Tales of Exzalia dying worlds

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Exzalia, Jan 14, 2013.

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  1. Macaberz

    Macaberz Pay it forward Contributor

    Nov 19, 2012
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    Arnhem, The Netherlands
    Seth & Berk
    Their path was blocked by two guards with long cloaks and polished halberds.

    “Hold.” One of them commanded when Seth and Berk approached.

    “State your business” the guard demanded.

    Seth and Berk looked at each other, they had hoped there would be no guards, that they could’ve just walked in and pretend to be part of the palace life. For hours they had searched for ways around the guards but all the roads, save two, were blocked off with large, stone barricades. The King had secured himself well.

    “We look to serve in the household of the King” Berk said, inclining his head in respect.

    “Is there no end to this stream of paupers and ingrates” mumbled the guard. Berk made no comment and left the guard raging quietly to himself. “Very well” the red-cloak concluded. He whistled and a short, battered looking soldier came hurrying towards them.

    “See if Hembart will have these two” the guard, commanded to his lesser.

    The soldier nodded and waved Berk and Seth over. “Follow me” he said, his voice hard and devoid of sympathy. Seth and Berk obliged. Three more guards joined in as the approached the palace. It still looked much the same on the outside, though any reminders to Kings and Queens before Toren had been removed. They were lead inside and passed through a great deal of halls, some of which Seth recognized but others he did not. His heart froze when they approached the mighty doors that guarded the throne room. He could only hope Toren wouldn’t be present, or else, they’d be in lethal trouble. His hand hovered towards where he’d stashed a dagger underneath his shirt. The doors were opened…

    The throne was empty and Seth only barely managed to suppress his relief.

    It took a moment for Seth to comprehend what he was seeing. King Toren had made several ‘improvements’ to the palace. Pillars, seated on polished marble, shimmering with plated gold, stood as tall as pine trees. Statues, big and small devoted to the King himself, portraying him in all kinds of heroic acts adorned the throne room. But most of all, Seth noted the presence of many girls, his age or younger. Dressed only scarcely and with reddened cheeks and white, seductive smiles. Yet the moment they reached the edge of his sight, their smiles faded and their posture became downcast. From the corner of his eyes he saw a girl with curly brown hear and a tear stricken face, hardly a year younger than himself. She was being carried away by two older women and shushed.

    “Well, come along” barked the grumpy guard. “Ain’t no use staring” he scoffed. But Seth paid no heed to the words. A lump clogged his throat as he thought of James. A thousand questions besieged his mind, was he still alive? Was he a cup holder, or a flogging boy maybe? His stomach twisted in defiance of the gruesome possibilities. His hopes slithered away with every step he took.

    Berk was being flanked by two guards, he towered over both of them but was wise enough to adapt his posture, making himself look less of a threat than he really was.

    They were lead out of the throne hall into a musty, crammed chamber. A single man, with greying hair, bend over several piles of paperwork, sat at the only furniture in the room. A desk.

    “Two new ones for you Hembart” the guard said.

    The old man didn’t seem to notice Berk and Seth.

    “..two and twenty makes twenty two, now deviate three and extrapolate four, that is three less deceased than the week before...” the man murmured. The guard administered two profound knocks on Hembart’s desk. The latter clenched at his heart with one hand and dropped the quill he held in the other.

    “Dear me, was that really necessary?” Hembart breathed. The guard didn’t respond but simply nudged his head towards Berk and Seth. “Oh I see, fresh meat for the grinder” Hembart stated. Seth exchanged a meaningful glance with Berk.
    The guard left the chamber and slammed the door shut behind them.

    “Profession?” Hembart inquired as he reached for the quill on the ground.

    “Blacksmith” Berk said promptly.


    “I am Be- Barty and this is..” Berk looked at Seth but no name escaped his mouth. “This is…”


    “Sedrick, Sedrick Sir” Seth interjected. “He is my apprentice” Berk added.

    “Queer name, Sedrick Sir” Hembart said, something resembling a smile curling his lips. Seth nodded and made a slight bow to the old clerk.

    “Very well, I will see what I can do for you, if you can hammer steel the uncastable way, we might find use for you yet. Go to master Garlick’s quarters, he will allot you your beds and take your belongings. For safeguarding, of course.”
    Hembart ringed a bell that was located on his desk and the creaking door was kicked open. The guard that had previously escorted them waited impatiently for Berk and Seth to follow him.

    Seth noticed that whispers would die off as soon as they passed. Servants of all ages cowered away whenever the red-cloaked guards came near them. Yet others greeted them as equals. Slowly the reality of the situation seeped into Seth’s mind. Toren was feared by most, yet loved by some. He kept his eyes out for James but, even though he saw many children about nine or eleven, he didn’t spot James among them. Seth wondered if they would ever find him at all, let alone how they'd get out. Hope, it seemed, faded even further away.
  2. Exzalia

    Exzalia Banned Contributor

    Jul 27, 2012
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    Toren sat on his throne contemplating his position, no longer bound to the shadow mages he was free to mold his world in the way he saw fit, and to do that the imperfections of te world must be purged. Before him three uncastbles lay bound together by a spell thread, hot and burning the thread caused them great pain. But the fear in their eye's over powered any pain they felt. Two boys one female, the boys were 16 at least, the girl only 14 it looked were now at the end of their short lives.

    "So, you would try to poison my daily bread Hmmm? Uncastable filth, I have grown wise to your paradox magic." He sneered taking a bite out of freshly bake cake bread. He looked at his servants and his guards who looked down to avoid his gaze. "Can't trust none of ya!" he spat.

    "Your majesty, your verdict?" asked one servant, he was better dressed than the others and was one of the few looking directly at the king.

    Toren began to think. Suddenly another voice shot up, a womans voice. "Have mercy my lord!"

    Bursting from the crowd an older woman fell before the king. It surprised many to see she was a mage, and for that reason alone Toren tolerated her out burst.

    "You are a mage, why do you pity the uncastables who tried to kill me?"

    "The girl she is my daughter, the boys I have known since they were young. I am certain they did not mean to cause you harm."

    "They brought me piosend food!"

    "That does not mean it was them that poisend it my lord! They are just as ignorant as you! Please spare them, if only my daughter."

    It was then Magnolia strolled in, she said nothing as the scene unfolded, It was time to see what kind of king Toren really was.

    Just then Toren leaned over and began whispering to another woman who looked to be middle aged, about 135 years old, couldn't be his wife, yet her attire was that of royalty. She was not damirian having green eye's an dark hair, her features were soft and her wrinkles were just appearing. She had, and unsettle yet stioc look. Who was she?
  3. Macaberz

    Macaberz Pay it forward Contributor

    Nov 19, 2012
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    Arnhem, The Netherlands
    "Have mercy my lord!"

    Seth could hear the desperation in the cry. He wondered what was going on and apparently, so did the guard. "Wait here" he commanded, before hurrying himself towards the Throne Room. The guard expected a great spectacle, Toren had always been an exceptional entertainer when it came to passing sentences.

    Berk and Seth took their chance.

    "Where ever could he be?" Seth wondered allowed as they sprinted out of sight. Berk motioned for Seth to be quiet. The sprinted around several corners, down a pair of stairs and into a small hallway. Seth staggered as Berk quite suddenly forced him around a corner and shoved him into a wall. He noticed why. A cheerfully whistling guard walked passed them, and if he hadn't been drinking he might've looked to the side. Fortunately, he didn't.

    "Look" Berk began when the guard has dissappeared "James could be anywhere, we can't search the entire palace, not now that we've ran away from that guard"

    "So what do you propose?" Seth asked as he slid Berk's massive hand away from his chest and stepped away from the wall.

