1. Earphone

    Earphone Active Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    The Book of Ellid (Discussion Thread)

    Discussion in 'Archive' started by Earphone, Jul 19, 2011.


    Ages ago, when the oldest trees were still seedlings; The god Ternus revealed the world's future to a man named Ellid. Ellid, terrified by the secrets shown him, immediately recorded Ternus' words into a tome, and begged people heed what it said, that they may be prepared for the hardships to come. They scoffed, and before long Ellid's name was ruined. He left his village, and built a monastery in the Dar Hills, where he placed his tome. The moment the book left his fingers, his life left him.

    Thousands of years passed, and the monastery was discovered by a group of monks. It had been buried by the hills surrounding it, and it took a full two year for the monks to excavate its remains. They found the tome, and promptly set to translating it.

    Soon after, a plague broke out across the land. A horrible sickness that caused those affected to go insane and attack their brothers. An entire race was driven extinct by the plague, and the rest are on the verge of destruction. Just when all hope seemed lost, a young monk by the name of Arliar raced into the palace of the kingdom of man, and beseeched the king to summon the other nations' leaders; for he had found a possible cure to the plague.

    He held in his hands the Book of Ellid, and said that it held a map to a second ancient monastery that held the cure to the plague. The king send out a missive to all nations asking their leaders to meet at his castle, and bring any willing to travel to find the monastery, also sending out a message to his people. It is these travelers who will alter the fate of the world.


    The Game

    This is a Third-Person narrative story. Your characters will start by entering the courtyards of the king's castle, to hear what the monk has to say about this monastery.

    You may choose your race from one of the following:


    Human - King: Elthidius - Capital: Broan

    Susceptibility to plague: High - the humans have been gravely affected by the plague, and most are in despair because of this.

    The kingdom of man is the largest in the land of Errilia, its borders spreading from the East lands, to the Dar Hills in the far North. They are proud, and strong. A rare few practice magic, though most frown upon the act out of fear and superstition.


    Elementi - Leader: Ieril and Zin - Capital: None (I'm only looking for one person to play as an Elementi, though I may make an exception if your ideas are good. Feel free to send me your ideas, and I'll select the one that best fits the story.

    Susceptibility to plague: Very low - The Elementi are the race least affected by the plague; however, they are all so powerful that a single infected can cause enough damage to be a concern to the entire race. They live throughout the land of Errilia, though the majority dwell in the West, in the forests.

    Elementi are humans that achieved "ascendance" through the use of magic. By becoming one with nature, they released themselves from their human needs. No Elementi looks the same, as each chooses their own appearance, and the element that most suits them. They are in full control of the element they choose; though, by taking on any element, they share its needs (such as sun for plants), and share any weaknesses that their chosen element possesses. They communicate through the use of a Familiar, which they are linked to mentally. The Familiars are spirits that are summoned by a human before they shed their body, and can be almost any shape imaginable; though most take the shape of an animal. Their lives are connected to the Elementi's until one dies, which causes the other to die. The Familiars are not affected by the plague.

    (Something to remember when creating your character and their Familiar: They are two separate personalities. They will not always agree on the same thing, and are hardly ever in harmony with one another.)


    Gnome - King: Grshnel - Capital: Hrond'il

    Susceptibility to plague: Very high - The Gnome population has fallen to a mere fraction of its former self. Their borders lie solely in the Hrond'il Hills, just South of the Dar Hills. They had much more land to the South, but the cities there have been abandoned due to the plague.

    The Gnomes are short -about knee height on a fully grown man- and slightly pear shaped. They have round animal-like faces, and have round furry ears. They dislike the daylight, and wear large caps to protect themselves from the sun. Most of their kingdom is underground, but there are still a few villages built out on the Hrond'il Hill's sides. They are capable of manipulating the earth, and use this ability to build their underground tunnels.


    Faun - Leader: Terel - Capital: Wild-Coast

    Susceptibility to plague: Medium - While not widely infected by the plague, the Fauns have still lost several thousand of their population. Their land is in the South-East, in an area they call the Flat-Land Prairies.

    The Fauns are a rather skittish race, and can be very mistrusting at times. Their lower halves are that of a goat's, and their torso that of a man's. They have a pair of goat ears, horns, and eyes, on an otherwise human face. They are capable of running at very high speeds, and have an increased metabolism. They are incapable of magic like the other races, but compromise with their speed.



