Well, it's summer. Time for reading...trash, trash, trash! Or not. Your choice. But with the warm weather, the relaxation, and the vast stretches of time ahead (for the under-21 population, anyway), it's a great time to read whatever you want. So. What do YOU want to read this summer? I'm going to try and read a bunch of Carl Hiaasen over the summer. (The great thing about his books is that they come in handy portable paperback form, so when it's warm enough to go biking outside, I can shove a book in my pocket and go off in search of scenic reading locales.) Also, I'd like to read The Shadow of the Wind and Water for Elephants, whose authors both escape me right now, but are supposed to be good in an above-my-age-group sort of way. Right now, my attention is being thoroughly absorbed by A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson, not to be confused with the similarly-named book by Stephen Hawking. While the subject matter is similar- a scientific dissection of, uh, nearly everything- the tone is vastly different. This book is more warm and humorous, and an utterly captivating read. Still, it takes a looong time to slog through it, and I probably won't be done with it for a week. (Because, you know, a week is a looong time.)
I'm heading off to a liberal arts school to study creative writing, but I'm woefully underread when it comes to the classics (my school likes to assign more contemporary stuff and everything Shakespeare ever wrote) so my summer reading list is: The Great Gatsby 1984 Metamorphosis War and Peace To Kill A Mockingbird The Fountainhead/Atlas Shrugged and a bunch of other books you wouldn't want to set foot on campus without having read.
Yes, this summer is going to spent on taking classes, working, reading, reading and more reading. . . with writing mixed in. I have not had the time to read and am planning to catch up over the summer. Book List: The Host by Stephanie Meyer Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen Emma by Jane Austen Harry Potter Series(1-7) Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less by Jeffrey Archer Shall We Tell The President by Jeffrey Archer My Pride and Prejudice copy has a broken back and I know I've read it too many times but I can't spend a year without reading it atleast once. I'm going to Barnes and Nobles today so there will be additions onto my very short list.
Well, we're heading into winter in Australia, but I have an ever increasing reading list none the less... Anansi Boys - Neil Gaiman (still reading American Gods) The Bartimaeus Trilogy - Jonathan Stroud The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle - Haruki Murakami The Glass Harp - Truman Capote My Life As Emperor - Su Tong (Author of "Raise the Red Lantern") Autumn Bridge - Takashi Matsuoka And - even though it's a collection of artwork, interpreting Tori Amos songs - I am waiting very excitedly for "Comic Book Tattoo".
-Fahrenheit 451 (school, but it seems good) -The Joy Luck Club (school, it doesn't seem good) -Tales of the Otori series -A Feast for Crows -Re-read Harry Potter 7 -The Killer Angels -My story I'm writing -Other stuff
Well for college next year, I have to read Before the Frost by Henning Mankell. Anyone heard of / read it? I want to try and catch up on some of my fantasy reading this summer, 'cause a) I don't really have much else to do and b) I'm behind as far as the new books scene. I really want a copy of Terry Brooks' Armageddon Children, the one that is supposed to tie his Word & Void series together with the Shannara books. I may reread the Wheel of Time series, if I get ambitious and if I can find all of them again. We'll see
My reading list for the summer: - Discworld series by Terry Pratchett - Snakehead by Anthony Horowitz - Night Rise by Anthony Horowitz And that's it, becuse the Discworld series consists of about 10 books.
haha I was about to say the Discworld series is a heavy load. Hilarious and ingenious, but there are three dozen of them. Anyway, I hope to finish The Pillars of the Earth, which I started a few weeks ago and, though I enjoy it, haven't managed past page 250. Other than that, maybe some Hemingway so I can make a final decision about him. I'm sure there are others, but none off the top of my head. Happy reading, everyone!
Between my kids, working full time and writing I still devote a good amount of time to books. I just finished my yearly reading of Pride and Prejudice. My worn out copy is like an old friend. Now that I have seen the movie Narnia ~ Prince Caspian I will be diving into the book. I am really looking forward to it!
Titania - if you're doing a fantasy thing this summer, I highly recommend the Abhorsen (Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen) trilogy by Garth Nix.
My summer reading list is embarrassingly small...I wish I had more time to devote to reading this summer...work ruins everything! I already read the Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer and loved it. I may try to re-read it before book 4 comes out in August! On my list so far are: 1. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith (I've already read it a hundred times, but it's a favorite) 2. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (another re-read...and favorite!) 3. Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert 4. A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah (Not sure I can get through this one...but I'm going to try!) Kratos - Wanted to add that I loved the Joy Luck Club in high school, but it took awhile for me to get into it. Don't give up on it yet!