I thought to create a world with a symmetrical map on the border side. meaning nations of the same magnitude will be on exactly the same size, shape and symmetrical location from the center. It will have different calamities and terrain types and different people in them, s every nation is special to its own. I even thought to take it so far to make all nations have square-shaped countries, and make it all about capturing parts of one another like Medieval Europe, as in games such as crusader kings. but it will all be squares. How do I make it interesting?
You could make the world flat and set it upon a point so that all the nations have to be balanced or they will tip over and tumble into space. Probably not what you were going for though. Or, maybe they just think it's flat.
Judging by the picture Drusy fell asleep. It is difficult to do without it appearing like a Civ V world. Geography is important but is it necessary for it to be homogeneous for the purposes of your story? Surely a weakness, an oddity here or there provides a plot device?
Yes, because every conquest of every little mass of land would result in a world war all over. Think of it as a predator-prey relations. Smaller the country it is held back by the bigger ones, until the 2 empires that attempt to also balance each other, to not much success. If anything, it shows that if each people would be given a proportional piece of land, and everything will be distributed as eve as possible, war and strife will always occur.
hmmm... have everyone be "symmetrical" in their own right? I picture people wearing clothes that have squares as well, and the buildings might all be squat, square buildings. Then maybe someone would hate that world and want to change it -story born! lol