That moment... you realize your joke wasn't as funny as it was in your head. That moment... someone tells a joke about someone and you look around and you're the only one not laughing. It was probably about you.
That moment... Your friend tells a joke and you and all your other friends laugh, only you suddenly stop and say "Hey!" and everyone bursts laughing out some more.
That moment... you close your car door to keep the air conditioning from getting out as you get the mail only to realize you just locked your keys in the car with it running.
That moment when one is gleefully revealing a tidbit of gossip thinking it'll really hit the mark, only to have the recipient give a disparaging look, followed by the words: Sure, wasn't it me that told you? Oops. Clarity of Thought - 0 — Onset of Senility - 1
That moment... you step on the plane for your dream vacation only to realize you left your brand new expensive camera laying on your bed at home.
TMW you realize it takes a good three swipes of the mouse pad to get to the year you were born in any sort of application or sign-up page when you could have sworn it was only two swipes just the other day.
@Lewdog. Ohhh... been there.... done that, and let's not forget bringing the camera out with no SD card in it while we're at it. Closely followed by that moment when you get accosted by someone doing market research and you realise you are now placed firmly in the officially oldies category.
TMW you're doing your translation work like a good little boy and you read of a whopping (and I mean WHOPPING) sum of money that was used and then lost in the attempt to bring bad guys to justice. Lost. Gone. Buh-bye. Did I mention WHOPPING?
That moment when... You leak hundreds of thousands of classified documents and realize that the people who are supposed to care don't, and now every world power wants to taste your blood...
That moment where you thought you were being clever with another member in another forum, but forgot you were a mod of that forum, and thus made the whole mod team look bad. <--- This dumbass right here!
That moment when a Brazilian publisher says that, for every goal that the adversary will make in today match, they will give 10% off in all titles, for 48 hours. And the game was Brazil x Germany.
That moment when you realize that everyone in every TV commercial you ever see, except the ones for products like adult diapers, is younger than you are. Richer, too, in most cases.
That moment when you go and see a doctor and, by your own estimation, he/she looks as fresh-faced as a high-schooler, to the point where you wonder about their certification. (AKA: I've Got Zits Older Than You Syndrome.)
That moment when you examine the Billboard Top 40 albums list and realize you don't recognize a single artist on it, except for some band you still consider too new to be worthy of your attention, but who already has a Greatest Hits album out.
That moment when (this finally happened to me!) the President of the United States is actually younger than you are. (Obama is younger than me by only four days, but still...)
@minstrel... The charts one hasn't happened to me yet (for as long as the odd decent artist sells it's an unlikely prospect), but when I go out to clubs, I'm hard pressed to recognise a single track, never mind the artist. If ever there was a person not down with the kids, it's me.
That moment when you've been talking on handsfree while paying at the counter and in the process misplaced your wallet because you were focused on the phone call and then you go to do the rest of your shopping in the grocery store and at the cashier can't find your wallet and due to fierce rummaging you end up accidentally emptying the contents of your backpack on the floor, resulting in you looking like a shoplifter and a pro shopping queue blocker and the fucking wallet is still nowhere to be found (it's in the side pocket of your cargoes). Yup, the accursed "l'esprit de l'escalier."
That moment when you realize that the famous Youtube host you're watching isn't that much older than you.
That moment... you think you are alone and safe to let out a fart, then only a few seconds after being finished a hot guy/girl comes sits next to you.
I actually once woke William up from a dead sleep with a fart . And it wasn't because of the sound. It remains to this day a subject that causes "stop, stop, I can't breathe" laughter between us. Good times. Good times.