    "We'll have to ask" Berk admitted. "Ask? You mean we walk around, and ask other servants if they happen to know a certain James? Don't you think some might recognize me if I ask for my half-brother? Do-"

    Berk lifted his hand, "I know it's dangerous, but it's the only chance we've got".


    "Do you have any better ideas".

    Seth sighed. "No. I don't" he admitted with a sigh.

    "Very well, we have ten, maybe fifteen minutes at most, if we haven't found him by then, we get out and meet up at the inn, alright?"

    Seth bit his lip and nodded. "Good" Berk said as he pinched Seth's cheek between his fingers and gave him an encouraging pat on the shoulder. "I'll do upstairs, you search the dungeons. You might want to start at the royal kitchen"

    Seth silently approved and watched Berk hurry off. For a while his pounding heart was the only sound he heard as he ran through the dungeons. Nesvi had once shown him that altough the routes underground were more complicated, they were also much safer if you didn't want to be seen. Several precious minutes passed before Seth finally reached the stairs that lead out of the dungeons, into the hall in which the royal kitchen was located. Just as he turned around the corner something hard bumped into him, knocking him over. With only a flickering torch several feet behind him to light the scene, Seth couldn't exactly tell what had hit him.

    He crawled away from the dark blob and jumped to his feet, ready to either flee or fight. The thing revealed itself to be a human being as it too backed off. They stood for a moment, frozen. Both unwilling to strike first. There was a slight shifting of the shadow in front of him before it leaped to the side and started to sprint away. Seth recognized the thing immediately when it rushed past the flickering torch.

    "Wait!" he called. But James Turian rushed on. Seth sprinted after James. "Wait!" he panted as he closed in. This time, James did seem to recognize the voice. That, or exhaustion hit him. Whatever the case, James's pace slackened and he skidded to a halt. Seth took his oppurtunity, grabbed James by the scruff of his neck and forced him to turn around.

    "Don't hurt me" James pleaded, his voice quivering with fear and his small, bony hands raised in surrender. Seth, now having verified that it was indeed James, immediately let go and backed off a bit.

    "It's me" Seth breathed as he tried to calm his half-brother down. There was a short moment of hesitation and for a moment Seth thought that James wouldn't believe him and run away again. Instead, the little child jumped at Seth and wrapped his arms around Seth's neck. He could feel the quick, unsteady heartbeat of his younger brother, he could hear the sniffs and he saw the tears splash onto the ground. James didn't say anything, nor did he need to. It was Seth who eventually broke the indescribable silence between them.

    "Listen" Seth said as he broke their embrace. "We need to get out of here."

    "I was" James said, "getting away I mean, I...I poisoned the King's food" he blurted. Seth's brows darted upright. He opened and closed his mouth a few times. Then, a bittersweet smile tugged his lips. "You did a good thing" Seth said. To his suprise James shook his head. "I...they think others did it" James stammered. "But it isn't their fault and now they...they are being hurt, by bad people". Seth bit his lip. "I want to save them" James murmured.

    "No, you can't, it's too la-"

    "They are hurt because of me, can't you help them?" James pleaded, "because if you won't, I will" he added fiercely, brushing a tear of fear, joy and anger away as he did. Then, James started to run again. Seth chased him "what are you doing?"

    "I am helping them!" James called over his shoulder. His feet hammering the marble floors of the palace. "You're just- just going to confess?" Seth breathed as he pursuited James. But his little brother had already darted around a corner. "Wait! No!" Seth called, quadrupling his pace. "You can't just.." he hurried around the corner, James had his hand at the door knob. A door that would lead them into the Throne Room, behind the throne. It was a servants entrance, Seth could tell by the simplicity of the door itself. "You can't just abandon me now that I've found you..." Seth said, his breathing heavy.

    James's eyes narrowed, his eyes locked with those of Seth. "You did". His voice didn't betray any sign of grudge, only plain honesty. Waves of guilt washed over Seth. Then, James opened the door and walked inside, Seth had no choice but to follow him. He prayed that James wouldn't be so dead honest as to confess his own crime. Yet he could tell by the look in James's eyes and the confidence with which he walked that, that was exactly what his half-brother was planning to do.
  4. Kingtype

    Kingtype Banned Contributor

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Right under your nose!
    Carson watched as Toren was about to pass judgement.

    He was the sort of person who preferred to do things at the worst possible times. Carson was prepared to speak up though if things were to go extremely sour in fact he had his Light Storm getting ready to wrap around his hand. Carson wasn't a big fan of King Toren based on what he had heard.

    So if worse came to worse he was hoping to kill the pig.

    Marine swallowed she looked like she was about to pounce out of her seat. But she knew that might not turn out to well for her. She looked over at Magnolia whom she was sitting by and whispered. "Miss Magnolia I think I should say something.....he's hurting them and they might not even be guilty." She said as her knees started to bend to stand up.

    But someone else spoke before her. It was Clarus.

    The half vampire seemed dazed as if he was on some sort of drug but he was standing out of his seat perfectly straight and in fact he spoke to Toren. "Sir, Sire, King." He said giving a toothy grin. "Who decorated this place I must know?" It was a pointless question but hey Clarus was simply asking what was on everyone's mind..........
  5. Exzalia

    Exzalia Banned Contributor

    Jul 27, 2012
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    Magnolia shot Red a glance "Keep your dim witted son under control, she hissed. then she patted Marine. "Child, sometimes bad things happen, and there is nothing you can do about it but move on and learn from it, speaking up now won't help, if anything it will make you suspect and get you killed, just keep silent. If they die, they die."
  6. Love to Write

    Love to Write I'm a lover of writing. What else is to be said? Contributor

    Feb 25, 2012
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    Beautiful Oregon "It's the Climate"
    Meanwhile, Rayla was still stuck in the room with her brother. Strip down? Was the dude a pervert!?
    "You've already felt every inch of us...isn't that enough!?" Rayla declared angerly. "You just want us to strip down so you can look at our bodies, pervert. Do you treat all fellow mages this way?"
  7. Exzalia

    Exzalia Banned Contributor

    Jul 27, 2012
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    The royal family

    Their with us actually."

    Rayla turned around to find a very tall elf, easily ten feet towering over her. She was graceful beyond measure, with skin that glowed like a faint moon, ears high and proud, blond hair bleached almost to white, and sky blue eye's. Her dress draped over her smooth features as if it were made of eather, radiant. She stunned the guards with her beauty, a high elf.

    "Come along children. it's a good thing I found you." She said winking at them, then putting her hands on them, lead them out of the tent and to the palace. The guards did not protest.

    "Things truly are grave, if even the high elves are fleeing to NewToren." A guard muttered watching them leave.


    The three elf kin made it to the palace just in time to see the drama unfold.

    Toren pondered a moment, everyone held their breath anticipating his verdict, would he have any mercy? was there some good in this man? Magnolia pondered along with him.

    "I will have mercy." Toren stated to the relief of the woman.

    "Thank-" Toren raised his hand cutting her off, then he cracked a wicked smile. "but, only if the girl, serves me in my bed chamber."

    The court fell silent, though no one said anything, they knew what that meant. The tension grew too much, and to magnolia's relief was broken by an unlikely person. A little boy poked his head through the crowds and ran up to Toren. "Daddy!" the word dropped on the queens mind like a brick, Toren had a family? The boy ran into his fathers arms and Toren gladly scooped him up.

    "Hows my favorite little prince?" he said tickling his sons belly.

    "Are you sending away the bad people again?" he asked curiously

    "Well you see son-"

    "Erhrm, son your not finished with today decrees." The woman beside him stated. Toren blushed a little, "Right sorry mother, Erhm, Tod I can't play with you right now, daddies working. And where is your sister? she is supposed to be taking care of you."

