1. EFMingo

    EFMingo A Modern Dinosaur Supporter Contributor

    Nov 10, 2014
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    San Diego, California

    The Companionway

    Discussion in 'Role Play' started by EFMingo, Mar 19, 2021.


    Step upon our passageways tenderly
    Lest you wake our home unintentionally

    The Companionway, a quiet Midwest inn, peers over the silent ebb and flow of the Bilnook River off an empty highway on the outskirts of the quiet town Trinity Fields. Her days gleam with the façade of historic beauty; stone and brick laid to stand the test of displaced time as a foundation of the old country. But inside, wallpapered over repeatedly, are the stains of a past marred by the inherent horrors of a place which so many bodies have since passed through.

    By many hands, this inn has been discharged, laying now in hands of another. Thom Hildebrand seeks fortune under its solid grasp but will likely find something else. As for his guests, well, be whatever reason they have come to seek in its dim passages, rest isn’t something they’ll likely find in the winding pillars of a building so illogically designed. The Companionway has little interest in losing its guests until it is sufficiently satisfied that they have first found themselves.

    And if they don’t, she’ll find something else for them.

    As a Roleplaying Game

    This play-by-post psychological horror roleplay is set entirely within the deceptively extensive grounds of The Companionway Inn. The goal is, naturally, to survive with some semblance of your character's sanity intact. It is an evolving plot that is very dependent on the characters backgrounds and their general mental states, but does have an end-goal for the story to move forward to along with the characters. Whether you choose to persevere against or succumb to pressure, I leave up to you.


    1). No god-modding: This sucks the absolute life out of any RPG. Your players are humans and humans alone. Since God-modding isn’t much of a problem in purely human RPGs, I would note that the Mary/Gary-Sue’s are fairly boring as well. To add, do not speak/act for another character. Stick to yours and yours alone.

    2). Be active: People have busy lives. I would certainly know, being a full-time school/work/mod… However! I do expect some sort of commitment from those who wish to join. Daily posts are always ideal, however, no more than a week without posting will be permissible. This is to keep the RPG on its feet. If something will be taking you out of action for a bit, please just let me know. I don’t need details, but if you will be gone longer than a week I will need a heads up so that I may continue the story while keeping your character in mind. I’ll come up with something to keep them occupied in isolation for the time being.

    3). Be respectful: Don’t be an asshat. I mean, there’s a certain amount of character interaction that is certainly allowed to be that way, but please. Just use the golden rule when actually interacting with others.

    4). Quality/quantity: I love detail. I love length. I do ask for a minimum of 2 paragraphs per post. No one-liners. No chat speak. Full, complete sentences with mostly decent grammar. I won’t go crazy with that of course, but please try to practice actual writing. That’s what we are all here for.

    5). No erotica/detailed sex scenes: This can certainly occur between characters, but please, keep it in the PMs. This section isn’t screened under the same age wall that the erotica section is so we simply aren’t allowed to have that stuff in here.

    6). Enjoy it!: This isn’t meant to feel like work or an assignment. This is purely for the love of writing, so please don’t stress out and have fun with it! If you are struggling in any way with a writer’s block or staying active…let me know! I’m no expert, but I would be happy to hear you out and help in any way I can. I can provide ideas and suggestions which you can choose to take or not, no offense will be taken.

    Character Sheets


    Age: (18+ generally. You can have multiple characters if they are a group unit, but try to narrow it down farther. And no children. This is a horror story and it makes the limitations a bit more strict.)




    Background: (This is especially useful in the formulation of the plot and how the house reacts to each of your characters. Give it some detail!)

    Luggage: (Did you back interesting items? You never know what could be useful. Pack logical things though based on your character and their purpose at the Inn.)

    Make sure to post character sheets in the OOC thread: https://www.writingforums.org/threads/the-companionway-ooc.169252/

    After a few players have joined, I'll make an initial post to this thread and open the gates of The Companionway for our distinguished guests!
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2021
    Vanna Heller and Bone2pick like this.

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