deal. Urban Limbo is a student project and won't be officially published. However, all submissions undergo a serious selection/editing process using industry standards, and feedback may be provided should your piece not make it in.

    Urban Limbo is a literary magazine focused on dark, urban-themed fiction, and is the product of Ashleigh’s undergraduate degree in Creative And Media Writing. She is looking for stories and non-fiction submissions to be a part of this exciting venture, and that’s where she wants you to get involved.

    This magazine tells tales of the dark, gritty underbelly of our modern society; the unthinkable filth in alleyways and backstreets; the mutant children of our broken social order. If you can imagine a world of faceless gangs, of grimy streets, of open sewers and endless smog, of derelict buildings and torturous cries, of feral dogs and relentless, desolate night, then you’re one of us. This is Urban Limbo.

    How to submit:

    Short Stories

    Note: Ashleigh would love to include foreign writers. However, all submissions must be set in/concerning Britain. Stories set in New York might be exciting, but they aren’t relevant here.

    'Dark' is the key word. Stories can be horror, sci-fi or fantasy. Prepare your 1500, to 3,000 words story in a double-spaced, Times or Times New Roman, 12 point, black font Word document with pages numbered (.doc OR rich text format). Indent the first line of each paragraph half an inch and double space (regular double spacing, do not add extra lines between paragraphs or do any other irregular spacing). UK spelling and grammar (single quotation marks around dialogue, etc.) is required.

    Note: Submissions may include gore and sexual content provided they serve a distinct purpose to the piece.

    Include your name, email address and 50 word or less bio in the third person to UrbanLimbo@live.co.uk

    Flash Fiction

    Ditto above. 500-1000 words.

    Book Reviews:

    All horror, Sci-fi and Fantasy sub-genres welcome.
    300 words maximum. No self-published novels. Keep opinions tasteful. You don’t have to faun over a book, but keep the author in mind. By all means be edgy and satirical, but rudeness is tacky. Keep it snippy. Provide a link to the book on Amazon or the publishing house.

    Film Reviews:

    300 words maximum. Indie movies are fine providing they’re official. Give an overview of the plot and sum up your opinion. Keep it snippy. Provide a star rating between 1-10. Include a link to it on IMDB.

    500-700 words maximum. Articles can cover arts and culture, the publishing industry, the music industry and the current economy; however, keep the politics to a minimum. No party-bashing. Kindle E-publishing is a favourable topic right now. Include a short bio and link to your blog.


    Scenes of particularly interesting urban environments needed. Graffiti art, performance art and buskers are favourable. Images must be of a good quality and decent file size. Photo edits are fine, but keep them subtle. No cut-together jobs; photos must be of authentic places. Keep the mood dark and melancholic. Include a short bio and link to your blog.

    Please direct any questions/queries to UrbanLimbo@live.co.uk

    About the editor: Ashleigh is a geek, currently studying Creative And Media Writing at Middlesex University, UK.
    Her hobbies include writing, cartooning, reading, watching movies and being a bodacious bitch. She has previously been published in a number of small press anthologies, and her book/film reviews can be seen online.

    Read her blog at: http://thewordywench.wordpress.com
  2. Dante Dases

    Dante Dases Contributor Contributor

    Sep 25, 2008
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    West Yorkshire, England
    One question: deadlines? When are they? Because I'd love to write something for it (and I have an idea already), but if the deadline is too short I might not get the chance to get it written.
  3. Banzai

    Banzai One-time Mod, but on the road to recovery Contributor

    Mar 31, 2007
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    Reading, UK
    There you go!
  4. Ashleigh

    Ashleigh Contributor Contributor

    Oct 16, 2008
    Likes Received:
    In the comfort of my stubborn little mind.
    Deadline's at the top, lovie: February 20th. It's pretty short, I know, but I need it all in ASAP. My deadline's in May so I wanna make sure I'm prepared. There may of course be an extension if I don't find what I'm looking for by then! Thanks for your interest. :)
  5. Eunoia

    Eunoia Contributor Contributor

    Mar 8, 2010
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    Good luck with it!

    Horror/sci-fi/fantasy isn't really my thing but if I have time, I may give it a go.
  6. Ashleigh

    Ashleigh Contributor Contributor

    Oct 16, 2008
    Likes Received:
    In the comfort of my stubborn little mind.
    Thanks Sarah! Remember, if you have any book/film reviews of those genres knocking about, send 'em my way. :)
  7. Dante Dases

    Dante Dases Contributor Contributor

    Sep 25, 2008
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    West Yorkshire, England
    Bwuh. Note to self: learn to read... :p

    I shall see what I can do.
  8. Ashleigh

    Ashleigh Contributor Contributor

    Oct 16, 2008
    Likes Received:
    In the comfort of my stubborn little mind.
    Good stuff!
  9. Ashleigh

    Ashleigh Contributor Contributor

    Oct 16, 2008
    Likes Received:
    In the comfort of my stubborn little mind.

    OK, so some of you expressed an interest (some of you PM'd me) in helping me out with some stories and/or reviews. I'm just reminding you all that I need the content by Monday 20th February (that's this coming Monday).

    Remember this is a student project and not a real magazine. I'd be mega grateful if you could help me demonstrate my tastes as an editor and, though I can't pay you, I can send you a copy of the magazine once it's finished.

    Get searching and if you have anything you can donate that'd be brilliant. According to my tutor the content itself isn't what's important, but more the selection process and how I put the pieces together and show my editing skills.



    Here's a quick overview of what I'm asking for:

    My name is Ashleigh, and I’m organising a student project for my final year at Middlesex University, studying Creative and Media Writing. I plan on putting together a mock-up of a horror fiction magazine with an urban theme, where stories will undergo a selection process and my editing.
    In order to present my editing abilities in this project, I need about 5 stories to demonstrate my tastes as an editor.
    The final item will be produced in about 10-15 copies. I’m unable to pay, but will provide contributors with a free copy of the finished item in the mail.

    Email me at Urbanlimbo@live.co.uk with your submissions/queries and I’ll get back to you asap.

    I also need other content, such as film/book reviews, and details of this can be found in my blog or the beginning of this thread. Thanks!

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