    It was then another event happened with in the crowd, James who was trying to get through the crowd quickly ran into a young lady in her late teens who too was rushing through the crowd. He landed squarely on the ground looking up at the face of a fare skinned, blue eye'd lady, with a royal dress, black hair, and most telling funny, slightly pointed ears. She looked down back at him and mumbled under her breath.

    "Uncastable." then proceeded to study him like he was the queerest of fairies. hesitantly, she offered a hand.

    James hesitated for a moment with a palpitating heart. He looked back at Seth but Seth turned his face away. He couldn't risk being recognized. James was mesmerized by her blue eyes and accepted her hand. As he was raised he stared innocently into her face. "Don' t..." he muttered, his voice cracking. His expression shifted into a mingle of horror and fear. "Please don' t hurt them, my lady" he pleaded, clasping his hands together and assaulting her eyes with his own, meek, watery gaze.

    She studied him a moment longer, slowly wiping the hand that she had touched him with as if she were trying to rub of some lingering stain.

    "Sabel!" Toren called.

    "Coming father," the lady answered him forgetting the uncastable she had touched and running towards him. "There you are Tod, I swear I leave you for a moment and your disturbing the court." Tod laughed as if he had done it out of spite.

    "How is my lovely daughter today?" Toren gave Sabel a kiss on the forehead and for the first time in a very long time the royal family was seen together, Toren, his daughter Sabel, his youngest son Tod, and his mother Lori.

    "Erhrm!" Lori grunted.

    "Right run along you two."

    Sabel took Tod by the hand and began to leave, before disappearing she gave another look at James and paused.

    "father?" she said not taking her eye's off the young uncastable.

    "Yes my dear?"

    Sabel pointed to the female servant. "I want her as my slave, can you give her to me daddy, please?"

    Toren looked slightly disappointed, "But I want her as a slave."

    "You have lots of slave, just this once pretty please? you didn't replace the last one I had and you said you would."

    "Oh fine, you may have her."

    "yay! come along girl I'm hungry." Sabel demanded.

    "yes my lady!" The servant said bowing and sounding very relieved.

    "Thank you daddy, I love you." Sabel called blowing a kiss.

    "Love you too sugar plum. now were was I? alright bring in the next case!" Sabel left, with the servant girl, and now killing Toren just became much more complicated. He had heirs to the throne, and whats worse.

    At least one of them did not deserve to be killed.
  8. Macaberz

    Macaberz Pay it forward Contributor

    Nov 19, 2012
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    Arnhem, The Netherlands
    Sabel took Tod by the hand and began to leave, before disappearing she gave another look at James and paused.

    James had the audacity to gaze right back at the blue-eyed lady. He knew he wasn' t supposed to, but a child's curiosity is an unstoppable force. When Sabel had disappeared Seth sneaked up on James, covered his mouth with his hand and shuffled somewhere to the back, using the crowd itself as a hiding spot.

    "You were very lucky there" Seth whispered into James's ear. "If you want to say something, whisper it" Seth warned before sliding his hand away and allowing James to talk again.

    "The girl" James whispered "what is going to happen to her? Why is she being made a slave? She didn't do anything wrong".

    "She is far better off thanks to you actually" Seth whispered back. James looked happy, suprised but mostly confused. "I didn't want her to be a slave" he said humbly. "I am afraid you don't have much to say about it" Seth retorted. "But things would've been worse for her if Toren had her as a slave, his daughter -Sabel, wasn't it?- won't treat her badly I think."

    James took the information in, he was glad he had helped but someone caught his eye. "Isn't that, Queen Magnolia" he said, his voice trembling with excitement. He pointed straight towards the queen. Seth's jaw dropped. They either were in tremendous luck or tremendous trouble. If Magnolia was present surely Pip would be there too, and Lyra and all the others. Then again, he couldn't risk drawing attention by approaching the group now. Things were complicated and tense enough on their own.

    "Yes, I think that's her." Seth said. His eyes slid over to the doors in the Throne Room. It seemed most were guarded. His courage and hopes faltered once more as he realized how tough escaping from the palace would be. Unless he could manage to blend in with the group.

    James tugged at his shirt. "Seth, I am not supposed to be here right now I think.."

    "Neither am I" Seth responded "but we can't go anywhere else now. Let' s just hope they won't go looking for you, when the court ends we can slip out with the masses. Just stick with me" Seth instructed. He then took James's hand and gave an encouraging squeeze. "It's going to be okay" he breathed, more to himself than James.
  9. Kingtype

    Kingtype Banned Contributor

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Right under your nose!
    Carson and Rayla

    Carson had decided to stop contemplating the events that had unfolded that day around Toren.

    He couldn't help let his mind wander. Toren was not a very interesting person to think about.

    He turned his head to look everyone else who seemed to be doing there own thing. Even Marine seemed to have found someone to talk to in Magnolia. He let a smile spread across his face and thought of an interesting person he could think of.....Ralya!!! Well better to just talk to her then think about her.

    Carson skipped up to her without any hesitation. "So what are you up to?" He asked curiously his face more like a child's who was learning something then a person trying to seduce another.

    Rayla raised an eyebrow at him in suspicion. "Nothing. Why?"

    "Well I'm bored that Toren nonsense is an energy drainer and I'm starving." Carson replied with a yawn. "So I figured since everyone else seems busy I decided to ask if you wanted to come with me?" He chuckled. "Don't take it the wrong way I just though you might be hungry." He said as he started walking away. "So am I eating alone?"

    Rayla looked back at the group then shrugged her shoulders as she followed Carson, "Sure, I could eat. As long as you're paying that is."

    "So what took you and your brother so long? You guys missed the show." He said

    Rayla's face darkened. "They searched us thoroughly. But it wasn't enough so they...they wanted us to strip." Her cheeks turned red in anger and embarrassment. "Thankfully there was this high elf there and she got us out. Good thing to...that guy was about lose his reproductive organs."

    "Strip? What's so bad about being naked?" Carson asked completely serious. "I mean it feels a lot more free." They continued to walk and rounded the corner into the restaurant area of the city. "Anyway you missed the big show Toren had with his family. There were elephants, clowns and entertainment." Carson said trying to fight off a laugh.

    Rayla rolled her eyes at Carson. This guy was definitely missing some brain cells. "Yeah, I bet there were. From what I heard, Toren is pompous windbag who needs an ax taken to his fat neck."

    "Jeez Rayla I was just trying to lighten the mood and there you go with your violent thoughts." He replied stoically as they walked into the nearest place on their left. Once they were settled and had ordered their food. They were forced to sit across from each other and make more small talk.

    Carson was simply staring at her saying nothing......just staring.

    "Carson, stop it. You're freaking me out." Rayla finally said after having to endure several seconds of his intense stare.

    "Yeah I probably am." He actually looked a bit sad at the comment. "I always do." Carson said with sigh. But he quickly perked up. "But at least my creepiness isn't as bad as your temper." He added a wink on that one.

    "I don't have a bad temper!" She protested. A little to loudly, as other guests turned to look at them. Rayla noticed and huffed as she leaned back in her seat. "Well, not that bad." She looked around for the waitress, ready for food. "So, are your parents going to be ok? I mean...they kinda had a big argument when were back at my home."

    Carson bit his lower lip keeping himself from calling her out on the temper thing. But he actually felt grateful that she showed concerned about his parents it made him happy. But the answer he gave wasn't exactly one that would bring a smile to either of their faces. "I...I don't know. I've never seen my dad so upset and my mom.....well based on what I saw something is up with her." Carson ran his hand through his hair clearly stressed by events. "But hey don't worry about my family I'm sure it'll work out. So what's the deal with you, how are you feeling lately?" As he asked

    The waiter finally came and handed them their meals.

