Please, tell Samsung to stop exploiting children as cheap labor. Several children have been discovered working underage at a Samsung factory in China. They were working 11 hours a day, 28 days a month, in deplorable conditions for little pay. As many as 100 more children in that same factory may be working there, not to mention thousands of other children in other factories. This isn't right and this needs to stop. I can't do anything all alone, but we as a group can. We can help oppressed, silenced, children. We can make a difference! Please sign this petition: Also, please share this petition, write letters to Samsung, and avoid buying products from Samsung if you can. We can help these children and make the world a better place.
Hitting Samsung's pocket book might make them respond, but if we want to stop the real problem, we'd have to convince China, and its people to impose tougher age restrictions on labor. Further we'd have to convince them that tighter laws are needed for labor safety within their borders... Edit to add: I like your enthusiasm and will gladly sign the petition. You've got the right spirit.
It's hard, but if we stop one company, aren't we doing something? Even if we only help 50 kids, that's still 50 kids we helped if you get my gist. Once we stop one factory, we'd stop Samsung, then move on to China.
Don't get me wrong; I think you're right. We can't stop them all in one fell swoop. These things take time, and we must fight the battles we can. I was just providing some perspective on what it might take to make a bigger, more effective change. If the governments of the oppressed people can take action to protect their people, then big corporations won't be able to go those places for cheap, "disposable" labor. The challenge is, these countries receive economic benefits (to some degree) by having large companies set up factories. These companies provide jobs to people who might otherwise be in unrest. They also provide a nominal income and some resources to the nation. So the governments don't always want the companies to pack up and go somewhere else (learned all that in my sociology class). It's a tight situation. Fixing it will clever thinkers with passion and initiative, many people with open hearts, and people of influence with open ears. However, I think we can make a difference over time.
My hope is to one day start a place where I can teach young men and women, but especially women, not only to read and write and do math , but skills (like sewing, farming, clerical work, hairdressing, etc.) and entrepreneurship, so they can start their own companies and build their own livelihoods and employ others, or at least be able to lobby for better conditions. I'm not sure how to get started though, but I'm sure that will come to. I agree that it's complex, but we can do something.
Don't worry. You've got the heart, God will line you up with the right people at the right times. Just keep doing what you can and do your best to follow where he leads you in your heart. I can't wait to see what you build with the creative energy you've brought into the world.
One should also stop and wonder what will happen to those kids once they're out of the factories. Do the region/provinces/cities/villages they live in have the right infrastructure to make sure these kids have a future? Child labour is hideous, but we "westerners" are usually unable to think on the long run. Are we going to strive to get them out of the factories, just to have them live on the streets? Child labour is a consequence of something going really bad in a social system. First you fix the system, then you can act on the consequences.
Thank you, @Andrae Smith. @Michael Collins, the goal is to get them into school, of course. The petition actually asks Samsung to pay for the kids education for their factory work in such conditions.
This is a very good point. I was somewhat hinting towards this. I'm glad you clarified. We must be conscious of what comes next.
Not for a moment I failed to understand, I just don't have time to read the terms of the petition now, but I will do. This is an ample matter to discuss, it doesn't just boil down to this particular case.
Oops, I just bought a Samsung S4 within the last few days. I'm feeling pretty badly now. Damnit, seriously, if I knew ahead of time, I would have opted for another company's phone.
Samsung ought to rethink their strategy. My Samsung phone sucks. I guess I won't be upgrading to another.
Don't beat yourself up, it's not like you knew! Just don't buy anymore, sign the petition, and share it!
CREDO is the service. It's a progressive phone company, meaning they are pushing a progressive agenda. Much of their ideas I agree with and wanted to get away from the mainstream providers. Perhaps they should know of this if they don't now.