    1. No controlling others' characters, unless given special permission.

    2. No invincibility.

    3. Only join if you intend to write. If you have to leave, or if you fail to write, I will either infect your character, or turn it into an NPC.

    4. Communicate with one another. If you're going to do something unexpected, PM me first.

    5. Don't spam with posts, or make them too long. (I had a problem with overtly long posts in my last RPG which didn't go so well. I plan not to make that error again.) Roughly 100-500 words will do per post.

    6. Please stay up to date with posts, and read the discussion thread.

    7. My word is law.


    Your Character

    Prior to posting a character, PM me your idea first.

    Here's the template.





    Short Bio:


    Miscellaneous info: [Likes/dislikes would be a good thing to mention here.]


    Happy writing.
  2. Forgotten_Memories

    Forgotten_Memories Active Member

    Oct 5, 2009
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    London, UK
    This sounds cool. I will make a character! :)

    Have you had any PMs yet?
  3. Vamp_fan22

    Vamp_fan22 New Member

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Sweet. I am so down. I will also make a character.
  4. Earphone

    Earphone Active Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Brandogg PMed me a character, and he has clearance to post it. Please PM me your ideas too.

    I'm really excited for this. :D
  5. Brandogg12

    Brandogg12 Member

    May 22, 2011
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    I hope Fall of Terrafel stays strong too!

    I am excited for this!
  6. Brandogg12

    Brandogg12 Member

    May 22, 2011
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    Name: Cadence Perry
    Race: Human
    Age: 29
    Sex: Male

    Appearance: Cadence could be considered handsome, though he is on the shorter side at a meager 5’7. He has long, cropped fair hair that often plasters to his forehead and large, oceanic eyes like two iridescent pearls. He has a swarthy complexion and reddened skin with a crooked nose from countless fistfights defending his honor or someone elses’. His jaw is powerful and defined, though his cheekbones are not annunciated. He has broad shoulders, a thick neck, and a wiry body composition otherwise.

    Aura: Teal

    Clothing/Equipment: Cadence wears a plate-mail cuirass on his torso, scaled breeches, and chain greaves. His helmet is often left off, but it is a fanciless, golden Y-shaped barbute. He also wears gloves, wrist guards, and a steel-winged mantle; each of which are standard issue to a royal protectorate.

    He has wields a long sword and rounded bulwark as well as a claymore. He has two knives sheathed in his pockets for emergencies and he wears a ruby pendant around his neck that his fiancé gave him when she moved to the capital city.

    Short Bio: Cadence was reared in the capital city of Broan from a noble line of explorers and seafarers and has lived there most of his life. As an adolescent he was an apprentice blacksmith until the last of his teen years. He then wished to follow in his father’s footsteps and explore distant lands; yet, this only made him realize how plagued the countries had become.

    He witnessed poverty, illness, doubt, and the death of his family during his travels and he then wished to do something about the lands that were plagued already, not discover more that were also affected. He retired his adventurer’s apparel, sold his family boat, and offered his services to the guard of the king and capital city. He was recognized quickly for his strategic brilliance and deftness with a sword and now lives closer to home than ever with his wife- working as a royal protectorate caring for the weak and plagued, all the while searching with an open mind for a cure.

    Personality: Cadence is trustworthy, loyal, and merciful. He never holds grudges and never lets himself get too close to those he knows, and treats everyone he can with the utmost respect until they give him a reason not to. He can always be counted on if he is given orders by those above him.

    He does have his downsides and fruitless habits however, such as taking untimely walks on his own and choosing to avoid social contact for extended periods of time. He tends to be awkward or oppressive at times; preaching dignity and decency to those who seem different from himself or indifferent altogether. He also has trouble talking of things that are not the weather, the plague, combat, or strategy. Only his wife to be Scarlet has managed to penetrate his barrier.