    Rayla smiled brightly, said a brief thanks to the Creator, then dug in. She was several mouthfuls in before she finally answered Carson's question. "I'm fine. This adventure thing isn't as fun as I thought it be...but it's better than sitting at home doing nothing all day." She took a sip of water before continuing. "I'm glad our parents are safe again. I didn't realize how much I'd missed them till I saw mom and dad again."

    Carson smiled and bowed his head as he ate but the waiter didn't leave in fact. The gentleman had to add a remark that would dig under Rayla's skin. "Enjoy! I'm just glad I didn't get a table with uncastables or half breeds." He said as he started away.

    Carson saw trouble was brewing from those words he could also see Rayla's face. "Is this where you get angry?" He asked curiously.

    Rayla didn't even hear Carson's comment. She'd already been put down enough for one day. She smiled dangerously and pushed her hair back so that her pointed ears were clearly showing. "Ehem, halfbreed? You say? Tell me...what's so wrong with half breeds? Go on...tell me." Her eyes gleamed dangerously as if she couldn't wait for him say something that would give her a reason to stab him through the heart.

    The waiter's face turned red as he looked at Rayla. "Well....um I didn't mean....I....I mean....its ju...w." The man clearly wasn't the brightest as this had caught him completely off guard.

    Carson on the other hand who was also a half breed (mer and uncastable) took it as a grain of salt. He leaned over and placed his hand on Rayla's shoulder and looked at the waiter. "Don't worry sir she won't hurt you. We know you didn't mean anything by it." He said.

    The waiter nodded a thank you to him and walked away clearly nervous. By now everyone's eyes were on them. But Carson didn't let it bother him. "Whew!" He breathed out.

    Rayla stood up, not having bothered to finish her meal. "Thanks for the food, Carson." She said, though her mood was sour. "But I'm afraid I've just lost my appetite." She stood and began walking out of the restaurant. She hadn't let on, but being frisked by the guards then asked to strip down had freaked her out more than she was willing to admit. Being reminded of it by the unfounded prejudice of the waiter was just the cherry on top. Why did people have to be so awful?

    As they left Carson said something to respond to Rayla. "That's alright. To be honest I'm just glad I got to spend time with someone." He said smiling as they walked back to the group.
  10. Keitsumah

    Keitsumah The Dream-Walker Contributor

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Pip peeked around her mother, eyeing the others in the room warilly. Having seen that girl be taken off as a slave had shaken her badly, and as her eyes flitted past the door she froze. There were two boys standing along the wall, the taller one comforting the younger one, who looked frightened.

    What if Toren sees them and makes them slaves? It didn't occur to Pip that that thought was fairly irrational, but then it could be true all the same. Gritting her teeth, she crouched and looked up, spying a place hidden behind a tapestry.

    Gotta get them out of here. With a near-silent flap of her wings, she flitted up and behind the tapestry, hidden from sight. Landing on the carved interior of the walls, she ran along it, spry as a mountain goat while keeping her wings clapped tightly to her back.

    Skidding to a halt after several more leaps and bounds through shadow and stone, she looked down onto the top of Seth's and James's heads.

    "Psst!" she hissed.
  11. Macaberz

    Macaberz Pay it forward Contributor

    Nov 19, 2012
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    Arnhem, The Netherlands

    Seth jerked his head around but was unable to see anyone. He was surrounded by tall men and women, seemingly all royalty, dressed in eccentric pastel-colored clothes. James too, heard the noise. But unlike his brother, he was able to identify the source. He tugged at Seth's shirt once more and covertly pointed to where Pip was located. "Is that a human butterfly?" James breathed.

    "No, its much more than that" Seth responded, his expression shifting from downcast to elated at the sight of Pip. "Pip!" he mouthed. So she was there! They had all survived, if only they could escape Toren, all would be well, more than well in fact.

    To his horror another sensation took hold in his heart. He was in the kingdom of Nesvi, the Damirian girl he had loved from the moment he had seen her until the moment he had carried her to her grave. For a second it seemed that Pip's face had warped into Nesvi's. A deep, angry, scowl marking her face. Seth let out a small gasp at the illusion. Guilt stirred inside of him. Toren had been allowed the Throne, Toren had done everything Nesvi had fought so hard for to prevent. He had failed her, he had ignored her dying wish. Seth's cheeks reddened with shame and he casted his look aside, unable to stand the sight of Pip much longer.

    James on the other hand seemed fascinated by her odd appearance. "Do you think she can really fly?" he wondered.
  12. Keitsumah

    Keitsumah The Dream-Walker Contributor

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Pip glanced around frantically, unable to get them out without drawing attention. Then her eyes landed on Toren and her face paled, but an idea had occurred to her.

    Looking down at James she mouthed, "I'm going to distract him. Get out of here!" Spreading her wings, she gathered her legs beneath her and kicked off.

    Gasps could immediately be heard from the people below her when she swooped over them, and she spun around in mid-air, wings spread to their fullest before landing gracefully in the center of the room, facing Toren. As it had been over fifty years since the last sighting of an Airmid, she was a spectacle to behold, even if she was no longer in her original form.

    Bowing at the waist, Pip swallowed against her fear and spoke out in a surprisingly regal voice:

    "If you will forgive my interruption, King, I would like to draw your attention to Queen Magnolia and her escort. We have come a long ways and must speak with thee." Folding her wings primly behind her, the girl glanced back at Magnolia but kept her attention on the king. Stupid bird she may be, but she could always rise to a challenge.
  13. Macaberz

    Macaberz Pay it forward Contributor

    Nov 19, 2012
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    Arnhem, The Netherlands
    Seth groaned as Pip once more threw hurled herself towards danger. Her magical status gave her some sort of protection but being just about the age that Toren seemed to fancy, Seth was worried for Pip in more than one way. Now what? he thought to himself. But he couldn't meditate long on the thought. The sillhouette of a man entered the edge of his sight.

    "Pleasant fellow isn't he, the king?" Archibald voice came from startlingly close to Seth, where the Lorian stood, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "I can't say I share his tastes though." He turned to the two huddled youths. "What are you fellows doing anyhow? You don't look like members of the court, and you're certainly not acting like servants. Could you possibly be... SPIES?!"

    Seth cringed when Archibald deliberately cried out. He failed to see any good reason for Archibald to draw attention upon him, did the man not realize he was playing with their lives? Seth jabbed his elbow into Archibald' s side. "Shut up" he said, he didn't mean to insult the fellow Lorian but, rather warn him of the danger he was shoving Seth and James into. James simply looked confused by the man's appearance, he had been very preoccupied staring at Pip but Archibald's outcry had distracted him. Seth could tell by the dark expression on James's face that he considered Archibald an enemy.

    In a flash, James slid out the dagger that Seth had kept tugged underneath his shirt. He stretched it out in front of him, the sharp iron tip hovering mere inches away from Archibald's crotch.

    "Don't say anything" James warned, his confidence growing with every word. Seth simply looked at his brother in amazement. If only half the crowd realized that a ten year old was holding a fully trained knight captive, well, nobody did seem to realize. Save for the three, no four, people involved.

    Archibald's eyes widened for the sake of widening. "Oh heavens! This got quite dangerous quite quickly!" Archibald knelt down, replacing his crotch with his smiling face. "Alright I won't say 'anything', but I can say anything but 'anything', right?"

    James tried to keep his face straight, but failed. A bubble of laughter escaped his mouth and he lowered the dagger. "I didn't mean it that way" he acknowledged with a faint smile. "You are going to have to say just a few more words to get the three of us killed" Seth interjected. He didn't doubt Archibald's loyalty or knighthood, but Archibald's untimely attempts at humor reminded him of someone.

