Ok, so if you were a superhero (like me) what would your name be ?? EDIT: my name would be . . . Platinum, because thats how much I am worth. EDIT AGAIN: I have gone off Platinum, prize to whoever tinks of the best name for me
I think I would just start showing off my skills in public and let them decide what my awesome name should be.
I'd be ummm... The Vaquero with his dual six-shooters of justice! Heh, I think about this too much. Oh, and LoH, I love Oddjob. haha
I prefer Nick-Nack. Also: I will be The Comrade. I will have a beard and an eyepatch. I will never fail.
Kick-Nack? Knick-Knack? That was the name of Scaramonga's diminutive murderous associate, played by Herve Villachez, in The Man With The Golden Gun.
Knick nack patty wack something something... something... Jason Bourne is pretty awesome. He's a super hero right?
I think the more important question is what superpower do you want? (Hopefully Marvel and DC didn't copyright that word too...)
I'd love to have Wolverine's or Colossus' power. I could also live with a super powered armored suit like Iron Man.