Hey guys. I purchased writers market a while ago and I wanted to ask all of you a rather odd question. One of the things I found when looking for potential publishers was an icon which stood for "publishers who do not accept unsolicited manuscripts." What the heck does unsolicited manuscripts mean? Haha, sorry if its a dumb question...I just dont want to send my manuscript and find out later it was a simple waste of time. Thanks for the help guys!
An unsolicited manuscript is one you send them unasked for, ie: without them replying to a query letter or agent's inquiries saying they'd like to see what you have to offer.
Oky dok, sounds good, thank you. Out of curiosity, there is also a section which displays new listings, would this be in relation to new publishing companies that were not previously on the list?
yes... but i wouldn't rely only on writers market... i have other more reliable lists of publishers and agents in my collection 'pass-ons' that i'll be glad to send you if you want... you can find them fairly easily on your own, with a google search, too... love and hugs, maia maia3maia@hotmail.com