    "Have you killed? Who in the name of carnations would have you killed?" Archibald's hand found its way to James' hair, which it rubbed vigorously. "Also, I thought I'd point out that you were holding your dagger wrong. Your grip was far too tight, you'll tire yourself out before you even got to start poking with that thing." Archibald beamed at the child once more before rising back to his normal height. "So what are you kids doing here? You never denied my accusations of espionage."

    "We were trying to get away from here but as you can see, the entrances are blocked." Seth replied harshly, his eye snapping to Pip and back to Archibald as he did. "Seth is saving me" James interrupted, his voice soft and sweet. Seth shrugged, "trying to" he acknowlegded. "Archibald, was it?" Seth demanded, fixing his eyes on the knight. "I don't need to spy to know your name, we have met before. Only difference, back then we met as friends"

    Worry flashed over James's face. He hated it when Seth picked fights, even if his intentions were good. "Stop it, please" he asked. "What for? We either go out there now, and kill the king or we wait and hope we'll be walking outside, not carried in body bags." Seth replied coldly. His eyes slid over towards the fat, lazy king. How he hated him, for everything he had done. The crowd could be used as cover, killing Toren would be risky, but so would trying to walk out be.

    Archibald frowned. He loved introductions. "And I was just about to introduce myself. Way to ruin my favorite part." However, Archibald's displeasure was soon replaced by discomfort. "Errr have we met before? This is awfully embarrassing; I'm usually very good with names."

    "I don't think we have, Sir" James said politely. Seth wrinkled his nose before turning to Archibald. "Seth, Seth Turian. You know, the only other Lorian uncastable in the group? You should've informed me I was that unpopular" Seth said. His expression softened, "any thoughts on dealing with him?" he inquired, nudging his head towards the fat King, Toren.

    "Ah, Seth Turian! It's a pleasure to meet you! I'm Archibald!" Archibald would have his pleasantries, no matter how redundant. "As for dealing with the king, I imagine diplomacy would be the typical thing, would it not? Perhaps something like what the bird-human-idontevenknow-girl is doing?"

    "That is Pip for you, if you are so fond of introductions, the bird I mean." Seth said. "No diplomekie" James said, his expression darkening now that Toren had become the subject of the conversation, "Diplomacy" Seth corrected him. "Diplo-" James began "-macy" Seth finished. James casted an annoyed glance at Seth but continued regardless "I don't think you know him Archibald, Sir. He is very violent and mistreats people, he beats his slaves often." James said. "I have been beaten sometimes too, though not by the King himself of course, he lets others do it for him. Though sometimes he does beat girls himself, I don't know why, he seems very fond of them." James stated with a shrug. Seth was baffled by the matter-of-factly tone in which James described the horrors that had been visited upon him. Horrors Seth could connect to, for his life had been much like James's when he was ten.

    Archibald blanched when he heard of the king's actions. To think, one with royal blood acting so savagely. Such behavior had no place in the palace. That's what wars are for. "You know, if it's of any consolation, I'd bet he doesn't beat very hard. He looks a little... well... soft." Archibald rubbed his chin. "A strange fellow indeed... let's go have a word with him! Excuse me, sir kingy! My friends here and I would like to have a word with you!"

    Seth didn't hesitate. He hadn't travelled and planned for weeks, months even, on end to release James, only to have him caught again because of this fool-knight. He couldn't abandon James, nor could he leave Pip behind. There was only one thing for it.

    "Get ready to run" he whispered to James, he tightened his grip around James's hand. He took a deep breath, grabbed the dagger out of James's hands and shouted, as loud as he could.


    He motioned for her to come towards him and follow him, but he didn't wait for her reply. He shouldered his way through the crowd, reached the servant door and bursted through, dragging James behind him. Not a second could be wasted, they couldn't get out of the palace so they would have to hide within, luckily, Seth knew just the place.
  14. JessWrite

    JessWrite Word Nerd & Proud! Contributor

    Aug 13, 2011
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    My Old Kentucky Home
    A Long-Awaited, Belated Reunion

    Berk hurried up the steps. Many memories returned to his mind, in vivid detail. He had no trouble finding his way around the enormous palace, after all, he had served as a royal guard many years. When Kings and Queens of Damirruu had been worthy of serving. The accursed Toren had spoiled much of the palace, littering it with devotions to himself, stripping away all statues, books, armors and symbols that told the history of Damirruu.

    Twelve minutes, he'd searched the library. Ten minutes, the barracks provided no clue to James's whereabouts. Five minutes, no servant on the second floor recognized the name James. Then, when he had hardly three minutes left, Berk stumbled upon Nesvi's old chamber. A lanciating pain shot through his heart at the memory of the young queen. She had died much too soon, in a state of deep worry for Damirruu. Yet everything had turned out against her. Damirruu had become what she had feared. He, Berk, had abandoned here. Seth had made no claim to the throne, not even after Nesvi had urged him to. Nesvi's chambers were ruined. The once mighty doors unhinged, the inside was empty. Save for cobwebs.

    For all his strength and ability, he had been powerless to stop any of this. He had failed his queen, he had failed his wife, he had failed his daughters and now he was about to fail Seth as well, who had become like a son to him. He slowly stepped further into Nesvi's room. It was dusty, almost overgrown with filth. A ray of sunlight shot through the dirty windows. Berk gazed out of it, it was a long fall down should anyone take the jump.

    His fingers found the lid and, with a jerk, Berk lifted the window open. A fresh breeze eagerly swarmed into the room. Once more he looked over the edge, he could yield, give up and leave all his worries behind.

    Footsteps echoed through the hall behind him. Berk was caught off guard by the sudden sound and hurried himself out of Nesvi's chambers. He rushed down the first set of stairs that he could find, crossed another hall, and hurried towards the main entrance. He skidded to a halt however as he noticed there were not two, but a dozen guards standing between him and the exit. He contemplated rushing through for a moment but reconsidered. Seth would have to wait at the inn, unless of course he had met the same obstacle and was still inside. If he was, where would he have gone? Back to Hembart? The best place to start was probably the Throne Room. Part of the palace' design was that the Throne room served as a central hub to all other important rooms. It seemed therefore logical to start his search for Seth there. He sneaked past a guard and covertly closed the door behind him.

    To his surprise a full court had been assembled, his eyes slid over the crowd and he spotted the impossible. "Ly-!" he very nearly called out, just in time he managed to cover his own mouth and faked a coughing fit. He then shouldered his way through the crowd towards his daughter. His eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when he saw Emery to. They didn't seem to notice him quite yet and he didn't want to scare them.

    "Hmm, hmm" he coughed from behind his wife and daughter.

    Lyra had been uncomfortable since she stepped foot in the awful palace, not at all like Fare where she and Marine had teased about being princesses. Although beautiful on the outside, she knew this palace was filled with greed, hatred, fear, and death. By the faces of all in court, it was quite obvious. Lyra stood closer to her mom at the sight of them, the higher class. Did they even care for anyone other than themselves? A scowl shone on her innocent features as she studied them, shaking her head. She'd say it again if she could; why must everyone discriminate? Why not get along and treat each other as equals?

    Lyra was soon brought out of her thoughts as someone coughed behind her. Gross! Did the higher class think they could do absolutely anything? Even cough on people? Before seeing the face, Lyra spoke boldly, spinning on her heel as she did.

    "Excuse me, but I'm not your handkerchief! Go find someone else to cough on!"

    At the sound of Lyra's voice, Emery turned her attention from the court. "Lyra, what on Charon..." she stopped abruptly, eyes wide upon seeing the familiar man near them. Although he looked weary, his determination was prominent in his stance. The determination only her husband could carry out.

    After a few seconds, Emery managed to gain back her voice. "Berk?"