    Miscellaneous info: Cadence likes to be in control of situations and give orders to those who do not seem competent enough to act on their own. He enjoys doing things for himself instead of burdening others and sees himself as the most suitable man for a task. He dislikes men who are loud, rude, or bigots, and he dislikes women who are deceptive, sharp tongued, or lazy. He suffers from an alcohol problem that was picked up when he became an insomniac following his voyages.
  7. DustinTheWind

    DustinTheWind Active Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    You know, I think it's about time I got involved in an RPG here again. I'll PM you a character soon.
  8. Earphone

    Earphone Active Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    I thought I'd put my character up, so people who also want to play as Fauns would have a better idea of what I imagined.

    Name: Chan'i Short-Horn
    Race: Faun
    Age: 18
    Sex: Female

    Appearance: Chan'i is short, thin, reedy, and flat-chested; the complete opposite of what a female Faun should be. (Most are rather fat from their gluttonous life-style. Male Fauns seek the largest female for their mate, as their size is an indication of their skills at cooking.)

    Chan'i has short wavy golden-brown hair, that is usually in a tight ponytail at the back of her head. Her face is thin and angled, with a long nose, and freckled cheeks. Her eyes are a dull yellow, with the horizontal pupils of a goat. She has long droopy ears, and a minute pair of horns on the top of her brow.

    Aura: Yellow

    Clothing/Equipment: Chan'i wears a long sleeveless pink shirt, that ties in the front, and falls half-way down her hips. She wears a white cord belt at her waist, with a small bag of medicinal herbs, and seasonings for food. She has a pair of leather vambraces on her otherwise bare arms. She has a pack of clothes, blankets, and cooking supplies at her back. She has no weapons, but wields a long walking-stick.

    Short Bio: The last name of a Faun is less of a sirname, and more of a title. In this case, "Short-Horn" is an insult against Chan'i's figure. The name "Short-Horn" is also an insult against male Fauns, by suggesting that they are cowards.

    Chan'i has never fit in with the other female Fauns. She cannot cook a propper meal, she is not strong, and has not gotten a mate since reaching Faun adulthood (13). When the missive arrived from the human-realm, Chan'i decided to go to escape the ridicule from her kin. While Fauns typically don't let females go on dangerous tasks, they all view Chan'i as "bad seed", and are more than happy to let her venture out into the world.

    Personality: Most all Fauns are skittish, and get uncomfortable around outsiders. Chan'i's skittishness is so great that it debilitates all her interactions. She has great trouble mustering the courage to speak to someone, even one she knows. Despite her shyness, she is very loyal, and will follow a friend wherever they ask her to go.

    Miscellaneous info: Chan'i loves music above all else, and knows all the traditional Faun ballads by heart. She also has a great love of stews.

    As far as dislikes, she doesn't like large groups of people, or loud noises, particularly shouting.
  9. Vamp_fan22

    Vamp_fan22 New Member

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Name: Eli Vayne
    Race: human
    Age: 20
    Sex: male

    Appearance: Eli ihas long black hair which is always sticking up from his constantly playing with it. He has dark green eyes. He is tall and slightly muscular. He always wears dark clothes.

    Aura: bright red

    Clothing/Equipment: He does not wear nice clothes just a basic grey tunic, black trousers. He has a gold lion pendant that he wears at all times.

    Short Bio: Eli was born in a village in Broan to a poor family. Being the only child the Vanes had Eli was expected to hunt and provide for his family at a young age. Yet his parents worried for Eli as he seemed to have no interest in taking up a profession of his own. He did not want to be a blacksmith like his father and he was not a gifted hunter. One day while Eli was out wandering the forest aimlessly like he always did Eli's parents were stricken with the plague and proceeded to violently kill each other. Unsure of what else to do, Eli fled.

    Personality: Eli has been alone since he was sixteen years old so he does not easily trust people. He's a bit lazy and would rather sleep in the shade of the trees than do manual work. He is kind of dramatic and likes to tell stories of his 'tragic life' in order to earn the sympathy he craves. The sympathy he feels he deserves.
    Miscellaneous info: Eli is very resentful of the nobles and people who have wealth because he was born with nothing.

    While Eli is prone to lie often he hates being lied to.

