Hey everyone, I was taking a break from writing my story and thought I'd start a new thread for the heck of it. Wanted to know what sort of support you get in your real world (not all the other writers on writingforums). It's been something that I struggle with from time to time, because of some of the people in my life. My wife, to start, is always supporting me. Though, from time to time, she gets frustrated at all the time I take to do my writing. I know it bothers her when I stay up late (especially during the week) to do writing. My parents supported me through my first story (which they paid to get published), but I'm never sure how they feel about my writing anymore. I don't really talk to them about it much more, now that I live with my wife. I see them once a week, at least, but its never a topic of conversation. My dad doesn't read much, but perhaps asking my mom to read my story wouldn't be a bad idea, though she doesn't prefer to read fantasy. My brother, who is younger than me by 5 years, well... I don't think he understands. He's not much of a "read for fun" person, and I can never get him to read anything I write. He also doesn't seem to understand writing much, because he has tried it before, but had the "creativity malfunction" (I'll call it). He couldn't think of his own ideas, so he wrote stories that were hanging on the cliff of copyright infringement. My wife's grandmother loves to read my stories, and I can always count on a good review from her, but proofreading isn't her strong point. She reads it because she knows (not boasting here) that she'll be reading a good story. My friends like to read my stuff sometimes, but they aren't quite as far along in life as I am, even though we're all the same age. Where I am married, have a place of my own, and searching for a house, they still like having a good time most nights. But, I can count on them to point out mistakes to me. Anyway, that's what I've got. Tell me about your support. Who causes problems for you? Who is your #1 proofreader? Who is your "fan?"
I don't ever show anyone my stories. Because I am 12 I haven't taken writing classes or gotten feedback so I am sure my story isn't going to be the best. I am kind of embarrassed by them because none of my friends have any interest in writing or reading for that matter. My cousin does like writing but she prefers reading kind of dark mythical things like immortals. I write about things that are in real life and sometimes add some fantasy but never immortals or dragons or whatever. So she finds my genre a bit boring I think. I know what my mother would say if she read it. 'Its really good! Good job!' even if it's a horrible piece. But then again I have never finished a story because I can't think of a decent plot. When I finish one though, I plan to show it to someone... anyone.
I really have no support. I have a roommate, and our relationship is, I guess, a bit strange. We got together because of a story I wrote and posted online back in 1995. He liked it and contacted me, and we found that we were somewhat compatible. Now, though, he seems to disapprove of my writing. He hasn't read any of it for years, but he doesn't seem to like the fact that I do it. I have to live with this guy all the time, but he seems to disparage the very idea that I want to be a writer. It's not that he doesn't want me to write; it's (I think) that he sees that I'm not successful at it, so in his eyes, I'm wasting my time. My parents are dead. My sister is three thousand miles away. I have no other support. So I have to carry on by myself. That's why I was willing to spend money on the Gotham courses I took. They are supportive, and that means a lot to me.