    Berk nodded. He knew drawing attention to himself was a poor idea considering the circumstances but his emotions got the better of him. Before he knew what he was doing he held Emery in a tight embrace, it took all of his willpower to withhold sobs. She was alive. Lyra was alive, he'd even spotted Pip. All was well. He nearly squeezed his wife to death and then tap on Lyra's shoulder. His only warning was the finger he brought to his lips when she turned around, after that she suffered the same fate as Emery and was too nearly squeezed to paste.

    He gave Pip a brief hug as well. He knew his cover was practically blown but he didn't care. He was with his family again and nothing in the world was more important than that.

    "Ho- how are you. I missed you all so much, I- I don't know what to say" he stammered. Berk wasn't easily brought to tears or stammering but the sight of his family, his daughters, his wife tugged at his heartstrings and thrilled the child inside of him. "I am so, so sorry. I tried, I tried very hard to get back to you, I..I nearly gave up" he rasped. It became very hard for him not to raise his voice, but he managed.

    Emery had to hold back tears as well, but one still trickled down her cheek. "Dear, you don't have to tell me so, it never crossed my mind that you weren't coming for me," Her voice cracked as she stood close to him, savoring the tender moment. "I am well, but only after being trapped in a dungeon for a month by a possessed Vayla." Emery shook her head as if to rid of the memories. "Nevermind that though, it is good to see you, I...I also missed you."

    Lyra beamed her wide smile, eyes shining with tears. It took all she could to keep her voice low. "I'm so incredibly happy to see you too, Dad! But, what happened to you? How'd you get here?"

    Berk was far too elated to reply in a comprehensible manner. After many failed attempts to explain himself he started anew, "Basically, I stumbled into Seth. Last thing he remembered was a fight with pyromancers. I didn't trust the kid back then but now, things have changed." A more serious expression washed over his face. "His half-brother is one of Toren's slave servants, just ten years old if I am to believe Seth. We are here to look for him. You know, I thought..." Berk sighed deeply, fiddling with his fingers all the while "I thought that since I couldn't find you, at least I could try to help him. Yet now, now I have failed him and..."

    Berk cut off his sentence, he pressed both his hands against his temples. "I don't know what to do or say anymore, I really don't. I just hope he'll be able to get out of here." Berk paused for a moment. "Speaking of which, it isn't safe here, at all, not for me or you Emery." he said, his eyes turned to Lyra "Or you. You must tell me all that happened sometime, but not now. Now, we need to get out of here, we need to go home." Berk said with a sigh.

    Emery's brow furrowed at the mention of Seth, as she still held some grievances towards him. But now was not the time to think on the past, the future was what truly mattered.

    "Berk, as much as I want to go home, we...we can't just leave. We're still under the agreement with Magnolia. It would be selfish to abandon the situation. No, we must continue on, no matter how we feel," Emery said, putting her gentle hand in his. "Besides, if Damirruu is not safe, how can we assume Charon is? Under these circumstances, nowhere may be."

    Berk pondered for a moment. Wrinkles started to form on his forehead and a drop of sweat trickled down his temple, he wagered his options, considered the possibilities, the opportunities. "Very well, as long as we stick together, as one." he said eventually. His hand found Emery's and his eyes met hers. His heart skipped a beat as he lost himself in her vibrant iris. Then, with complete disregard for what Lyra might think or how his surroundings would respond he kissed Emery like he had never kissed her before. With one hand he caressed her and fiddled his fingers through her hair, with the other he touched her back and pulled her into a tight embrace. He didn't intend to ever, ever let go again.

    Emery's cheeks flushed at Berk's show of affection in public. Even so, she kissed him back, making up for all lost time without his love. Resting her head on his shoulder, she whispered into his ear, "Never again do I want to leave you, Berk. I felt so lost without you."

    Only when their embrace had loosened did Berk spot Magnolia. "You have come here with a purpose" he stated, his eyes fixed on the queen. "But what?" he inquired as he turned to face his wife again.

    Emery sighed. "Prepare yourself dear, for the truth will not come easy."

    After a moment, she nodded toward the man who many despised. Including herself. "We have come to ally ourselves with King Toren. Magnolia has formed the idea that he and his forces may help us stop the uncastables. They have become driven with hatred and wish to defeat us mages. And there is one bigger problem we must face...Lucious, the one who possessed a not-dead Vayla and currently has possessed Will's other daughter. You can't forget that unfortunate situation with Misven." Emery shook her head. "I must say it's hard to understand how we always get caught in such complicated matters..."
  15. Love to Write

    Love to Write I'm a lover of writing. What else is to be said? Contributor

    Feb 25, 2012
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    Beautiful Oregon "It's the Climate"
    River and Vayla

    River was not completely alone at home. She had one companion, Vayla. Too mind sick to go on any journey the half elf spent her time cleaning and cleaning, and when things were spotless she cleaned some more, wiping obsessively. And when she wasn't cleaning she rambled on about Tess or about Vashal, speaking about them as if they were alive. But every so often, she said something profound. Her mind would clear, she would regain her sanity if only for a few minutes. As River sat on the porch, Vayla came out and joined her. This was one of those moments.

    "Tess is dead, Misven is gone, and I have lost my mind, that's the truth isn't it?" She said calmly.

    River looked at Vayla with sympathy. "Yes. I'm afraid so." She was silent for a moment as she stared into the woods, longing for her family. "I knew an elf who specialized in mind sickness. If you want, I can try and get in contact with him. Maybe he can help you."

    "That's alright, I actually prefer being insane, one thing they don't tell you about losing your mind is, you don't miss it much. It is, easier to face the world believing in my delusions then facing reality. I yearn to go back to the world were I have not lost everyone I hold dear, besides, it will be over soon enough." She chuckled."I am happy I do not have the long life of the elves."

    "In that manner I envy humans." River replied sadly. "My husband, children, grandchildren...I will be forced to watch them die, one by one...and yet I will linger on several hundred more years." She hung her head sadly. "Humans do not have to suffer that fate."

    "And to make things worse the world of humans is filled with great strife, my mother married an Elf and they spent 30 wonderful years together, wonderful but short. There is no guarantee any humans will live to 300, especially now that the eather is almost all gone, most humans won't live past 150 now a days."

    River suddenly sat up straight, her face a picture of horror. "What!? Only 150!" She felt as if she just been punched in the gut. "So little...so little time. If only..." She didn't finish her thought...such a thing (to extend one's life) was against the very laws of nature.

    "Well that's one good thing about magic I guess, makes life less fleeting." Vayla thought for a moment, "You know, there is a way to extend it."

    River glanced over at Vayla warily. "I've heard rumors. But it supposedly forbidden dark magic."

    "What forbidden magic has not been used? Look at me River, I have not aged a day since we last met, the fallen, she has the power to keep you young. Haze and Kayle were 1000 years old perhaps even older when we fought them. And, I think, I know how to manipulate it to work on anyone. But, there is a cost."

    River's heart beat rapidly. Something within her screamed to end this conversation right now...but she couldn't. A possibility to extend Will's life lay before her. How could she reject it, without hearing Vayla out first? "And what might that be?"

    "Nox takes away life, but it is also the source of life as well. Life cannot exist with out death, they are dependent on each other, you know this no? To extend Will's life another's life most be taken. Is there, anyone you would wish to see dead? If so then there may be a way."

    River had feared that would be Vayla's answer. "No. I could never do that. Will would never forgive me...and I would never forgive myself." She sighed sadly. "Is there no other way?"

    "Oh come now River, you have taken life to preserve life before, don't act like this is some great sin you would never commit, and Will, he need not know."

    "I could never take an innocent's life to preserve Will's. There is a difference between killing to protect and...murder."

    Vayla laughed, "Who ever said the life had to be innocent? You really aren't thinking this through are you?"

    A non-innocent. Someone who deserves to die. A small part of River's conscious pleaded with her to stop this line of thinking but desperation was ruling out the protests. It would rid the world of an evil person and at the same time extend Will's life. He would be with her for several hundred more years instead of barely a century and a half.