    He's very image conscious and while his clothes are dirty and tattered he still tries to make himself presentable at all times.
  10. Earphone

    Earphone Active Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Hey all, I'd like to get this thing up and running. (Possibly by Monday.) If interested, please PM me, I'd like to get this started.
  11. Forgotten_Memories

    Forgotten_Memories Active Member

    Oct 5, 2009
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    London, UK
    Earphone! Did you get my PM last night?
  12. Earphone

    Earphone Active Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    No I didn't.
  13. Mr Mr

    Mr Mr Active Member

    May 28, 2011
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    London, UK
    Sounds fun do we PM char ideas before posting?
  14. DustinTheWind

    DustinTheWind Active Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    Okay, the character concept I had in mind isn't working out. I'll PM you when I work something out, but don't wait on me.
  15. suddenly BANSHEES

    suddenly BANSHEES Senior Member

    Apr 27, 2011
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    the wasteland, baby!
    Quick question: would it be possible to double as two characters?
  16. Earphone

    Earphone Active Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    If you think you could handle it. You'd have to regularly post as both. Please PM me, and tell me what you had in mind.
  17. Earphone

    Earphone Active Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Also, is anyone interested in playing as a gnome? I've been getting a lot of human/Elementi sheets. If not, that's totally fine, I can make one too.
  18. Weoriel

    Weoriel New Member

    Jul 25, 2011
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    Would I be able to join this?
  19. Earphone

    Earphone Active Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    PM me your character please.
  20. Earphone

    Earphone Active Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Just a heads up: I'm gonna make a secondary Gnome character to give anyone wanting to be one a better idea of what I imagined. I'll try to add some stuff about their culture as well. It should be up either tonight or tomorrow. I'm going to wait to start this until the people in the process of creating characters finish.
  21. Earphone

    Earphone Active Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Name: Qarkar Tic
    Race: Gnome
    Age: 30 Gnome years (15 human)
    Sex: Male

    Appearance: Qarkar has a round, brown, furry protruding face, with a flat red nose. The fur on his face has two black streaks for eyebrows, over a pair of tiny black beady eyes. He also has some overgrown blackish fur around his face, forming a kind of beard. On the top of his head is a large mop of brown fur for hair, and large round ears.

    He is average in height for a Gnome, approximately 2 feet tall. His arms are short and stubby, though muscular, and his legs similar. He is quite fat for a Gnome, and his girth hangs over his waist.

    Aura: Brown

    Clothing/Equipment: He wears a large red cap, with a rounded top, as all Gnomes do above ground. He sports a blue tunic, the buttons of which are always strained by his belly. On his hands he wears a thick pair of moleskin gloves. He also wears a pair of moleskin pants, with a custom made belt to fit his size, with a ruby fixed to the buckle.

    He carries a large pack upon his shoulders full of mostly non-perishable foods. Strapped to his pack is a shovel, which he considers a suitable weapon.

    Short Bio: Qarkar is an excavator, and digs the extensive maze-like tunnels through the Hrond'il hills for his people. While he is capable of controling the earth, he prefers to get "down and dirty", and uses his shovel to dig. The result being that he is one of the strongest among his people. (Most use their powers to avoid doing things themselves.)

    Qarkar was disturbed by the effect the plague had on his people, and was the first to volunteer to go when the missive came. He is engaged at home to the lovely Kikchi, and will wax eloquent about her to any who will listen.

    Personality: Qarkar is jolly, and will laugh at the poorest joke, if only for the sake of laughing. Dispite his happy exterior, he is quick to temper, and is a blatant competitor. He will turn any activity into a game, and has every intention of winning.

    Miscellaneous info: Along with his love of food, he also enjoys such activities as mole hunting (an immensely popular Gnome activity), and fishing in the underground lakes.
  22. losthawken

    losthawken Author J. Aurel Guay Role Play Moderator Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    FM suggested I join this game, is it still open? I'll be reading up some more on what's been posted today. Has the elementi role been filled?...
  23. Forgotten_Memories

    Forgotten_Memories Active Member

    Oct 5, 2009
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    London, UK
    I'm trying to make an Elementi, but having a bit of trouble coming up with an appearance. If you've got an idea, go ahead with it though, I've got an idea for another character as well!

    Edit: Take the elementi spot Hawken!
  24. Earphone

    Earphone Active Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Depressing Jester is going to be an Elementi, but I will take two. If everyone else would make something different that'd be great.
  25. DustinTheWind

    DustinTheWind Active Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    Hey, has that second Gnome character of yours already been claimed, Earphone? Could I play that one?

    Also, exactly what is an Aura in this game, and how is it determined?

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