Does anyone here believe ghosts exist? As the title implies I would appreciate it if you told the truth.
I would like to say that of course they don't (actually, Muslims don't believe in ghosts at all--there is no such thing). It depends. If you mean the white sheeted variety: no I don't. The 'grey lady/headless cavalier' etc type of thing: again, not really I suppose. But some kind of vague aura/spirit feeling: I'm not so sure. I feel a bit of a fool about saying this, though. Actually, when I was about six years old I remember sitting in the kitchen of my grandmother's, curled up in an armchair, when I saw a girl walk briskly across the room and out into the garden (I remember her skirt swishing, it was not quite long enough to touch the floor). She wasn't walking ON the floor though--she was about four inches above it. When I mentioned it at teatime, there was silence, and then my grandmother said that when the plumbing etc was redone in the kitchen and the old flagstones replaced (it was an Old Georgian townhouse), the floor level had ended up a bit lower. The door sills were all high, in fact--about the level the girl was walking at. But I've always wondered if I was just having a kind of half-awake dream...
Yes - what form they take or what they are I have no idea. However I do believe that energies are about that either guide us or hinder us.
I do believe in ghosts, but not the traditional type. when a really powerful event happens in life, like a important decision, it creates a reflection that can be seen/felt later in time, so people often take that for ghosts. a year ago, when i was fourteen, i was working as a janitor at a local school. I walked into a office, and the light went on behind some blinds going into another part of the office. I opened that door and no one was their. Just a very powerful staticky feeling, i was covered in goosebumps. Then their was a sound like plastick crinkling and the door closed on me. that scared me to death, I never go in that office anymore, it's a way old school, who knows what the deal was.
I believe when something unusual happens, always strive for the logical explanation. Keep it grounded and simple. Never jump for the more interesting conclusion. Alot of elements of Ghost phenomena can be explained scientifically (or just by keeping a cool head).
With all the time I've spent talking to members of indigenous tribes I believe there's something to their belief in the lingering positive or negative energy associated with a certain place or act. Cheers,
What sort of indigenous tribes? My gramps use to tell me a few ghost stories of neighbors fighting off a demon, and to be beware of the specters that roam the Andean countryside. I mean it is pitch black, there is only the amber lights of sparse homes and the stars to lift the heavy blackness, so the shadow you see could be the mesmerizing image of a foul enchanter, though nowadays it is likely to be a roving gang of hoodlums.
Mostly in the northern U.S. and some time in the S.E. U.S. Very different tribal customs and geographically diverse but similar traditions regarding the spiritual aspects of peaceful vs. violent death and the lingering affects on persons or places. Cheers,
Well you need not look to any particular group for revelations of a separate world apart from this; I suppose you could bind the belief in ghosts to the perennial though of an afterlife, and since people began painting on cave walls, to the plethora of megalith burial artifacts, and even to the premises of man in the sky, that all modern faiths seem to be based on, visions of the other world and its specters are widely if not globally accepted.
you should add a 'maybe' to your poll for those like me who don't 'believe' one way or the other, but accept that there may be such things, since it hasn't been proven that there aren't... should also define what you mean by 'ghost'... just the scary hollywood kind, or spiritual remains of the deceased?...
I believe very firmly in the spirit world (i.e. that there are beings that live in the 'spirit realm' and can affect our lives), but I very firmly do not believe in ghosts, if by that you mean some kind of immortal spirit that lives on after death. I believe that when you're dead, you're worm food, nothing more.
Depends of what you mean by "ghost." Bodies die, people don't. People who have passed can get information to us. Or to some of us, I guess. Sometimes that information comes in visual form. Read George Anderson, for examples. I can't remember the name of his book where he describes seeing the people outside his window as a child.
Personally, no. I don't believe in any form of the supernatural whatsoever. I can't say that they are an impossibility, I just don't believe in them.
I haven't really thought seriously about stuff like this. A while ago, my mum recalled seeing a dead relative in our rocking chair once. That doesn't convince me that there are ghosts, or spirits, or however you're going to define ghosts, but I am open to it. So I'm not saying I do believe in them, but I certainly don't rule out the possibility.
Had to vote no. I believe in spirits, but I don't think they're dead people. I won't go into details on a public thread.
I don't believe in them. Trust me, I've met worse. (this is just for a laugh, not real meaning or intention)
I do believe "Something" is making so many pepoel beliver but how do we know its a crature we cant see? or a certing natural ocruance that makes us see soemthing close to us or somethign we are thinking about? who's to say its not in another world? whos to say its a rip in time and we can see in the past? many deferent possibility but those "ghost" have been seen by millions I'm going to say there might be something to it how ever I'm not sure if it is a dead person
i've actually had some experiences that make me have to consider that spirits of some kind do exist and can affect things in the 'live' world... for instance, a painted-stuck doorbell ringing when it can't possibly have rung...
^ I have had experiences like that too, they don't seem to be rare. But almost every time it's happened to me and I've checked it out it's had a perfectly normal explanation.
I am on the fence. What I mean is I don't necessarily believe they exist or believe they don't exist. I believe in the possibility and will keep my mind open.
The short answer is yes, I do. I can't explain what they are or how they exist, but I've seen several ghosts/ghost-like phenomena in my lifetime and it's hard to deny the existence of something you've seen with your own eyes. They may be lingering human spirits, they may be something scientific, they may be aliens, they may be hallucinations that I'm not realizing are a sign I need psychiatric help...but whatever they are, I've seen them.
I actually don't know. Maybe it's from the horror films that I watched from a young age or documentaries on them, sometimes I feel like ghosts do exist. but then on the other hand, I don't. Confused explanation.