    Murder is murder. No matter how you justify it.
    But just this once...doesn't the gain outweigh the cost. Will's life or a villain's life. Whose is worth more?
    You are not goddess. The choice is not your's to make.

    "I...I don't know Vayla. I think I'm going to have to think on this." River said after a long while.

    "There is nothing to think about, it a choice between nearly 800 years of misery, or a man like Toren. Well when you decide to go through with it you know where to find me, Oh...I can feel my mind slipping again, See ya around." With that Vayla hopped away leaving River to make one of the hardest decisions of her life.
  16. Crumpets

    Crumpets Senior Member

    Sep 10, 2012
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    Ellen Kenward

    Ellen looked downward as she breathed, supressing her rising frustration. "Your Majesty," she said, trying desperately to take the king's attention back from the various ruckus throughout the room, "I ask not that you help us or that you even sympathise with us, but rather just that you respect our claim as a new, legal nation and do not interfere with the issues within Lore." Ellen was, frankly, disgusted by the king, but such was diplomacy: smiling at the ones you hate and threatening the ones you don't. "I am afraid that our current wealth is humble, thus we have very little to offer Your Grace, but I can assure Your Kingship that such a kindness would not be forgotten." Ellen bowed her head. Though her voice had been steady, her heart was racing. She was young and inexperienced, yet upon her very well rested the fate of the uncastables of Lore.
  17. Exzalia

    Exzalia Banned Contributor

    Jul 27, 2012
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    Rayla and the high elf

    It wasn't right. The uncastable's prejudice against Mages, and the mages prejudice against halflings. The world was stupid, awful and unfair. Pearl had turned out to be someone else just before she got taken over by some crazy divine. Luna's body had been invaded by a vengeful werewolf. Stealing her innocence, family and childhood. Why did magic have to exist anyway? All it seemed to do was cause problems. As she walked back to the group, from her meal with Carson, her mind wandered to the conversation she'd had with the person who'd saved her and Keiran from the guards a few hours earlier.

    "Come along children. it's a good thing I found you." The high elf had said winking at her and Keiran. Then putting her hands on them, lead them out of the guard's tent and to the palace; saving them from having to strip down in front of the guards.

    "Not that I'm not grateful for your help..." Rayla began, "But who are you and why did you help a couple halflings like us? What's in it for you?" She asked suspiciously. All things came with a price it seemed on this adventure.

    " I have always had a soft spot for the halflings." She said calmly. "and do not speak to me like I am human, my actions are not done for coin." she scolded.

    "Sorry." Rayla replied quietly. This woman reminded her of her mother in a way. "So...why did you help us."

    "Because it was the right thing to do, nothing beyond that. Tell me, who are you two?"

    "I'm Rayla Bartholomew. And this guy is my brother, Keiran. Who are you? Are you a high elf?"

    "I am, my name is Vava Saren, I hail from Althea. I am here to give healing to the world of humans." Vava looked at the court procedings, "And guidance they need."

    "Vava? Vava...Vava...where do I know that name?" Rayla mumbled out loud. Then her eyes lit up with recognition. "Wait...not Vava, Luna's adopted mother!?"

    Vava raised an eyebrow, "Luna, I have not heard that name in a very long time, you know her? Is she well?" She said with concern.

    "Yeah...well...I guess it depends on how you define well." Rayla said interlacing her fingers nervously. "Um...she's healthy...but uh, her body has been invaded by a vengeful werewolf." She said sadly. "We're working on a way to get it out though. Hopefully, before the next full moon."

    "I know of her condition, it is why I had to let her go, tell me, where is she now?"

    "Let her go? You mean you just dumped her to live on her own!?" Rayla protested angrily. "Why would you do that to your own daughter? She needs help!"

    Vava raised her hand silencing the young one. "You should not raise your temper with out knowing the facts, It was not my wish to let her go, if it were up to me, she would still be with me."

    "Then why!?"

    "Because whether it his her fault or not she is too dangerous to be around for long. If you value your lives you will leave her to her solitude. Many of my kin have been killed by her, the spirit with in her finds ways, it finds ways of manifesting even with out the moon. I love her, but I can not put my family's safety at risk for her sake, and you shouldn't either."

    Rayla frowned. She knew Vava was probably right, but it still made her mad. She'd come to love Luna like a sister. She couldn't imagine abandoning her now. "There has to be a way to free her. And I'm going to figure it out." She declared.

    Vava studied Rayla closely. A smile crossed her face. "You, you remind me of another halfling I knew, just as stubborn." Vava glided away, she looked sad for an elf. The usual stoic personalty was not all this one wanted to show.
    "Good luck Rayla, may the goddess keep you."
  18. Exzalia

    Exzalia Banned Contributor

    Jul 27, 2012
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    Torens rulings

    "Sovereign nation? A gang of uncastables kill the king of Lore, chase away his children and then demand sovereignty? What about justice for the mages killed hmm?" Toren sneered.

    The other uncastables in the court said nothing, most of the mages howled and cheered in support.

    Magnolia was intrest by the young lady who suddenly spoke up, she moved closer to her to get a better look, a Lorian, and a mage, fighting for uncastable? that was a sight.
  19. Crumpets

    Crumpets Senior Member

    Sep 10, 2012
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    "Justice for the mages killed? What justice is there to be had? This is a war, Your Majesty, a war where both mages and uncastables are killed." Ellen rose. Though her face was soft with youth, her eyes were hard. "This is a war where there is no justice; there is only friend and enemy. So, Your Majesty," each word was no carefully chewed and spat, ever close to the border of contempt, "I would advise that you choose the label of friend, lest you find the alternative less pleasing."
  20. Exzalia

    Exzalia Banned Contributor

    Jul 27, 2012
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    Toren laughed, along with 70% of the mages present. "Your right, this is war, which is why when I'm done with Lore, there isn't going to be an uncastbale left!" Toren shot a small spell pop into the air, it exploded with surpriceing force which drew cheers from the other mages.

    "perphaps pravokeing them to go to war isn't the best of diplomatic approaches?" Magnolia said from behind Ellen. "here, let me try. with people you must always target their emotions, and the right emotions, lets try their sense of justice."

    Magnolia stepped forward, her presence silenced everyone, the court looked on in shock.

    "It's the warrior queen Magnolia...she's, she's back from the dead!" Some yelled and suddenly all eye's were on the queen. Toren was equally surprised.

    "No one here can deny the Lorians were the most brutal when it came to uncastables, is it so strange to think them angry? would you not be upset if men came to your home, killed all you held dear? wouldn't you be mad if there was nothing you could do because they were stronger then you? The uncastables were right to strike back at the Lorians, but we need not be cause for their anger, we do not need to be their enemy. Ask your selfs, do you really want war?"

    The court settled into murmurs, Magnolia gave a wink at Ellen. "Ha! magnolia, when did you become so weak a woman, you know the uncastables are a threat that cannot be ignored." Toren scoffed
  21. Crumpets

    Crumpets Senior Member

    Sep 10, 2012
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    could that really be Magnolia? THE legendary Magnolia? Thank the stars and bless the rains, I am most fortunate today. Ellen stood slightly off balance, fighting the oppresiveness of the queen's very presence. "We are no threat to you. All we seek is a world of piece and a land we can call our haven, and that land is Lore. We seek no more than that, so plea, Your Majesty, all we ask is that you simply refrain from intervening." Ellen bowed once more and bit her lip, waiting anxiously for the wretched king's response.
  22. Kingtype

    Kingtype Banned Contributor

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Right under your nose!
    Ham to Ham Comabt

    Pickles had finally arrived in Damiruu.

    He'd been walking non stop since his confrontation with River but his sort feet had yet to slow him down. His once carefree expression had been replaced with something that was cold, even emotionless and it didn't help that the guards had searched him to almost no end on his way in.

    Pickles expression only darkened as he heard his stomach rumble. "Damn." He muttered to himself annoyed he was hoping to go right to finding the others to find Tassy's whereabouts. His jaw tensed a bit remembering the way he had treated River. He wasn't proud of it and it had been eating away at him since he left, oh well.......family first.


    "Rayla you are a flower that has yet to fully bloom." Carson said his cheeks red. Though he wasn't talking to anyone in fact he was outside the palace speaking to the air which he was envisioning the girl he had grown a liking to.

    He sighed and smiled to himself. "Who am I kidding she'd probably hit me with a Flash Spear for even calling her a flower."

    Carson's expression didn't change as the cold steel barrel of a rifle was leveled at the back of his head. The feeling was quite familiar "Clarus!" He said elated. He and his cousin hadn't really had the chance to speak to each other one on one yet. This dangerous position was nothing special for the two.

    Clarus was showing that vampire grin of his. His reddish eyes showed a bit of curiousness at what Carson was saying. "Cousin whoever are you speaking to? People may get the idea that you are mad."

    "Says the guy pointing the loaded gun at my head." Carson replied.

    Clarus seemed puzzled as he put the rifle on his shoulder. "Oh dear do you have eyes in the back of your head that can see through object cousin?" He already knew this was not the truth. But Carson never failed to surprise Clarus.

    Carson was silent as he stood up and wiped the dust from his backside. "I knew because of the weight of the gun against my head. Normally that type would be a lot lighter......though something does seem off about it. What sort of ammo you got in there?" He asked.

    The son of Red giggled. "You tell me." A dry crack rang out, it was loud enough that anyone in the distance or close would recognize it as gunfire. A single nox bullet busted straight through the wind and grazing Carson's cheek. Leaving a black substance and blood trickling down the cheek of the man formally known as The Walker.

    Carson didn't seem bothered by the fact he had just been shot at. He knew the bullet wasn't meant to kill but to inform. Clarus was the type that informed through action. Carson's mind had already working to process what he had just felt on his cheek even before it happened. He could tell it was a bullet but Clarus had challenged him to figure out the type of the type bullet. Carson snapped his fingers as spotted that some of his blood that was dripping to the floor had a dark tinge to them. "Hmmm Nox ammo huh?"

    'Of course he figured it out!' Clarus thought with a bubbly smile but his cousin had missed one important detail. "I sharpened the tips of them into spikes." He said nodding his head.

    "Why the hell would you do something like that?" Carson asked confused. A thing like that would only hinder that performance of a weapon like a gun.

    Clarus actually frowned for once. Why? Oh how Clarus disliked "whys". It just wasn't a good word, because no matter what there was always a person asking "why?" Well Clarus was a firm believer in his own ways. So he responded to Carson in simply. "Why not?"

    Carson made an annoyed face but quickly flashed a Hyena like smirk. "I can name about eight reasons why not but its your weapon so I won't judge but answer me this why, why have you come out here? I'd imagine it wasn't to cut my cheek and talk about nonsense." Carson knew the answer it was an annual event between the two. Clarus looked up in the sky. He enjoyed the sun it was....magical.

    "Tis a pretty day for a duel." Clarus said. He'd been trying to defeat Carson in one on one combat for years. Needless to say it was always pretty close with Carson always winning by going all out at the end. But the look in Clarus's eyes were wide with psychopathy or bloodlust even.....no eagerness.

    Carson took off his jacket and tossed it to the side and Clarus of course dropped his gun.

    And then BANG! The two took off towards each other meeting in the middle. The fight would of been truly epic.....had Clarus not brought up Carson's love life a few moments into it.
  23. Keitsumah

    Keitsumah The Dream-Walker Contributor

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Pip jumped, then bolted after the boy as the room erupted into excited whispering and shouting at Magnolia's appearance. How does he know my name? And why am i following him? she thought, but did so anyways even if she couldn't explain it. Leaping over the broken door, she spotted the boys running further down the hall and struggled to keep up.
  24. Erik-the-Enchanter!

    Erik-the-Enchanter! Banned Contributor

    Aug 18, 2012
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    LA, California
    Currently Reading::
    Love Poems
    Erebos, Eris

    Erebos watched as everyone went quiet when Magnolia made her presence known. Apparently everyone had previously thought her dead. And did they call her a warrior queen? She looked to pretty and uppity to be any good at battle magic, but Erebos knew better than to make judgements on appearances alone. Eris was just as pretty, if not more so, and she had just slain eight Vampires single-handedly. It would have taken the group precious hours, but Eris did it like she was swatting flies.

    Speaking of Eris...where was she?! Erebos spun around. One moment his mother had been standing to his left and now she had disappeared. Scatty the cat cocked her head to the side and stared up at Erebos from the floor, wondering why he was so frantic. The Prince of Darkness was about to go into panic mode; there was no telling what kind of untold trouble Eris would get into by herself!

    And then a shadow grew up from the floor near Magnolia and congealed into Eris, her billowy black dress flowing around her and pooling on the floor. She tossed her bob-cut hair and glowered around at the gathered court members and finally her sharp black eyes halted on the king. The edge of her mouth twitched and she bowed her head ever so slightly. Erebos gulped.

    "King Toren." the Dark Queen said silkily, raising her left hand slowly. It was clenched into a fist, but when she had raised it to eye-level her pale fingers uncurled and a tiny black fairy fluttered out of her grasp. When it was near the King, the fairy tossed pitch-black rose petals in the air. Eris was trying flattery to get King Toren to do what she said? Erebos was a little suspicious, this definitely wasn't Eris' style.

    "Your Highness," Eris continued, "we beseech you. Harken to our words and let the truth be known. Do you know who I am? The shadowy queen that only leaves her kingdom at twilight, to walk among the trees and turn roses black? Feed on the nightmares of younglings and spread frost on the ground in my wake? Could you say in all honesty that I would venture this far just to trick or deceive you? Listen to Magnolia, heed her words. Great peril awaits all of our kingdoms if you chose turn a blind eye to us..."

    That's when Erebos remembered where he had seen those black petal before. Eris could conjure them out of thin air, she used them to aid her in seduction. They were touched with her power and if they made contact with King Toren then he would get all hot and bothered for Eris. Erebos bit his lip; if they were found out the King might get angry. He could do nothing but watch as the petal spiraled down all around the King and Eris grinned wickedly.
  25. Exzalia

    Exzalia Banned Contributor

    Jul 27, 2012
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    The reality of the situation, a grave choice.

    Toren took a deep breath at the beautiful queen. " Herm! I've had enough for today. The court is dismissed. The all disbanded soon it was just Magnolia and her group.

    Magnolia gave a frustrated sigh. "It looks like we are joining with a devil to fight a beast, Toren will not listen to reason, he will not try to make peace, and his theats will give the uncastbles more reason to go to war."

    Sol frowned at Toren, ya sure he was a womanizer him self, but not anything like this. "Mom, I feel as if we are on the wrong side. Toren is..."

    "We do not fight for Toren." Magnolia hissed. "If war breaks out we fight for our home lands, Mages are not the only one wanting genocide, uncastabales still have the same human weakness, the tendency to hate with out restraint, do not forget that they took over Fair and unafendning nation, and that Moren my treacherous son leads the other uncastabale nation in Exzalia. If it comes to war, I will side with the mages."

    Magnolia looked at everyone else, "You don't have to ally with me, if you feel you want to fight with the uncastbales then so be it, I won't stop you. But know, that when war does break out, we will be enemies, and I do not show mercy to my enemies. As much as I may have once loved them, my home comes first."
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